Acid Reflux Symptoms

April 6, 2011

Severe Acid Reflux Symptoms

Acid reflux disease is a disease that plagues thousands and thousands of people. The tricky thing about this disease is that it doesn’t simply manifest in one way for everybody, the symptoms of this disease, much like the cause of this disease, can vary from person to person. Finding what the cause is for you is the first step in knowing what needs to be done in order to cure the disease. Your cure may differ from another’s cure so it is of great importance that you pay careful attention to your body and its reactors.

Severe acid reflux is usually what develops when mild or moderate acid reflux is left unintended for an extended period of time. The key is to mend your acid reflux earlier on to avoid possible complications with the disease.

Acid reflux is a condition primarily affecting the stomach and the esophagus. What happens with acid reflux is that the acids in the stomach that are used for breaking down and digesting foods leak into the esophagus causing a pain and discomfort that is commonly known as heartburn. There is a circular muscle located at the bottom of the esophagus and the top of the stomach known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES closes immediately after food passes through the esophagus to the stomach serving as a barrier. If the LES neglects to close or if it opens too often acid from the stomach may reach the esophagus. If this is a rare occurrence, you likely have nothing to worry about. If this happens 2 or more times a week, you are likely suffering from severe acid reflux.

If you are suffering from severe acid reflux, you must immediately address and rid the problem. If severe acid reflux lingers, the affects may cause several other health problems including esophagitis, which can cause ulcers or bleeding in the esophagus, strictures, which causes scar tissue and a narrowing of the esophagus, Barret’s esophagus, which are esophagus cell abnormalities, and other life threatening conditions.

Symptoms for severe acid reflux are much like symptoms for mild or moderate acid reflux except that they occur far more frequently. Symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • Heartburn: Severe heartburn is one of the most common severe acid reflux symptoms. Heartburn occurs when the cell walls of the esophagus are met by the acids from the stomach. This causes a burning sensation in the esophagus that can also be felt in the chest, lower abdomen, and in some cases the back.
  • Regurgitation: Regurgitation occurs when stomach acids and undigested portions of recently ingested food are vomited up from the stomach, through the esophagus, exiting the mouth. Regurgitation has been known to block air passages resulting in asthma-like symptoms.
  • Difficulty swallowing: This is also known as dysphagia. In this instance the esophageal lining becomes inflamed due to constant stomach acid exposure. This can make it difficult to swallow as it creates the impression that the throat is blocked.

These are just a few symptoms of severe acid reflux. For more symptoms and cures please feel free to visit today.

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April 1, 2011

Acid Reflux Symptoms And Treatment

There is little more satisfying than a good meal. A great meal not only enhances your day but can work wonders on your livelihood. What happens when after consumption of a great meal your body proceeds to burn internally and seemingly malfunctions? You suffer from acid reflux. Acid reflux does a great job at turning a perfectly pleasant dining experience into a disaster. Here’s what you do: continue to eat great food, just find the foods that work best for your body. It’s truly that simple.

Many people who suffer from acid reflux disease are unaware that the foods they consume daily and other eating habits directly affect their acid reflux. Though acid reflux manifests in many individuals differently causing different symptoms thus requiring different method of treatment, there is a blanket of symptoms that are most commonly found in acid reflux sufferers. These symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Heartburn: Heartburn is one of the most common acid reflux symptoms. Heartburn usually occurs when your lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is located at the lower region of your esophagus and the top of your stomach, neglects to close immediately after food passes through allowing the stomach acids to leak up into the esophagus meeting the esophagus cell walls causing a burning sensation that is most often experienced in the chest, throat and abdomen.
  • Regurgitation: Regurgitation is when undigested foods and stomach acids are brought up from the stomach through the esophagus into the mouth. This symptom is usually accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth and has also been known to block the air passage resulting in asthma like symptoms.
  • Difficulty Swallowing: Difficulty swallowing is generally a result of dysphagia which is a narrowing of the esophagus. When the esophagus narrows there is a difficulty eating and drinking as it seems foods and liquids get stuck in the esophagus when attempting to travel to the stomach.

Other symptoms that are less common include nausea, burping, bloating, coughing, chronic sore throat and unmerited weight loss.

Treatment for acid reflux varies but usually relies on preventative care.

  • Drink water before, during and after meals. Drinking water works wonders as it aids in digestion and stabilizes the acids in the stomach. Drinking water is a great substitution for drinking caffeinated, carbonated and alcoholic beverages which should be eliminated from your diet.
  • Eat smaller portions throughout the day and eat at least two hours before bedtime. Smaller meals work better for the digestive system as stomach acids tend to break down smaller meals more effectively. Try to avoid lying down immediately after eating so that your food may properly digest.
  • If you are a smoker, now would be a great time to quit.
  • If you are overweight, switching your diet and exercising proves to work wonders for acid reflux as well as weight loss.
  • Keep a log of foods that after eating tend to cause acid reflux. Eliminate those foods from your diet.

For more tips on acid reflux treatment and more information on symptoms visit today!

