December 29, 2010
Where Does Hiatal Hernia Pain Occur
A hernia happens when any internal organ pushes into an area that it doesn’t belong. A Hiatal Hernia occurs when a portion of the stomach gets forced through an opening in the diaphragm (the hiatus). To answer the question, where does Hiatal Hernia pain occur, it stays centralized to the chest and stomach areas and can take a few forms.
Heartburn is a common symptom of a Hiatal Hernia. Its pain generally starts in the upper chest area and radiates through the neck. Heartburn produces a burning sensation unlike any other pain. It’s caused when acid in the stomach irritates the esophagus, which can easily happen if part of the stomach is above the diaphragm and already encroaching on the esophagus’s space. People who have a Hiatal Hernia tend to suffer from heartburn pain often (more than twice a week), and the pain is severe. It’s often worse when the sufferer lies down, or goes to bed, as gravity is no longer their ally and acid can move freely between the stomach and esophagus. Heartburn that results from a Hiatal Hernia is often not settled by taking antacids or other heartburn remedies.
Chest Pain
Chest pain can also accompany a Hiatal Hernia. This pain is different from heartburn pain, in that it’s more typical pain. Stomach and chest spasms caused by the displacement of the stomach can worsen this pain. Chest pain due to a Hiatal Hernia is often mistaken for a heart attack, and vice versa. However, Hiatal Hernia pain shouldn’t be associated with shortness of breath. If you’re experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath, or any other additional symptoms seek medical attention immediately, as you may be having a heart attack.
Strangulated Hiatal Hernia
A strangulated Hiatal Hernia happens when the blood supply is cut off to the herniated portion of the stomach. This results in extreme pain and illness. While this condition is pretty rare, it is a medical emergency, and should be dealt with promptly.
GERD and Hiatal Hernia pain
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Hiatal Hernias often go hand in hand, although it’s difficult to say which comes first. GERD is the result of a weakened lower esophageal sphincter, which is supposed to only allow food into the stomach and keep acids out of the esophagus. However, when it becomes damaged or weakened, foods and stomach acids have free reign over the digestive system and can often irritate the esophagus. Additionally, a Hiatal Hernia is thought to weaken the lower esophageal sphincter which leads to GERD.
Manage your Hiatal Hernia pain
If you suffer from a Hiatal Hernia, there are a few things you can do to help with the pain. Avoid spicy foods, or other foods that are difficult to digest like fatty and fried foods. Eat smaller meals more often, and chew your food completely to avoid bombarding your stomach with difficult to digest substances. Also, stop eating at least 2 hours before bed, to help keep food and stomach acids where they belong when you lie down.
Hopefully this information has answered your question, where does Hiatal Hernia pain occur, but if it didn’t and you want more information, visit today. There you can find additional information as well as treatment options and tips for avoiding Hiatal Hernias in the future.
Filed under Hiatal Hernia by admin