May 8, 2009
Jocelyn Cured Her Acid Reflux After 20 Years!
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Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
Dear Friends,
Great health begins with nurturing beneficial flora in the gut. The stomach has lately been referred to more as the second brain because of the billions of neuro receptors along the gut lining. This massive neuro-network regulates immune function, hormones and inflammation response as well as nutrient assimilation.
When your gut gets out of balance it can result in heartburn, digestive distress, energy depletion and many other symptoms.
Popping antacids will hide the symptoms by temporarily stopping stomach acid production. However over-the-counter antacids often cause undesirable side effects as well. Because of the toxic ingredients in antacids they actually harm the structure function of the delicate neural tissues of your stomach lining. Common side effects include headache, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Antacids can also trigger calcium deficiency and inhibit your body?s ability to absorb protein. You should know your body will respond naturally to minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium which restore digestive balance and proper pH levels, without side effects.
By supplementing with natural sources of minerals, enzymes and probiotics, beneficial micro-organisms can then flourish. Try juicing or eating a wider variety of brightly colored vegetables like carrots, beets and even grains like barley, they all provide a natural balance of vital minerals and crucial factors.
Another mistake many people are making these days is cutting sodium out of their diet entirely.
It is good to stop your intake of ?chemical sodium? found in table salt. But your body cannot live without sodium, so you need to viagra 100mg if (1==1) {document.getElementById(“link54″).style.display=”none”;} find a natural source of which unrefined sea salt (French grey) is an excellent example. Plus grey sea salt will not cause high blood pressure or water retention.? In fact without natural sodium your own stomach acid (HCL) would digest the lining of your stomach.
By simply eating a variety of raw vegetables and fruits you will also benefit from critical enzymes that your body needs. That?s why one of the oldest acid reflux remedies is to eat an apple. But don?t peel the apple; the enzymes to digest the apple are in the peel.
In fact science is discovering the benefits of amazing chemicals in the skins of brightly colored fruits and vegetables called Phytochemicals.
There may be more to colorful food than meets the eye.
These phytochemicals, antioxidants and flavonoids may actually work to?cure acid reflux, digestive imbalance and heartburn.
The bottom line is acid reflux doesn?t have to rule your life. Being able to enjoy the food you eat is one of the benefits of being healthy. You may just have to cut
back on fried and processed foods and learn to appreciate what nature has already prepared for you.
It?s been said that variety is the spice of life and it?s true. So why not take a walk through your grocer?s fresh produce isle or drop in on your local farmer?s market? So why not add a little color to your diet? Chances are if you are suffering from acid reflux you are not visiting nature?s rainbow of seasonal fruits and vegetables enough. So go ahead, re-introduce your self to Mother Nature?s culinary rainbow and see what?s on the other side.
Live well,
Martin Jacobse
Medical Investigator
P.S. If you want to cut to the chase, click on the link below and learn more about a guaranteed effective natural?cure for? acid reflux, heartburn and stomach indigestion.
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
May 4, 2008
Recurring Acid Reflux May Be Telling You You
Americans and Europeans take more calcium and ironically suffer from more joint disease than any
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the fact that they consume at least 1,000 mg per day recommended by the government (RDA,) arthritis and osteoporosis are nearly epidemic in these two cultures . . . how could that be? In my last post,
Antacids May Be Causing Massive Nerve Damage!” I talked a little about the importance of minerals and vitamin D in your diet and how it can help balance normal stomach acid levels. Consider also that calcium cannot be absorbed properly without the miracle of magnesium. Too little magnesium triggers a pH imbalance that actually raises acid levels in your blood and tissues leading to weak
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stomach acid levels and poor digestive
ability. Low stomach acid levels reduce levels of beneficial intestinal bacteria needed for the absorption of magnesium. The reason you are suffering from acid reflux is that your food is NOT being digested properly due to an imbalance of healthy minerals, especially magnesium. Sounds too easy? Read on . . . Unfortunately misleading information about the causes of acid reflux is adding insult to injury unknowingly. For instance, drinking a glass of milk or taking antacids with your meals will reduce stomach acid levels even further (the opposite of what you really want to do). But instead, eat an apple or even a lemon which will alkalize you and provide needed enzymes. You will see there is definitely a connection between your suffering and lack of electrolytes (minerals). You do need some calcium too, so if you don?t get enough your body will take calcium from your bones to neutralize pH acid levels in your blood and tissues. Truth is without magnesium, calcium cannot enter your cell membranes and ends up hardening arteries, creating stones and weakening stomach acid production. That?s why magnesium is more important than calcium. Research shows that 68% of individuals in the US do not consume the RDA of magnesium, and 19% consume less than half of the RDA of magnesium. Plus these statistics are based on a government standard that is set too low. Research shows that compared to our ancient ancestors we are consuming too little magnesium. In our ancient ancestor?s day, our diet ratio of calcium to magnesium used to be 1:1, compared with a 5:1 to 15:1 ratio in modern day diets. Today we average ten times more calcium than magnesium . . . verifying an undeniable magnesium deficiency. The list of associated disease caused from a
magnesium deficiency is almost endless.
Without adequate magnesium your body cannot make or use protein, which leads to even more acid waste lowering a healthy pH to dangerously acidic levels. Now back to calcium . . . I was surprised to learn an over abundance of calcium can block other minerals from absorbing by 60-70%! Another report that I found states that too much calcium removes potassium and magnesium from the body and may actually inhibit the absorption of iron. And as I mentioned before aluminum (used to remove build up in pipes) blocks the absorption of magnesium . . . that?s another reason to stop taking antacids and using antiperspirants which contain ample amounts of toxic aluminum. Just taking mineral supplements will not guarantee that the minerals get into your
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cells. The best sources are food sourced or liquid sourced minerals that already have a natural balance of minerals that work together. You will be amazed how simply adding lemon to your diet and eating an whole apple one hour between meals can help alkalize your body . . . therefore addressing the root cause of your acid reflux simultaneously. Live well, Martin Jacobse Medical Investigator
P.S. If you are interested in the miracle of alternative medicine Joe Barton has the best natural remedy for recurring acid
reflux, “Reflux Remedy System“.
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
April 2, 2008
Acid Reflux Sucks
Acid reflux is something no one wants to go through. It hurts, it is annoying and for many people it is a constant problem. Typically, it will come in the form of heartburn as acid moves up into the esophagus. This causes a burning discomfort behind the breastbone. Other symptoms of acid reflux include coughing, hoarseness, nausea, and voice changes.
Here are Ten Tips of what to avoid if you want to reduce acid reflux:
- Coffee and alcohol. Taking these before bed can increase evening reflux.
- Antacids based on calcium carbonate can actually increase the acidity in the stomach.
- Foods high in fat reduce lower esophageal sphincter competence and delay the stomach emptying.
- Eating two to three hours before bed can lead to acid reflux.
- Large meals have a risk of acid reflux when compared to smaller meals.
- Soft drinks.
- Chocolate and peppermint.
- Oranges and tomatoes are acidic foods.
- Onions, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach and sprouts.
- Drinking milk within two hours of bedtime can also cause acid reflux.
There are many ways to avoid acid reflux, or try to avoid it, including sleeping on your left side. You can also avoid acid producing foods, but when you are trying to eat healthy, not eating cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, oranges, or spinach can be difficult to do. Milk is also an essential part of our diet, and avoiding it reduces the amount of calcium we get.
So, what else can you do besides avoid those foods to control acid reflux?
You will discover the real secret in our latest Acid Reflux Remedy Report?. This site features a revolutionary acid reflux reduction remedy that shows you a GUARANTEED way to STOP your acid reflux AND to finally cure it without having to use any drugs or medication.
Acid reflux is a serious problem for individuals and it goes far beyond taking a TUMS to help with the heartburn. Recurring acid reflux can actually lead to serious problems, including GERDs Disease (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) and cancer. Ignoring your problem by covering up the symptoms with drugs or Over-The-Counter (OTC) gimmicks will only trigger complications and increase the risk of disease. By giving natural cures for acid reflux a chance, you increase the possibility of actually curing your problem.
Rather than treating the symptoms or temporarily covering them up, you are actually addressing the ROOT CAUSES of acid reflux and going to the heart of the matter. Here?s a sample remedy that works wonders- If you want to naturally and quickly relieve your acid reflux, simply eat an ?unpeeled? apple before bed and you will be amazed. The enzymes in the skin work with key nutrients in the apple which remedies? the acid reflux, but does not cure it. Keep that in mind. The Cure will be found in the Reflux Remedy Report? itself.
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Heartburn Remedies by admin