Acid Reflux

January 12, 2011

Acid Reflux Food to Avoid

Acid reflux is a terribly common problem among people in today’s fast paced culture of high fat foods and things that can be eaten on the go. There are a number of acid reflux foods to avoid, and certain things that will help eliminate and prevent your heartburn.

First, let’s look at what acid reflux actually is and how it happens. Stomach acid helps to break down food in your stomach so that your body can extract the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Certain things like difficult to digest foods, stress, smoking, or lying down after eating can cause that acid to creep up into your esophagus. This causes pain, indigestion, burping, hiccups and can even result in damage to the esophagus if the reflux occurs frequently.

Trigger Foods

Everyone has their own foods that will set off acid reflux, however there are a few common triggers. These foods should be avoided to help prevent damage to the esophagus, and keep heartburn at bay. They include:

  • Garlic
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Citrus (including juices that are high in acids)
  • Onions
  • Meats that are difficult to digest (like ground beef, marbled sirloin and chicken wings)
  • Dairy

To help find out what your own triggers are, start a food journal. Keep track of what you eat, how much you eat and when you eat it. That will help you to better understand what sets your acid reflux off, and narrow down your specific triggers. Some of your food triggers may surprise you!

What you can do

Now, just because there are a ton of foods you should avoid doesn’t mean you need to go on an extreme, crash course diet. It’s always best to try to maintain a balanced diet, so things like dairy, citrus and meat that are part of a healthy diet should not be completely cut out. They should just be consumed in moderation, and possibly in tandem with other heartburn preventatives.

Heartburn Preventatives

Sometimes foods that are known to cause heartburn for you just can’t be avoided. Maybe you’re at a friend’s house and they cooked nachos for you with ground beef, onions, and a whole host of other heartburn triggers just waiting to settle into your stomach. So what can you do?

Try taking a papaya enzyme tablet after you eat. Papaya contains digestive enzymes that will help your body to digest foods and prevent acid buildup that causes reflux.

Try drinking a full glass of water after you eat. This will help dilute stomach acids and flush your digestive tract out so you won’t have to experience excess irritation. For more effective relief or prevention, try adding a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a full glass of water. This will help neutralize the acid in your stomach in addition to washing it away.

Eat an apple before or after your meal. Apparently the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” has some basis, as many people are finding success with this technique for keeping acid reflux at bay.

There are countless home remedies you can try to prevent and relieve heartburn. The Reflux Remedy Report promotes natural heartburn remedies and can help you prevent your acid reflux, as well as formulate a diet appropriate for acid reflux. For more information on acid reflux food to avoid and other preventative measures you can take, visit today!

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January 10, 2011

Erosive Esophagitis

There are specific erosive things that can cause you to have inflammation, swelling and irritation of your esophagus (throat).

The most common erosive thing that can cause esophagitis is acid reflux. Acid reflux is the main cause of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is like heart burn on steroids!

The erosive nature of digestive acids does severe damage to your more sensitive throat (esophagus) lining. Esophagitis is one of the first symptoms that can lead to throat cancer.

If the cause of your acid reflux isn’t discovered the damage to your esophagus will eventually cause a mutation in your throat cells.

That’s correct; your throat cells will actually mutate to become more like your stomach cells.

This is an amazing feat of self preservation by your body/mind’s own automatic healing process. Hopefully you find a natural remedy for your erosive esophagitis before it gets that bad.

The trick to healing erosive esophagitis is to remove the cause of the inflammation, which in most cases is from your acid reflux.

Here are 5 things that can also trigger the symptoms of erosive esophagitis such as:

1. Pharmaceuticals

2. Vomiting

3. Herpes

4. Candida

5. Immune imbalance

You should suspect you have erosive esophagitis if you have difficulty swallowing or feel pain in your throat. If something was stuck in your throat you can expect the same symptoms of erosive esophagitis to develop. So if you take a lot of pills make sure you help them go down with some water.

If you have blood in your vomit you need to see a doctor immediately. Even if your stools are dark or tar-like you most likely have blood in your stools from the erosive esophagitis. In either case see a doctor immediately.

Some of the procedures doctors use to find out if you suffer from erosive esophagitis are:

  • Endoscopy: Using a camera to directlt view inside your esophagus
  • Biopsy: Cutting out a sample of your esophagus tissue.
  • Culture: Taking a sample with a swab, without cutting your esophagus
  • Barium X-Rays: Using a radioactive dye that enhanced the X-Ray photos.

Depending how bad your erosive esophagitis is determines how doctors will treat your symptoms. It’s not unusual for them to use Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), antibiotics, steroids and pain medication.

Always look into discovering the cause of your erosive esophagitis, don’t just treat the symptoms . . . eliminate the cause and your throat will heal naturally given time.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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January 5, 2011

Relief For Acid Reflux

You can spell relief for acid reflux any way you want, but chances are the root cause of it is still lurking in the deep somewhere.

This whole idea of self treating your acid reflux symptoms is just what keeps the doctor in business.

Recall the old saying, ‘Eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away”?

Whatever happened to good old fashion common sense? I’ll tell you what . . . it simply fell out of fashion.

Too bad that millions of people who suffer from diseases like gastro-esophageal reflux disease, hiatal hernia and throat cancer didn’t know better than to treat their acid reflux symptoms.

Treating your acid reflux symptoms relieves the pain and discomfort of acid reflux and isn’t that all you want?

Put that way, most people obviously say “YES”.

What they don’t see is they were just sold temporary relief for their acid reflux, heart burn and acid indigestion, but they traded their long term quality of life for it too.

The price of relieving your acid reflux symptoms is cheap . . . but the cost of making that a way of life costs way too high.

They say a person without a philosophy is a fool, but I’m telling you some philosophies are just plain foolish. The philosophy of relieving the symptoms of any problem always leaves the cause of it to continue to do harm.

Acid reflux has been brushed off as something everyone has, as if it wasn’t a health problem at all. This may surprise you but not everyone gets heart burn and acid reflux.

Millions of people who have experienced acid reflux have found permanent relief of the cause of it and rarely if ever experience it again.

Recurring symptoms of anything, especially acid reflux, is a serious health problem and you must get to the root of it . . . that’s the ONLY relief.

So don’t worry about how to spell relief, just learn how to read your body’s own language of symptoms and signs . . . learn to listen to your body/mind relationship closer . . . all you need to do is read the signs so you can help remove the cause of acid reflux.

The natural healing process is constantly working for you; don?t close your eyes to the signs by just treating your acid reflux symptoms over and over.

All that will do is create recurring acid reflux symptoms, not lasting relief.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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Natural Acid Reflux Disease Remedy

A remedy for your acid reflux is simply the most natural solution. As you already know all too well, conventional medicine has no cure for your acid reflux.

Millions of people are being sucked into the vicious circle of taking Over-The-Counter drugs for their acid reflux symptoms, only to discover later that their acid reflux has only gotten worse.

Still trusting the convenience of these Over-The-Counter gimmicks, millions more people end up being persuaded to even try stronger ‘Behind-The-Counter’ drugs.

Unfortunately it’s a scientific fact that these stronger chemical gimmicks simply lead them down the medical rabbit hole even deeper. It’s common knowledge to most doctors that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are responsible for acid rebound.

Of course these powerful antacids have a purpose, but only in emergency situations. Using PPIs is a tell tale sign that you should have sought out a natural remedy for your acid reflux, rather than having tried to cover the symptoms in the first place.

More than 15,000,000 TUMS were recently recalled because people found they were contaminated with metal filings and saw dust.

I’m curious how many people are suffering from “mysterious” digestive system issues because they’ve unknowingly been swallowing metal shavings and who knows what else.

How can you undo that?

Antacids simply cover symptoms; they do not even claim to be a natural remedy . . . so why do millions of people fall for it?

The same reason people smoke cigarettes, eat fast food and drink pop, advertising. Billions of dollars in profits are turned back into the great deception of the American public. It’s a free-for-all marketing circus out there and YOUR HEALTH is paying the highest cost.

Seeking natural remedies isn’t practicing medicine; it’s using real science to get to the bottom of any problem.

Your acid reflux is a health problem triggered by something “unnatural”. Running to the pharmacist for more unnatural factors to complicate your health, clearly isn’t the right answer.

A natural remedy is the natural solution for your acid reflux, or anything else you may be suffering from.

Once you go all the way down the medical rabbit hole, the only way out seems to be to go deeper, but remember, that’s how your acid reflux got worse in the first place.

Don’t be fooled by the intimidating mask of medicine. Behind it is one goal: making money. Natural remedies don’t build global empires because there is no return customer . . . they move on to live long healthy lives.

Take care of the cause of your acid reflux and the real remedy will come to you naturally.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

Acid Reflux Relief

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