February 7, 2011
Acid Reflux Treatment Home Remedy
If you’re looking for an acid reflux treatment home remedy, try not to get frustrated by the sheer volume of potential things you can try. Thousands of people suffer from acid reflux on any given day, and there are almost as many ways to naturally get rid of the condition.
Acid reflux happens when there is a buildup of pressure and acid in your stomach that causes those acids to be allowed out of your stomach and up into your esophagus. The tissues there are sensitive and susceptible to damage, which causes pain. In some cases, the reflux can make it all the way to your mouth, leaving a bitter taste, generally accompanied by a hiccup or burp, which may not be the most attractive condition to be dealing with after a meal.
So what can you do about it, besides reaching for antacids or pills? Plenty of things.
If you suffer from this condition on a fairly regular basis, you may want to consider a few lifestyle changes in order to rid yourself of the problem without medications.
- First, eat smaller meals over a longer period of time rather than a few large meals during the day. Eating more than your stomach can handle causes it to stress out, and respond by frantically producing acid to break down the excess amount of food rapidly. This causes pressure to build and inevitably results in reflux. So just eat less, more. Snack more often and eat smaller meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner so that you’re still getting the same amount of food, it’s just stretched over a longer period of time.
- Second, remove any excessive stressors from your life. Stress is known to cause heartburn, and dealing with it more effectively can help you feel the burn a little less frequently. So, schedule regular massages, or start seeing a therapist who will teach you techniques for dealing with stress. You could also take up Yoga or meditation, start exercising regularly or any number of other things that help you to relax. Making relaxation a priority now will help you maintain a healthy digestive tract later.
- Third, keep track of what you’re eating, and subsequently avoid foods that you identify as heartburn triggers. Things that are hard to digest like whole milk, spices like garlic, vegetables like onions, and stimulants like caffeine can all be potential heartburn triggers.
If you’re looking for more reactive holistic solutions, there are plenty of things to try.
- Ginger, whether candied or tea, is very effective at soothing acid reflux.
- A glass of water can help to wash acids through the digestive system, and keeps them from settling in, causing pain.
- Apple cider vinegar helps to neutralize acids. Just a couple of tablespoons added to a glass of water can be an effective solution.
- A quarter of a cup of aloe vera juice can also help to relieve acid reflux. Make sure to distinguish between aloe vera gel and juice though. Gel is not meant for consumption and can cause a host of other digestive problems. Only consume aloe vera juice.
For more information on acid reflux treatment home remedy, visit refluxremedy.com and read The Reflux Remedy Report.
Filed under Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Acid Reflux Treatment by admin
January 6, 2011
Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease
Acid reflux symptoms are your body/mind’s attempt to communicate with you to help prevent a possible disease from happening.
When you allow a state of stress, discomfort and dis-ease to consume your every waking moment it’s only because you stopped reading the writing on the wall.
Taking drugs to cover-up your body/mind’s signs and symptoms is no different than white-washing over that writing on the wall. The writing appeared upon this “proverbial wall” so you would take heed and pay attention to a message.
Symptoms of acid reflux disease are the same as clues to help you find the cause of your suffering. Think of that Intelligent Design which is your miraculous “biological you” and its having a communication issue with the distracted “worldly you.”
The worldly you is the part of you that’s kept distracted by all the clamor and clatter your 5 senses are constantly picking up from your “outer” environment. The symptoms of your acid reflux are a cry for help, a plea for you to pay attention to the goings on “within” you.
. . . So you’re too busy to listen to your own body/mind trying to tell you not to eat so late at night, trying to tell you certain foods don’t mix well, trying to tell you it’s on your side.
When you pop antacids to relieve your acid reflux symptoms you are telling your body/mind to shut-up. This isn’t a healthy relationship to have with your miraculous healing self.
It’s exactly this type of bad behavior that leads to your acid reflux symptoms getting worse until it’s a problem or disease.
If you had a crying baby would you put duct-tape over its mouth or would you care for it and find out why it is crying?
Silly question isn’t it?
Of course you would care for the child and if it didn’t cry out you would have never known it was time to change its diaper, feed it or just give the child some genuine love.
Overcoming your symptoms of acid reflux is easy when you use this same genuine care.
Acid reflux symptoms are your body/minds way of crying out to you and popping antacids and other chemicals to hide those symptoms is like duct-taping the crying baby.
Why are we taught to be so insensitive to our own needs?
It’s been said before that if you can’t love yourself first you can’t offer love to another. This is “the secret of the miraculous power of healing” . . . it’s called love thyself. It’s the best way to get to know you!
As you already know, you can only give what you already have . . .
Acid reflux symptoms are a cry for love. When you love someone you are willing to listen to them, right?
So why ignore your acid reflux symptoms? Why would you want to neglect the cry for help? Your inner intelligence is what keeps your 60,000,000,000 cells in the harmonious concert we call life, all it needs is your love and attention . . .
Obviously the cause of your dis-ease is the same cause of your acid reflux symptoms.
The cause of any disease is rooted in your losing touch with your inner own healing voice . . .
So be willing to listen to your own inner healer and perhaps one day you will be able to do more than help heal yourself of acid reflux symptoms and disease . . . perhaps someday you will help remind someone else they have the power to choose healing too.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Symptoms by admin
December 28, 2010
Food For Acid Reflux
The food you eat is the most important factor for controlling your acid reflux, that and keeping optimistic thoughts.
Knowing you can cure your acid reflux with natural remedies and acting upon that belief is the name of the game.
You can experience healing in your life at every level, but it needs to begin first with your thinking patterns. If you believe you can, or believe you can’t . . . either way you are correct.
To be frank, you’re not likely to eat the right foods to help cure your acid reflux if you don’t believe you can be healed.
The belief in healing is paramount.
That’s why big drug companies spend billions of dollars in advertising trying to keep you in a state of fear, doubt and hopelessness.
Because once you discover for yourself that you don’t need to hide your acid reflux symptoms with drugs, you’ll begin to see the light.
Healing your acid reflux is simple. All you need to do is work with your body instead of against it. Your body has a built-in natural intelligence. That’s how it keeps regenerating and functioning doing the amazing things it does.
Remember doctors are only “practicing” medicine. If they knew how to work with your body/mind and its amazing natural healing intelligence, they wouldn’t be trying to fix your health challenges with drugs.
Your acid reflux is NOT a drug deficiency . . . it’s caused from not eating foods that nurture an alkaline environment.
The environment inside your body determines whether you suffer from acid reflux or not.
For optimum health your inner environment must maintain an alkaline state. The only area inside you that should be acidic is your stomach acid and the waste your body is trying to eliminate.
Foods that will prevent, treat and cure your acid reflux provide natural healing cofactors called minerals and nutrients. These minerals and nutrients create a balanced alkaline environment which generates just enough stomach acid . . . not too much and not too little.
Try eating more raw vegetables and fruits in-between smaller portioned meals- also try drinking naturally alkaline water between meals. Naturally alkaline water has a high level of electrons, oxygen and minerals . . . the Japanese use coral tea bags to optimize their water . . . in fact people that drink alkaline water between meals live longer, healthier live- that’s a fact.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
December 7, 2010
Remedy For Acid Reflux
They call it Intelligent Design (ID) and it is how leading scientists are learning to understand the natural healing remedies within the remedial body. Everyone likes a good remedy and many people devote their lives to understanding remedies whether they’re for acid reflux, diabetes or even cancer.
What’s even more interesting that most people overlook is “where” the remedy comes from. It’s common to build on a natural remedy once discovered to, let’s say, cure acid reflux dis-ease, but how often have you stopped to consider “where” the natural remedy for acid reflux came from?
I’m not asking “who” came up with the natural remedy for acid reflux, there is no who. As you learn more about natural remedies, the more it becomes an inward journey or personal experience beyond the ordinary.
A healing experience isn’t something you make up, patent and sell; it’s the way you experience the Intelligent Design (ID) that connects all things.
The source of the natural remedy for acid reflux comes from this connection, a once hidden connection that is now being revealed.
Nature holds no secrets; remedies first seem like secrets if you don’t understand where they come from.
A remedy is a healing process that takes two things;
1.?????? Mind (Intelligence)
2.?????? Nature (Design)
When you suffer from acid reflux your mind feels stomach acid burning in places it doesn’t belong. Despite the Intelligent Design (ID), something has gone out of balance and the acid reflux is a sign of this. Once you understand the “language of healing” you can see that the remedy for acid reflux and the symptom of acid reflux are really two aspects of the same thing. At least this is the way naturopathic practitioners see it.
Once you experience your own natural healing remedy you will begin to understand the language of symptoms. The worst thing you can do is ignore the symptoms of your own healing language.
Your Intelligent Design (ID) is a self healing process called life. That’s what life is, it’s a regenerating, restoring and revitalizing process of natural remedies.
When you’re starving to death, you know what the remedy is. When you’re dying of dehydration you know what the remedy is . . . so if you have the symptom of acid reflux, you already have the remedy,
Ask someone who had acid reflux and has experienced natural healing personally to help you. Remember you are the final authority on your health; you simply need to discover your natural ability to listen better to yourself. Until then study and mingle with people who understand the language of remedies . . . acid reflux is a sign you’re not listening to what your own Intelligent Design (ID) has been trying to tell you.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin