acid buildup

December 9, 2010

How to Get Rid of Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn can frequently plague a pregnant mother. This can be extremely frustrating because she can?t reach for an antacid the way a normal person can, as the drugs may harm the fetus. But, she doesn?t need to suffer in silence. If you?re wondering how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy, there are a number of natural techniques you can try.


First of all, since heartburn tends to pop up a lot during a pregnancy you may want to focus on stopping it before it starts. Try these simple lifestyle changes to keep heartburn at bay.

1. Don?t eat right before bed. Pregnancy cravings can be pretty intense, but if you don?t want to feel the burn later, resist the urge to indulge in that midnight snack. You see, food needs time to pass through your digestive system, and gravity helps that process along. If you lay down right after you eat something food doesn?t have a chance to get where it needs to go. Without gravity to help you out, acid that?s meant to help break down your food can pass freely into your esophagus, which causes heartburn pain.

2. Don?t eat such large quantities. When you?re eating for two it can be hard to satiate your hunger, but try eating less food more often in an attempt to avoid overloading your stomach. Putting too much food in your stomach all at once can result in pressure and acid buildup, which results in acid reflux

3. De-stress. With all the preparations for the new baby to be done, it can be hard to relax, but stress can be detrimental to your body in a number of ways, including signaling the overproduction of stomach acid. So, try to relax a little in order to avoid the onset of heartburn later.


If you miss the opportunities to prevent heartburn, or you tried them and it came on anyway, try these things to help alleviate heartburn pain during pregnancy.

? Drink a tall glass of water. Water is good for your body in all kinds of ways, including helping dilute toxins and flush unwanted stomach acids through the digestive tract.

? Papaya enzymes help break down food naturally. Eating a papaya or chewing a papaya tablet can help you digest your food more easily.

? Ginger can also help settle your stomach. Ginger has been used for centuries to help indigestion and many other stomach problems. It?s also very effective with heartburn. You can either put it in tea, or eat it in candied form. Either way it?s equally helpful at pouring water on your heartburn flames.

? Eating an apple may also help relieve heartburn pain.

? Almonds have also been shown to help relieve acid reflux. Eat a handful, making sure to chew them thoroughly, during an attack of heartburn pain to feel relief.

These are only a few of the natural remedies for heartburn that can be found in The Reflux Remedy Report. So, stop wondering how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy and head over to now to learn more!

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October 14, 2010

Heartburn Natural Treatment

There are many people who suffer from heartburn – a painful, burning sensation that radiates from the upper chest and can make it all the way to the throat. While there are several medicinal options to treat the problem there are also a number of simple and natural ways to eliminate heartburn.

  1. A glass of water helps dilute the contents of the stomach and push them through. This eliminates the opportunity for pressure to build and extra acid to be produced.
  2. Ginger has long since been a treatment for stomach problems. Heartburn is no exception. It can be found in pills, candied or tea. All three forms help to prevent and alleviate heartburn.
  3. Slippery Elm, once a popular remedy for sore throats, is now being shown to help heartburn sufferers. Though it’s not been proven to be scientifically beneficial, and has not been tested in pregnant women, it may help coat the esophagus.
  4. Chewing gum promotes saliva production, which acts as water to dilute and flush out the stomach contents.
  5. An amino acid called glutamine can also help. It disposes of damaged cells in the esophagus and promotes healing.
  6. The oils found in a handful of almonds may relieve reflux in some sufferers.
  7. Aloe Vera juice – not to be confused with aloe vera gel found in some household plants – can help prevent heartburn when consumed before meals. It’s important to distinguish between juice and gel, as the gel acts as a laxative when consumed. Be sure to use caution and find aloe vera juice that is labeled for consumption.
  8. An enzyme that aids in digestion and helps prevent pressure and acid build up can be found in papaya.
  9. Apples have been said to help soothe heartburn and some people even found relief after just a few slices.
  10. Drinking a glass of milk may help, but don’t drink too much. Milk will help absorb acids, but it also has fats that can cause acid buildup.
  11. Try to avoid heartburn triggers. Common ones include garlic, onion, caffeine, alcohol, and citrus. Watch what you eat to find your specific triggers.
  12. Don’t eat right before bed. Gravity keeps stomach acids down and lying down allows them to creep into the esophagus.
  13. Eat less more often. Eating fewer, larger meals has been shown to put pressure on the stomach and result in excess acid production.
  14. Don’t smoke. Smoking has been proven to cause heartburn.
  15. Take steps to reduce stress. Something as simple as deep breathing or counting to 10 can help prevent the onset of heartburn.
  16. Sleeping with a few pillows under your head helps keep your esophagus elevated and stomach acids where they belong.
  17. Losing a few pounds may help relieve the pressure on the chest and stomach extra weight can add.

For more information on natural and holistic treatment ideas for heartburn, please see our Reflux Remedy Report.

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