April 29, 2011
Reflux Pain
The fourth stage of throat cancer is acid reflux pain and inflammation. As with any health problem be it acid reflux or cancer, it all starts with the loss of cellular energy and gets worse from there.
To heal your acid reflux pain the first thing you need to do is go directly to the root cause of it all . . . no matter what stage your at.
The loss of cellular energy happens when the natural mineral balance of your body becomes acidic.
So if you think your acid reflux is isolated to a stomach acid problem, you just don’t see the big picture. The environment or terrain of your tissue is where it all starts and ends. Your tissue includes your blood, bones and flesh.
In order for you to live a long and healthy life your body tissue has to keep a delicate balance between alkaline and acid called pH.
This pH scale starts at zero, near where you stomach acid is. In fact any pH reading below 7 is considered acid . . . your stomach acid reads around pH 2.
In order to avoid acid reflux pain and inflammation your pH needs to stay between 7.25 and 7.4, which isn’t acid at all. Truth is all your organs need this slightly alkaline pH.
Only your stomach acid and urine should have an acid pH.
Did you know your urine is really dirty blood? It’s acid because it’s full of acid waste. Too much build-up of acid waste means your dehydrated, lack ionic minerals and therefore you are losing cellular energy.
Once you start down this path acid reflux pain and inflammation can’t be far behind.
After loss of cellular energy, metabolism slows, toxins build-up, stress begins to affect normal organ and tissue function, then the pain and inflammation kicks in.
If the root cause of your acid reflux pain isn’t addressed, eventually the flesh lining of your sensitive throat begins to degenerate, actually becoming stiff and leathery, more like the lining of your stomach.
The pain of your acid reflux increases because your throat isn’t made to resist the strong acid pH level of stomach acid . . . the final stage is where the tissue inside your throat begins to mutate and literally becomes the same as your stomach lining.
The pain of acid reflux isn’t limited to just the burning sensation of stomach acid erupting where it doesn’t belong . . .the pain comes from the degeneration, stiffness and mutating cells it ultimately causes.
The final stage of ignoring the cause of your acid reflux pain is throat cancer and then . . . your risk of death increases greatly.
The moral of the story is to never ignore the cause of your acid reflux pain and as you know taking antacids is the same as ignoring the real cause- antacids don’t cure the root cause of acid reflux pain . . . in the end they make it much worse.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux by admin
February 21, 2011
Natural Remedies For Heartburn
Natural remedies for heartburn allow you to reverse the degenerative process and activate your innate natural healing process.
Natural remedies are NOT drugs because they do not waste your time and money treating the symptoms of your heartburn. Natural remedies remedy your heartburn by helping you eliminate the root cause of your heartburn symptoms.
Natural remedies for heartburn, acid reflux or acid indigestion are not sold in drug stores and you will never hear of a natural remedy for heartburn on television or any other mainstream media source.
The mainstream media, such as TV, radio and newspapers, are a business, a BIG business owned by only a hand full of very wealthy people hiding behind the cover of corporations. There is no money to be made in natural remedies for heartburn.
In fact if the natural remedies for heartburn got out it would cost these media moguls billions, not including all the possible liability suits people with complications form heartburn would file.
Frankly the natural remedy for your heartburn is to stop using acid reflux, heartburn or acid indigestion products altogether. Odds are if you don’t use a natural remedy for your heartburn now, you’ll end up with a hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal acid reflux or even throat cancer because you ignored the root cause of your heartburn, allowing your heartburn to become a gateway disease.
Always, as a rule, seek out the most natural and harmless way to cure you of heartburn related health problems and for that matter ANY health issue.
Drugs are emergency medicine, they were never intended for long term use, never intended to cure or prevent. Heartburn antacids and drugs are there incase you failed to prevent or cure your heartburn and don’t know of a natural remedy to reverse it.
As long as the mainstream media can block natural remedy information from getting to you, the more likely you’ll end up being a cash cow of the medical industry for life.
The natural remedy for heartburn is to look at the causal level of your acid reflux issues, find the trigger and eliminate it. It may be your diet, diet habits, lifestyle habits, lack of stomach acid, lack of digestive enzymes, and lack of gut flora, bacterial infection, low blood serum pH . . . or all of the above.
The natural remedy for your heartburn is whatever it takes to help your immune and enteric system to become stronger. It could be anything from a mineral deficiency that’s causing a stomach acid deficiency to not having adequate nutrients necessary for an efficient digestive and immune system, to a bacterial imbalance.
