Loss of appetite

October 20, 2011

Healing Gastritis

Having frequent stomach pain? Wondering if there is anything you can do about it? If your stomach pain is caused by gastritis, you have several options for treatment and healing.

Gastritis is any inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It can be brief and passing, which is referred to as “acute gastritis,” or long-lasting, or “chronic gastritis.”

Gastritis can occur for a variety of reasons. The method of treatment and healing used will vary depending on the cause of the gastritis. Some possible causes of gastritis include:

  • Excess consumption of alcohol
  • Medications such as ibuprofen, which are known to cause irritation to the stomach lining
  • Ulcers caused by the bacteria H. pylori

Gastritis is an uncomfortable condition. You might suspect gastritis if you are having any of the following symptoms:

  • Stomach or abdominal pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Indigestion

Severe gastritis may involve bleeding of the stomach lining. This is signified by black-colored stools or vomit that looks like coffee grounds. Do not attempt to treat this on your own. See a doctor immediately if you are having these symptoms.

Treating Gastritis

If a medication is causing your gastritis, you might make the decision to stop taking the medication. If the medication was prescribed to treat or prevent a certain condition, you will need to discuss this with your doctor first. For example, aspirin can cause irritation to the stomach lining, but it may be necessary to take a daily aspirin to maintain heart health or prevent stroke. Ibuprofen may be preventing inflammation in another part of the body from getting out of control. Talk to your doctor to find out if it’s okay to stop these or if they have another alternative that is easier on your stomach.

Sometimes gastritis is caused by an excess of stomach acid. Taking an over-the-counter antacid may be helpful to reduce the discomfort and even allow the gastritis to heal. Antacids like Tums or Rolaids may be helpful, or try H-2 antagonists such as Pepcid, Zantac or Tagamet. If these are not effective, you can try a proton-pump inhibitor like Prevacid or Prilosec. If you are taking other medications, especially those that thin the blood, talk to your doctor before you add one of these to your routine.

Natural Treatments for Gastritis

Some remedies to treat and heal gastritis that don’t involve medication might work for you. Try some of the following:

  • Drink plenty of water to help dilute the stomach acid.
  • Try taking 400 units of Vitamin E to help soothe the stomach and allow the lining to heal.
  • Some people have reported relief from gastritis with deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or DGL. This can be found in the natural section of your grocery store or at a natural supplements store.
  • Ginger is one of the best and most effective treatments for stomach pain or upset. It can be taken as a capsule, or try drinking natural ginger ale made with real ginger. It can be found in natural food sections and is usually packaged in green bottles.

Find out more about healing gastritis by visiting Reflux Remedy at refluxremedy.com today!

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