November 8, 2010
Is Heartburn a Sign of Early Pregnancy?
Obviously every time you have occasional heartburn you don?t have to run out and do a pregnancy test. On the other hand it?s not unusual to experience the heartburning sensation of acid indigestion in your first trimester.
The whole morning sickness thing is triggered from a hormone shift that makes the babies nutrient needs a number one priority, instead of yours.
Have you ever wondered why a starving mother can still produce a healthy baby? This is Mother Nature protecting the future of the human race. The baby must get vital minerals, vitamins and protein in order to form healthy tissue and functionality, even if they have to come from the mother?s tissue.
So to answer your question, yes, heart burn can be a sign of early pregnancy.
Acid reflux, heartburn and acid indigestion, whatever name you want to call it, is triggered from a lack of minerals. Your body and the child inside your body, if you?re pregnant, need special minerals to process vitamins, which fuel your DNA, enzymes and proteins.
It?s also important to know heartburn can be caused from a lack of digestive acids, which is triggered from the lack of minerals. Your gallbladder, liver, pancreas and stomach need these vital minerals to make stomach acid, bile and enzymes for digestion.
So you can bet, IF you are having a baby, you?re going to experience some big changes and heartburn is just the beginning.
The best thing you can do is stay hydrated with ?structured? mineral rich water that is chocked full of ?ionic? ocean minerals. Ionically charged minerals have an abundance of electrons, which not only protect your alkaline pH level, but ensure you have stabile oxygen and constant antioxidant activity at your cellular level.
Keep in mind your baby IS at the cellular level and will have biological priority over ?everything.?
What should you do about the heartburn symptoms?
The last thing you want to do is start popping over-the-counter antacids, or any antacid for that matter.
Remember, if you are pregnant, your heartburn is most likely from a lack of natural ocean minerals in your blood. This created a deficiency which depleted your stomach acid, so putting antacids in your stomach will only neutralize the stomach acid you have left, making your imbalance worse.
Swedish scientists proved years ago that antacids do more harm than good.
You may be asking yourself, if I don?t have enough stomach acid why is the heartburn, or acid reflux, making me feel like I have too much stomach acid- isn?t that why it burns so much?
The answer is because your food isn?t digesting properly, due to lack of stomach acid . . . your gut is slowed down and you are filling up with undigested food.
In a desperate attempt for your body to digest all this food in your stomach, it puts out ?surges? of gastric acid, rather than a steady production of it.
This acid ?surge? is injected from the top of your stomach lining and therefore sits on top of your food, piling up in your stomach.
So when you bend over, lie down or eat again, this caustic, nasty acid is forced up into your throat.
That?s it in a nutshell.
So get a source of alkaline water, or add unrefined Celtic sea salt or coral calcium to your water to boost your electrolytes- avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sugar and table salt as well as greasy animal fats and refined oils for a while , eat more salads and veges, but avoid iceberg lettuce.
Even rabbits can?t digest ice berg lettuce. Eat your fruits in-between meals and also drink your water in-between, or at least an hour before you eat.
You don?t want to dilute the stomach acid you have.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Natural Heartburn Cures by admin
Gallbladder surgery is another one of those unnecessary operations that come with bonus side effects.
One of those side effects is acid reflux, which is, having excess saliva with a constant bitter taste from gastric juices refluxing up your throat.
No worries though, your doctor will most likely prescribe Protonex, Nexium or some other Pharma gimmicks to keep your adverse symptoms and complaints quiet.
There are always exceptions to the rule, but the word is most gallbladder surgeries are unnecessary.
Remember tonsils? They used to snip those by the hundreds of thousands annually, until they found they are part of your endocrine and immune system.
There are many overused surgeries due to the loop holes in managed-care insurance, lack of scientific evidence and simple greed.
Surgeons are always coming up with new techniques (i.e., laparoscopy) and better tools to remove gallbladders, yet you never hear of anyone trying to cure the cause of gallstones, do you? Today instead of opening you up all the way, they make a smaller incision, making it an in and out procedure.
Don?t let that fool you, gallbladder removal is still a risky business and considered major surgery. If for instance they nick or sever a bile duct, it will result in permanent liver damage . . . this happens about 2% of the time.
Your gallbladder is NOT the enemy here, your gall stones are and for that matter, your diet habits. If you haven?t had a gallbladder attack and show no signs of pancreatic inflammation or jaundice, you don?t need surgery . . . you need the cure.
In fact did you know there are successful remedies for gall stones, kidney stones and acid reflux?
Another point I have to mention is because gallbladder removal is easy money for the hospitals, every now and then someone with acid indigestion, symptoms of bloating or acid reflux get sent through the procedure in a rush to treat gall bladder-like symptoms.
Recent studies disclose that only 10% to 18% of the 20,000,000 people who have gallstones ever even develop symptoms. What that means is you can start eliminating the risk of gallstones now, before you have a gallstone attack.
Statistics claim only about 10 to 18% of people who have gallstones will experience symptoms at all.
Eating the wrong things year after year can lead to gallstones, acid indigestion and acid reflux. You need healthy bile function and stomach acid function to work together. Usually if one gets out of balance they both could eventually fail to work properly.
Of course if you have gallbladder disease or cancer the odds are you may end up losing your gallbladder to save your life. Gallbladder disease, like acid reflux is associated with obesity, diabetes, smoking and synthetic hormone replacement therapy, to mention a few.
Always get a second or third medical opinion when surgery has been suggested.
By avoiding the classic Standard American Diet (SAD) you can avoid a lot of the Standard American Diseases.
To prevent gall stones as well as acid reflux issues cut out the bad fat, but keep the good fat.