Every natural remedy is as unique as the person with the heartburn issues, so gather more research, find proven remedies on the FREE Internet and interview health practitioners . . . you’ll find a simple affordable natural remedy for your heartburn I?m sure.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin
January 10, 2011
Erosive Esophagitis
There are specific erosive things that can cause you to have inflammation, swelling and irritation of your esophagus (throat).
The most common erosive thing that can cause esophagitis is acid reflux. Acid reflux is the main cause of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is like heart burn on steroids!
The erosive nature of digestive acids does severe damage to your more sensitive throat (esophagus) lining. Esophagitis is one of the first symptoms that can lead to throat cancer.
If the cause of your acid reflux isn’t discovered the damage to your esophagus will eventually cause a mutation in your throat cells.
That’s correct; your throat cells will actually mutate to become more like your stomach cells.
This is an amazing feat of self preservation by your body/mind’s own automatic healing process. Hopefully you find a natural remedy for your erosive esophagitis before it gets that bad.
The trick to healing erosive esophagitis is to remove the cause of the inflammation, which in most cases is from your acid reflux.
Here are 5 things that can also trigger the symptoms of erosive esophagitis such as:
1. Pharmaceuticals
2. Vomiting
3. Herpes
4. Candida
5. Immune imbalance
You should suspect you have erosive esophagitis if you have difficulty swallowing or feel pain in your throat. If something was stuck in your throat you can expect the same symptoms of erosive esophagitis to develop. So if you take a lot of pills make sure you help them go down with some water.
If you have blood in your vomit you need to see a doctor immediately. Even if your stools are dark or tar-like you most likely have blood in your stools from the erosive esophagitis. In either case see a doctor immediately.
Some of the procedures doctors use to find out if you suffer from erosive esophagitis are:
- Endoscopy: Using a camera to directlt view inside your esophagus
- Biopsy: Cutting out a sample of your esophagus tissue.
- Culture: Taking a sample with a swab, without cutting your esophagus
- Barium X-Rays: Using a radioactive dye that enhanced the X-Ray photos.
Depending how bad your erosive esophagitis is determines how doctors will treat your symptoms. It’s not unusual for them to use Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), antibiotics, steroids and pain medication.
Always look into discovering the cause of your erosive esophagitis, don’t just treat the symptoms . . . eliminate the cause and your throat will heal naturally given time.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Esophagitis by admin
January 5, 2011
Relief For Acid Reflux
You can spell relief for acid reflux any way you want, but chances are the root cause of it is still lurking in the deep somewhere.
This whole idea of self treating your acid reflux symptoms is just what keeps the doctor in business.
Recall the old saying, ‘Eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away”?
Whatever happened to good old fashion common sense? I’ll tell you what . . . it simply fell out of fashion.
Too bad that millions of people who suffer from diseases like gastro-esophageal reflux disease, hiatal hernia and throat cancer didn’t know better than to treat their acid reflux symptoms.
Treating your acid reflux symptoms relieves the pain and discomfort of acid reflux and isn’t that all you want?
Put that way, most people obviously say “YES”.
What they don’t see is they were just sold temporary relief for their acid reflux, heart burn and acid indigestion, but they traded their long term quality of life for it too.
The price of relieving your acid reflux symptoms is cheap . . . but the cost of making that a way of life costs way too high.
They say a person without a philosophy is a fool, but I’m telling you some philosophies are just plain foolish. The philosophy of relieving the symptoms of any problem always leaves the cause of it to continue to do harm.
Acid reflux has been brushed off as something everyone has, as if it wasn’t a health problem at all. This may surprise you but not everyone gets heart burn and acid reflux.
Millions of people who have experienced acid reflux have found permanent relief of the cause of it and rarely if ever experience it again.
Recurring symptoms of anything, especially acid reflux, is a serious health problem and you must get to the root of it . . . that’s the ONLY relief.
So don’t worry about how to spell relief, just learn how to read your body’s own language of symptoms and signs . . . learn to listen to your body/mind relationship closer . . . all you need to do is read the signs so you can help remove the cause of acid reflux.
The natural healing process is constantly working for you; don?t close your eyes to the signs by just treating your acid reflux symptoms over and over.
All that will do is create recurring acid reflux symptoms, not lasting relief.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux by admin