natural ph

November 9, 2010

pH Number of Stomach Acid

You may already understand pH, but let me quickly explain what pH level is for the sake of clarity.

The pH scale simply measures acid and alkalinity. The pH scale starts at the most acidic level of 0 and goes up to the most alkaline pH level of 14.

This makes the midpoint of pH 7 neutral.

Your electrolytes in your tissue are negatively charged mineral ions that create more electrons from the water you drink. These electrons control the perfect pH level to sustain life . . . ?at 7.4 pH.

If you have a disease your pH level will reflect this by showing an acidic pH below pH 7, the neutral mark.

The only place in your body that should normally have an acidic pH reading is in your stomach.

Every other organ, your bones and your blood must stay very close to pH 7.4.

Naturally stomach acid has a pH of about 2 and is made of about 0.5% of hydrochloric acid (HCL), large amounts of potassium chloride (KCL) and sodium chloride (NaCL).

If your stomach acid gets neutralized by antacids, you’ll experience acid indigestion, just the opposite of what you were told from the TUMS manufacturers.

It may surprise you that for more than a decade Swedish scientists have known that antacids cause more harm than good. Frankly, we’re finding out many pharmaceutical products are just profitable gimmicks at least and outright poisons at worst.

You see, more often than not acid reflux, heartburn and even gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD) disease are symptoms of a lack of sufficient stomach acid due to a very common electrolyte deficiency.

When I mention electrolytes, you probably think of Gaterade, right? That proves the power of corporate advertising right there. Gatorade is one of the lamest sources of electrolytes and isn’t any better than table sugar and salt, in fact personally I won’t touch the stuff.

Processed sugar dissolves your bones and refined salts build up in your kidneys. A better source would be what I call a smart person’s Gaterade:

  • 1/2 teaspoon of RAW honey or cane sugar
  • 1-2 teaspoons Celtic Sea Salt
  • 2 liters of distilled water.

You can also use Agave nectar for a low glycemic load and coral calcium tea bags for the ocean minerals.

The point of the matter is you need a good source of charged ocean minerals and water; the sugar isn’t nearly as important, in fact I replace the sugar with lemon juice myself. Be sure you never drink alkalized (electrolyte) water with your meals. The minerals are alkaline, which means they can neutralize your stomach acid. So drink your two liters of ocean minerals between meals or at least an hour before you eat a large meal.

A balanced pH level means your body is properly energized and that your “terrain” or body tissues are supporting a strong immune system.

Viruses, harmful microbes and even cancer cells can NOT survive in an alkaline pH environment. On the other hand an acid pH environment is perfect for disease and foreign invaders to thrive in because it lacks stabile oxygen, is high in metabolic wastes and lacks antioxidant ocean minerals.

Bottom line, you need alkaline pH, life supporting ocean minerals, flowing through your tissues and organs in order to create a proper acid pH for your stomach acid. If your tissue had an acid pH and your stomach contents had an alkaline pH you wouldn’t even be alive very long, if at all.

pH balance is the secret of longevity and wellness!

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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