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March 21, 2011

Reflux Symptoms

Your acid reflux symptoms are the result of an elaborate communication-response system that involves more than 60,000,000,000 cells.

What you might not know is if you suffer from acid reflux symptoms that you may actually be suffering from a lack of stomach acid rather than an over production.

I know the symptoms of reflux definitely feel like you’re making too much stomach acid, but in reality it may be your system trying too hard to digest all the food-stuff in your gut.

Acid reflux is generally a dis-ease caused from undernutrition. It shouldn’t surprise you that most the food available to you isn’t exactly chocked full of living nutrition. Most food-stuff available for consumption would be more accurately described as being nothing more than tasty chemicals.

The processed food industry has to make up for the lack of proper nutrients by jacking up flavor with refined salt, sugar and flavor enhancers.

The truth will shock you.

Reflux symptoms are simply the fire alarm going off inside your cells telling you everything is out of balance.

Like your car, most people know enough not to wait for the warning signals on the dash to come on before they change their oil. However, many people do that with their body and instead of addressing the real reason for the warning signal, or acid reflux symptom . . . they just add some antacid formula as if it was motor honey.

Well motor honey might get you to the next service station but running your car on low oil and only treating the symptoms will reduce the life of your car’s engine.

Warning: treating symptoms of acid reflux doesn’t cure the original underlying issue and more often than not will make the reflux symptoms worse.

Acid rebound is a dis-ease caused from taking too many antacids to cover symptoms of reflux, rather than eliminating the problem in the first place.

If you had a leak in your roof would you just keep placing buckets under the leak while it rains? That may work the first time, but you’ll end up needing a bigger bucket every time it rains . . . that’s what treating reflux symptoms does, puts off the inevitable.

Each time you have reflux symptoms you need a little more and a little more and pretty soon you’ve got a serious dependency problem that will take more effort, time and money to fix.

Why not simply stop the cause of your acid reflux symptom at the source?

Bottom line treating reflux symptoms won’t change anything . . . except make things worse.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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February 28, 2011

Foods to Avoid Acid Reflux

You can avoid foods that aggravate your acid reflux, but the truth is as long as you ignore the true cause of your acid reflux, it hardly matter what you eat.

In fact, the quantities of what you eat is just as important, if not more so, than avoiding certain foods.

You want to avoid foods that are difficult to digest and if you can’t avoid them, at least cut down on them.

Acid reflux is triggered from your stomach’s inability to digest your food. Contrary to what most people are told to believe, acid reflux is usually worsened by a lack of digestive acids, salts and enzymes.

Eating animal protein and foods that are high in animal fats or hydrogenated oils and refined sugars really just make your acid reflux symptoms worse.

Public health policies should be made based on proven scientific facts. It’s a scientific fact that taking antacids for acid reflux more often than not makes acid reflux symptoms worse.

One of the proven causes of acid reflux is from not getting enough natural RAW plant sourced minerals and salts. Avoiding refined table salt and processed salt added to many packaged foods is good, but eliminating any natural nutrient can lead to stomach acid depletion.

Unprocessed salt plays an important role in supporting proper digestion and nutrient absorption. Raw unprocessed gray sea salt or Himalayan salt is vital in the enzyme process called salivary amylase, which is the first step in your digestive process taking place in your mouth.

Without adequate salt, you might as well just avoid all food, especially hard to digest ones.

Your acid reflux is caused from lack of digestive ability. If you had too much stomach acid you’d be digesting food just fine, but having symptoms of acid indigestion indicate you’re not digesting well.

Inside your cells, called parietal cells, your stomach acid is made from sodium chloride . . . this hydrochloric acid is the most important digestive juice you make.

Avoiding raw plant-sourced nutrients will deprive you of critical mineral salts, including sodium. Your cells need a balance of potassium and sodium to breathe in and out. If potassium is greater than sodium, your enzyme metabolism loses its ability to make hydrochloric acid (stomach acid).

If you’ve been avoiding animal products to fight acid reflux, you may be eating too many cooked vegetables and process grains . . . you need to avoid these too. If you can’t stop eating those things, then you must supplement with raw salt to help your enzyme metabolism.

Avoiding one cooked food for another won’t help you acid reflux because cooked foods lack minerals and enzymes . . . so you need to add natural enzymes and minerals.

Avoid eating all cooked foods, unless you supplement with RAW salt. As far as eating grains goes, if you eat unsoaked grains and legumes, then the phytic acid on the grain hull with block even more minerals from making a balanced supply of stomach acid.

The best way to eat grain is sprouted. There are sour dough and sprouted grain products that are easy to digest and very high in nutrients.

With salt present, the acidity of the partially digested food is able to trigger off some needed natural sodium bicarbonate, derived from the supply of sodium chloride, as well as enzymatic and bile secretions from the gall bladder and pancreatic ducts . . .balancing digestion and curing acid reflux.

Bottom line, by avoiding foods with natural salt no digestion is possible, which leads to acid reflux . . .

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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