GERD Treatment

December 13, 2010

What is Acid Reflux

Good question, ?What IS Acid Reflux?? You?ve heard it called heartburn, acid indigestion or maybe even esophagitis and gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Whatever you want to call it, it is one of the most unpleasant experiences you could have short of vomiting.

If you noticed, it starts with something harmless enough sounding, like ?heartburn.? Then suddenly it?s involving indigestion and then medical sounding conditions that have something to do with your esophagus, or throat.

What happens is heartburn usually progresses until it becomes a disease and then eventually even leads to throat cancer. Sounds fun doesn?t it? NOT.

Heartburn feels like a burning near your heart because that?s where your Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) is, right behind the top part of your heart. This is where acid reflux takes place at.

Your stomach acid is the culprit here. You either have too much or too little. It may surprise you to learn that most people suffer from too little stomach acid. The stomach acid reflux is a chemical biological eruption that forces the acid passed your LES, which is designed to seal off your stomach contents from entering your throat area.

There are things that can make it easy for your acid to reflux up beyond your LES. One is eating too much. As undigested food piles up, the acid in your stomach has nowhere to go but up. Acid reflux happens when food pushes on your LES causing it to open. Your stomach acid is pooling on top of your food trying to chemically dissolve it. This is a very caustic situation.

Did you know your stomach acid is so corrosive it can eat glass?

Another way acid can reflux up your throat is from lying down after a meal, this distorts your rib cage and diaphragm muscle, pressing undigested food against the LES making it open. The natural result is corrosive digestive juices leaking up where they do not belong, in your throat, lungs, mouth and sinuses.

If you lack stomach acid it is not unusual for you to feel bloated because your food is not moving or being chemically dissolved by your stomach acid. Imagine a zip-lock baggie filled with mash potatoes and soda pop. Picture the mashed potatoes fill 9/10ths of the bag leaving only one place for the soda pop to go . . .up.

Your stomach acid is like that, in fact, your stomach acid is made by cells in your stomach lining located at the top of your stomach. So it?s easy to see, whether you have a lot of stomach acid, or just a little, it?s going to be near the top next to your throat.

Once the LES has been breached it weakens your throat muscles, making it more likely to happen again. If it is allowed to continue this simple case of heart burn and acid reflux will eventually destroy throat tissue leading to GERD or throat cancer. That?s why if you take any drugs for acid reflux, use them wisely and ONLY for a very short period of time, because the cause of the acid reflux will be there until you find the natural treatment to help your body cure itself by removing the real cause of the problem.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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Treatment of Acid Reflux

According to current U.S. laws that the American Medical Association (AMA) have lobbied to establish in America, it?s illegal for anyone to sell you any natural treatment or cure. Not that in any way it is bad for someone to provide you with a natural treatment or cure for your acid reflux, but because the AMA just doesn?t tolerate any competition.

Natural treatments and cures for acid reflux, heartburn and acid indigestion have been passed down to The American people for thousands of years, it?s part of our inherited culture of family values, which includes grandma?s acid reflux treatment.

Since when has big business become our master? I don?t know about you, but I find this current situation very upsetting. The treatments for acid reflux that are allowed by the AMA are limited to only drug treatments . . . that?s all.

If you suffer from acid reflux you already know these chemical products or drugs, so authoritively sponsored by the AMA, do NOT cure acid reflux. Truth is Proton-pump inhibitor drugs cause a new dis-ease called acid rebound disease. Acid rebound is a side effect of addictive proton-pump inhibitors that mess your body up, making your acid reflux symptoms many times worse, often leading to gastro-esophageal reflux dis-ease (GERD) or worse.

Don?t just take my word for it. Decide right now to investigate everything yourself, do your ?due diligence? and you will see, the truth is sometimes a scary thing but . . . never as bad as living with the lies.

Conventional Western medical treatments for acid reflux symptoms block the symptoms, but that is NOT a cure. The root cause of your acid reflux needs to be treated naturally, or your acid reflux symptoms will get worse.

Before you settle for any medical treatments for acid reflux, first try natural scientific treatments based on thousands of years of evidence and naturally happy, healthy people.

Western medicine is a front for making profits for share holders off sick and suffering people. The whole idea of Western and Eastern medicine is a myth. It?s just the new way corporations compete and brand their products on a global market, at your expense.

Food is medicine and medicine is food, whether you are North, South, East or West.

By forbidding any other ?alternative? treatments form ancient cultures like Ayurvedic, Chinese acupuncture and Amerindian, Western medicine has limited your choices.

Since when can a vender of a product limit your choices? Isn?t that called a monopoly?

Last I checked, tyranny was still illegal in America.

Medical treatments for acid reflux that don?t involve lifestyle and dietary changes are useless. In fact, just making lifestyle modifications yourself could be the best treatment for acid reflux of all.

Great men learn by observing nature and no one should be able to stop you from doing that. Observe nature and you?ll find the best natural treatment for your acid reflux, in fact the right natural treatment, combined with diet and lifestyle changes will cure you of your acid reflux symptoms, simply because you eliminated the root cause of acid reflux. Western medical treatment is primarily concerned with chemically treating your symptoms, not removing the cause of your acid reflux.

I hope you can see the difference between natural and unnatural treatment for acid reflux better now.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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December 7, 2010

Medium Hiatal Hernia

Medium Hiatal Hernia refers to the size of your specific hernia. A small Hiatal Hernia often presents with no symptoms, while a large Hiatal Hernia can cause frequent heartburn and chest pains. A medium Hiatal Hernia falls somewhere in between.

Hiatal Hernias

A Hiatal Hernia occurs when a portion of the stomach becomes dislodged and encroaches on other parts of the chest cavity, like the esophagus. There are two types of Hiatal Hernias. The more common type, a sliding Hiatal Hernia, involves the stomach passing up through an opening in the diaphragm and displacing the esophagus from underneath. The more severe type is para-esophageal Hiatal Hernia. This involves the upper portion of the stomach moving up and beside the esophagus and putting pressure on it from that position. This type of hernia can cause food to get caught in the esophagus, and result in the formation of ulcers.


Some people can be born with the tendency to be susceptible to a Hiatal Hernia simply due to an enlarged hiatus. However, sometimes the hernia can happen as a result of heavy lifting, straining during a bowel movement, excess vomiting, or frequent coughing. Although a cause can?t be found for everyone with a Hiatal Hernia, it is thought that added pressure on your stomach due to these factors can result in the injury.


Symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia aren?t many. In fact, often times a Hiatal Hernia doesn?t present with any symptoms, or they are confused with another disorder. Heartburn is the main symptom, which includes a burning sensation in the chest, burping, and a general feeling of indigestion.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD) is sometimes associated with a Hiatal Hernia, but it?s difficult to say whether one causes the other. People with GERD often don?t have Hiatal Hernia, and people with hernias don?t have to have GERD. However, because of the dislocation of the stomach, it?s not uncommon for those with Hiatal Hernias to suffer from GERD. GERD?s symptoms are also very similar to heartburn, including nausea, burping, hiccups, a burning sensation in the chest that sometimes radiates up to the neck, and an unsettled stomach.


Rarely is surgery necessary to treat a Hiatal Hernia. Often your body just needs time to heal itself. Help this process along by taking a few simple steps:

? Primrose oil and papaya extracts both contain helpful digestive enzymes that will help ease the stress of meal time on your stomach.

? Less is genuinely more when it comes to letting your Hiatal Hernia heal. All you have to do is eat less food more often and you?ll prevent your stomach from getting stressed out from too much food entering it all at once.

? Avoid foods like onions, garlic, caffeine, citrus juices and fruits, and alcohol that are known to cause heartburn. Heartburn and its associated acids can cause further damage and irritate a Hiatal hernia, so try to avoid it at all costs.

A medium Hiatal Hernia should be able to be resolved with minimally invasive treatments. For more information on medium Hiatal Hernias, visit

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December 5, 2010

Diet for Acid Reflux

The Standard American Diet (SAD) leads to acid reflux. It?s time for the SAD to be HAD . . . the Healthy American Diet (HAD) is the opposite of everything most Americans are doing now.

If you suffer from acid reflux and you want to reverse your acid reflux before it becomes a fully fledged dis-ease, you need to reverse your SAD diet.

That?s why I call it the Healthy American Diet (HAD), because it offers everything you need to prevent, treat or cure your acid reflux, heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux dis-ease (GERD).

Acid reflux is from consistently eating the same standard things that most Americans eat.

So if you suffer from acid reflux and feel the dis-ease, you are NOT alone. The symptoms of overeating unhealthy foods is nothing new, it?s been around sense the beginning of time, ever sense people began eating.

The problem is American food corporations (Big Food) have made an art of creating dietary dis-ease.

Acid reflux is a dietary dis-ease.

You?re not the only one who was raised to eat a ?square? meal 3 times a day. The reason the American Medical Association (AMA) is so rich and powerful is because Americans have been stuffed with lies and slowly led to slaughter.

Leaving your two choices:

1) You can get a life-time membership with your local Disease Care Management system

2) Step away from the SAD plate and turn a new leaf eating the way nature intended.

If you are experiencing acid reflux or know someone who is the worst thing you can do is blame yourself.

It?s NOT your fault.

Sure, maybe you eat too much and you eat the wrong things, but you can?t help it.

The Standard American Diet (SAD), Big Food and the federal regulatory agencies that condone these atrocities upon humanity are the ones to blame.

Waiting for the world to change its ways isn?t going to reverse your acid reflux and the dis-ease you suffer from. It?s going to have to be all up to you from now on to take back control of your diet and help cure yourself naturally . . . unless you?re comfortable going down the road you?re going down.

Your so-called ?square? meals are the foundation of your acid reflux and ill health. The Healthy American Diet (HAD) is all about eating an ?unbalanced? diet limited to only foods that are actually good for you and because they are hard to find these days, unless you grow your own garden, you?ll eat less too. If you eat 50% bad food and 50% good food that?s a balanced diet. The sad thing is most people eat 90% bad food and 10% good. So that?s why the Healthy American Diet (HAD) is unbalanced, but tipping the scales toward the good.

Your acid reflux won?t get better without your determination to make positive diet changes.

Try it. Eat less, more often. Try 5 or even 7 meals a day. Keep em small and nutritious and only eat when you?re hungry, but don?t eat until you?re full . . . always leave a little space for hunger. If you do this your acid reflux will disappear and you?ll have more energy and feel better.

Your SAD diet caused your acid reflux dis-ease and distress , so if you HAD it with being sick and tired, try the new Healthy American Diet and kick your acid reflux to the curb once and for all.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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