healing process

January 25, 2011

Intense Stomach Pain After Eating

If you’re experiencing intense stomach pain after eating, you may have a stomach or gastric ulcer. Pain after eating is one of the main symptoms of this condition, as well as nausea, weight loss, heartburn or acid reflux, loss of appetite, vomiting, blood in your stool, or you may not have any symptoms at all.

Gastric ulcers occur when the delicate lining in the stomach becomes damaged or torn. This can be the result of too much acid in the stomach that wears away the lining or some other trauma.

The most common cause of gastric ulcers is the H. Pylori bacteria. The bacteria are fairly common in most people. It becomes a problem when it runs rampant and causes damage to the stomach lining. Although some people can get ulcers from too much stress or too much spicy fooulcer, it’s much more common to get an ulcer as a result of H. Pylori.

So, what can you do about it? If your ulcer is in fact due to H. Pylori, you’ll have to undergo a series of tests, antibiotics and more tests to make sure the bacteria is in fact gone. In the mean time, or if your ulcer is the result of something other than H. Pylori, you can help your body heal itself by following a few simple steps.

1. Be careful of what you eat. Certain foods, like fatty foods, some types of meat (ground beef, marbled cuts of meat, etc.), whole milk and other fatty dairy products, and some vitamins (like iron and calcium) are very difficult to digest and can exacerbate an ulcer. Use caution when consuming these foods if you have an ulcer. You may want to focus your diet on more easily digestible foods, like those that contain whole grains, fish, and other foods that are high in vitamins that your body needs to heal.

2. Avoid pain killers. Although your intense stomach pain after eating may have you reaching for a bottle of Aspirin, you should resist that urge. Pain killers are known to cause gastric ulcers, and can significantly worsen existing ulcers. So, use other methods to relieve your ulcer pain.

3. Eat smaller meals. This will help your body better handle the digestive process. When your stomach is already injured, adding large amounts of food can stress the area and slow the healing process dramatically, as well as worsen your pain. So, simply eat less more frequently to help your body heal.

4. Focus on lowering your stress levels. Stress can worsen an ulcer by increasing the amount of acid in your stomach. So do what you can to mellow out. Get a massage, take time to curl up with a good book, add exercise to your daily routine, practice meditation and deep breathing, or listen to some soothing music at work. Do whatever you need to in order to take the focus off the stressful situation and place it back on your overall mental health. Your body will thank you for it.

You don’t need to continuously suffer intense stomach pain after eating. See your doctor and take steps to help your body heal from its ailments. For more information on intense stomach pain after eating, and healing the condition naturally, visit refluxremedy.com.

Acid Reflux Relief





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January 10, 2011

Erosive Esophagitis

There are specific erosive things that can cause you to have inflammation, swelling and irritation of your esophagus (throat).

The most common erosive thing that can cause esophagitis is acid reflux. Acid reflux is the main cause of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is like heart burn on steroids!

The erosive nature of digestive acids does severe damage to your more sensitive throat (esophagus) lining. Esophagitis is one of the first symptoms that can lead to throat cancer.

If the cause of your acid reflux isn’t discovered the damage to your esophagus will eventually cause a mutation in your throat cells.

That’s correct; your throat cells will actually mutate to become more like your stomach cells.

This is an amazing feat of self preservation by your body/mind’s own automatic healing process. Hopefully you find a natural remedy for your erosive esophagitis before it gets that bad.

The trick to healing erosive esophagitis is to remove the cause of the inflammation, which in most cases is from your acid reflux.

Here are 5 things that can also trigger the symptoms of erosive esophagitis such as:

1. Pharmaceuticals

2. Vomiting

3. Herpes

4. Candida

5. Immune imbalance

You should suspect you have erosive esophagitis if you have difficulty swallowing or feel pain in your throat. If something was stuck in your throat you can expect the same symptoms of erosive esophagitis to develop. So if you take a lot of pills make sure you help them go down with some water.

If you have blood in your vomit you need to see a doctor immediately. Even if your stools are dark or tar-like you most likely have blood in your stools from the erosive esophagitis. In either case see a doctor immediately.

Some of the procedures doctors use to find out if you suffer from erosive esophagitis are:

  • Endoscopy: Using a camera to directlt view inside your esophagus
  • Biopsy: Cutting out a sample of your esophagus tissue.
  • Culture: Taking a sample with a swab, without cutting your esophagus
  • Barium X-Rays: Using a radioactive dye that enhanced the X-Ray photos.

Depending how bad your erosive esophagitis is determines how doctors will treat your symptoms. It’s not unusual for them to use Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), antibiotics, steroids and pain medication.

Always look into discovering the cause of your erosive esophagitis, don’t just treat the symptoms . . . eliminate the cause and your throat will heal naturally given time.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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December 23, 2010

Avoid Acid Reflux With Healing Edge Technology!

If you really want to avoid acid reflux you need to understand that acid reflux is a sign-language your body uses to tell you to stop doing harm.

The father of western medicine, Hippocrates, said “Let your medicine be food and your food be your medicine”.

You body/mind and it’s healing process is more intelligent than all the computers made by man combined. What it does with water, minerals and a hand full of nutrients is create life, functioning life . . . life capable of healing itself and inspiring great achievement.

The smartest thing you can do for yourself and the world around you is to believe you can heal yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s acid reflux or dis-ease by any other name . . .

By simply avoiding all the things that do harm to your body, you can nurture an amazing healing experience in your life.

Understanding the natural healing intelligence working within you and working with it is what I call “healing edge” technology.

Leading scientists have discovered this “healing edge” technology is NOT medicine.

Understanding why the right food heals acid reflux is the same as knowing why the wrong foods cause it.

The science of healing is really common sense . . . it’s just not so common these days. Avoiding acid reflux means avoiding drugs that only hide the real cause of acid reflux. You already know that treating symptoms is what drugs do best . . . but then avoiding the cause of your acid reflux means you’ll just keep taking drugs until your acid reflux become Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid rebound syndrome . . . both are caused from avoiding the root cause of your acid reflux.

“Healing edge” technology is the science of common sense. Learning to eat foods that support your body/mind and its superior intelligence is the key.

Health remedies and healing secrets are never really lost . . . but they seem almost lost from generation to generation, until that natural intelligence is reawakened again.

Don’t avoid your acid reflux, deal with it head on, using your head and following your gut, you can find the secret remedies that wise old healers have been sharing since the dawn of time.

“Healing edge” technology never goes out of style because there’s always someone who almost forgets to use their innate common sense . . . unfortunately it seems an entire generation is in danger of losing their “healing edge”.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate


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