That means, eliminate animal fats and enjoy healthy fats from super foods like avocados and almonds
Gallstones are triggered from poor quality fat intake which increases the bad cholesterol (fatty acid) that makes gallstones.
Don?t end up with double the trouble, cure two problems by eliminating one stone.
Eliminate refined carbohydrates, animal fats and processed food additives so your risk of developing gallstones and acid reflux will be reduced significantly-otherwise you may end up having to deal with the combined symptoms of both problems.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin
October 25, 2010
Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Disease
Acid Reflux Disease happens when the sufferer has heartburn more than twice a week, or chronically.? There are a number of ways to approach finding relief for this painful problem.? Most people will immediately go for medication, be it over the counter antacids or prescription medications.? However, there are a surprising amount of natural remedies that can prevent ever needing to reach for a bottle of pills.
- Changing your eating habits can be the first step, and easiest way, to alleviate heart burn. Eating smaller more frequent meals can prevent overloading the stomach all at once and causing a buildup of pressure and acid. Also, eating 2 to 3 hours before bed can help prevent that night time heartburn from creeping up.
- Smokers should quit smoking, as it has been shown to worsen acid reflux.
- People who are overweight can try losing a few pounds. The extra weight puts added pressure on the chest and abdomen, causing reflux.
- Tight clothing should also be avoided. Similarly to extra weight, it puts pressure on the abdomen.
- Drinking a glass of chamomile or fennel tea can help soothe an irritated esophagus when sipped slowly at a warm temperature.
- A few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar can help during heartburn, and when diluted in a cup of water before meals can help prevent future reflux.
- Aloe Vera juice can help when consumed before meals. However, the gel from an aloe plant will not. It’s a powerful laxative and shouldn’t be consumed to relieve heart burn. Only drink Aloe Vera juice.
- Ginger has been found to help with many stomach problems, including acid reflux. It can be taken in pill form, drank in tea, or consumed in candied form. When taken before meals it acts as a preventative, and can help soothe when taken during heartburn.
- Almonds contain natural oils found to help alleviate heartburn. A handful is all it takes to calm an upset stomach.
- Papaya contains an enzyme that has a digestive enzyme to help break down foods and prevent pressure build up. When taken before meals it can help prevent the onset of acid reflux.
- For long term prevention and healing damage done to the esophagus by chronic heart burn, the amino acid glutamine can help. It promotes healing and eliminates damaged cells in the esophagus.
- Unflavored yogurt has helpful bacteria that promote healing in the esophagus and tightening of the muscles, preventing future onsets.
- Some people have even found eating an apple helps rid them of heartburn.
- Drinking a glass of milk – some recommend skim, some recommend whole – may help relieve acid reflux.
- Something as simple as drinking a glass of water can help. By diluting the stomach acids and flushing the system faster it can be an excellent way to soothe heart burn.
The Reflux Remedy Report contains even more ideas for getting rid of acid reflux disease.? Check it out!
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
October 12, 2010
Carboplatin Taxotere Cause Heartburn
Taxotere, taxol or paciltaxen and carboplatin are usually used together for chemotherapy. People suffering from lung cancer or ovarian cancer commonly referred to paciltaxen and carboplatin as just ?PC.?
These two chemicals are administered by intravenous (IV) injection over a period of several hours and one of the most common adverse effects besides the usual fatigue is heartburn or acid indigestion.
The whole premise if using chemical therapy is to poison the cancer cells to death. The problem is chemicals like taxotere and carboplatin can also kill you.
Anyone undergoing chemical therapy will be well briefed on the dangers and risks involved with such a barbaric approach to wellness. Someday our great grandkids children will look back at the 21st century and call it The Chemical Dark Ages.
Heartburn is the least of your worries with ?PC? therapy.
Paciltaxen and carboplatin are harsh chemicals that actually damage your Red Blood Cells (RBC), preventing them from clotting blood and make it difficult to stop bleeding should you cut yourself. You?ll also notice while using ?PC? chemical therapy that you?ll bruise very easy for the same reason.
Red Blood Cells (RBC) aren?t the only ones at risk; your White Blood Cells (WBC) are also damaged by carboplatin taxotere treatment weakening your immune system. I can?t think of anything quite like getting heartburn along with a flu infection, fatigue and all the muscle aches and pains too.
The heart burn experience from taxol and carboplatin arises usually in the aftermath of nausea and vomiting. Chances are you?ll be downing a lot of anti-vomiting medications to help you tolerate all these adverse effects.
Stomach indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux will likely be accompanied by severe stomach pain along with constipation if you?re dehydrated, otherwise ?PC? therapy will trigger diarrhea too.
These chemicals are the one?s responsible for hair loss the first 3 or 4 weeks after your first treatment. Hair loss from ?PC? affects your eyebrows, lashes and body hair as well.
The worst part about suffering from heartburn and vomiting during your chemotherapy is the stinging mouth sores some people get.
Remember if you?ve chosen chemotherapy with taxol and carboplatin, the effects listed here are temporary and will go away once you?ve completed your chemotherapy treatments.
Always seek a health professional who is well versed in alternative therapies for any health issue whether its cancer or heartburn, both can be cured naturally. It?s important to remember which ever route you chose, it is your body that heals itself in the end, so why not start by working with it in the beginning?
Be careful NOT to take more drugs with your ?PC? therapy to block all these symptoms. You may want to find the remedies for heartburn and the rest of it before you start the heavy drugs.
Always ask you doctor?s opinion, especially while going through a severe regime like Carboplatin taxotere. Hopefully your doctor will suggest nurturing your immune system with raw whole food sourced nutrients and give you a heartburn remedy before you go any further.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin