December 14, 2010
Acid Reflux Natural Remedies
Acid reflux can be prevented, treated and cured with natural remedies. Just because unnatural eating habits made you get acid reflux in the first place, by no means justifies taking unnatural products to help your body cure itself.
Even natural remedies don?t really do the curing, but they are the BEST at helping you help your body to heal itself.
You see the graduates of even the best medical schools in America are being taught to only rely on artificially made substances (drugs) to treat people suffering from acid reflux, or any other health problem for that matter.
In fact students who know better are standing up for natural remedies in the medical universities and institutions everywhere. They are fed up with being taught fake-science designed to serve the drug industry.
The sad truth is many text books are even funded and edited by the long arm of the pharmaceutical industry. You?ll never find any information about natural remedies for acid reflux or any other natural health solutions in these books.
Plus the majority of students are being sponsored by Big Pharma and placed in career positions serving the drug giants. I don?t blame anyone for taking a high paying job to pay back there student loans, it?s a bad place to be when you can?t make a living healing and curing people with natural remedies.
Acid reflux happens because there is an imbalance in the natural processes within your body.
Fact is doctors don?t know how your body heals, reproduces and regenerates in the first place. They spend billions of tax dollars making drugs to block symptoms of imbalance, but they fall short of finding and curing the root cause.
Acid reflux shouldn?t be a big deal, but it is.
How can something so simple to cure as acid reflux need so much attention? I?ll tell you why, because when people are conditioned generation after generation to trust, without question, the Western medical complex, they become victims of malpractice.
In other word simple problems like acid reflux get worse and become cash cows for the medical industry- that?s malpractice.
Seriously, so-called medical experts are literally experimenting on the American people and making excellent livings doing so. Acid reflux leads to gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) only because doctors are practicing the ?theory? of treating acid reflux with chemicals and designer drugs that are making acid reflux symptoms worse.
If you?re taking antacids and you still have acid reflux, try some natural remedies before your acid reflux advances into a more serious condition. The last thing your need is a hiatal hernia or a surgical procedure to save your throat form being chemically dissolved by stomach acid.
Do your own due diligence, read labels and black box warnings, search the Internet; look at the consequences of ignoring the real cause of acid reflux. It?s easy to learn what causes your acid reflux, PLUS natural remedies are so simple, affordable and safe, why not at least try to address the real cause of your health problems, even if it?s just a little acid reflux . . . natural remedies really do work with your body?s natural healing processes, even if you don?t have a doctors degree.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Natural Remedies by admin
December 7, 2010
Hiatal Hernia Chiropractic Treatment
If you have a Hiatal Hernia, chiropractic treatment might be a good solution for you. It can help keep you from going under the knife or being over medicated. However, it’s not the cheapest solution.
Hiatal Hernia
A hernia happens in the body when an organ becomes dislocated and forced into an area where it doesn’t normally reside. This puts pressure on surrounding organs and can have fairly detrimental consequences. When this happens in the stomach, it’s called a Hiatal Hernia.
There are two types of Hiatal hernias, the sliding Hiatal Hernia and the para-esophageal Hiatal Hernia. The sliding Hiatal Hernia is extremely common, and happens when a portion of the stomach is forced through an opening in the diaphragm and into the area where the esophagus is supposed to be. A more worrisome Hiatal Hernia is the para-esophageal Hiatal hernia, which involves the upper portion of the stomach being pushed up next to the esophagus, and putting pressure on it from the outside. This can cause a blockage and prevent food from progressing through the digestive tract.
Most people with a Hiatal Hernia don’t experience symptoms, but if you do they will mimic heartburn. This includes a painful burning sensation in the chest, burping and indigestion. Some people may also experience pain due to stomach spasms, but this symptom should not be confused with a heart attack.
Hiatal Hernia chiropractic treatment
Physically massaging or pushing the hernia back into place is one of the many ways you can try to help your Hiatal Hernia to heal. A Hiatal Hernia massage can be performed by your chiropractor or by you. It involves massaging the area just below your breast bone, or sternum. Massage the area in a circular pattern, making sure to push down, which will help get the herniated stomach back into position. This should be done initially just a few times, and then as you become more used to it three times a day for a minute each.
If you go to your chiropractor for Hiatal Hernia treatment, a similar procedure is performed, except all at once instead of over a period of weeks.
Other options
Seeing a chiropractor isn’t your only option to help repair your Hiatal Hernia. While surgery is rarely necessary to treat a Hiatal Hernia, sometimes medication can help reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, which will allow the area to heal. However, this approach can be done naturally as well, saving you money on expensive prescriptions.
For example, simply change your eating habits a bit to help reduce stress on your stomach and keep it from producing too much acid. Consume smaller meals more frequently, rather than eating large meals in just a few sittings.
Or watch what you eat. Avoid foods that are known to cause heartburn for you. Increased acid in your stomach can do nothing but slow the healing process for your hernia.
Get a copy of The Reflux Remedy Report. There are a number of natural tips and tricks to help relieve your Hiatal Hernia. Visit to find out more.
Hiatal Hernia chiropractic treatment is one way to get relief from Hiatal Hernia pain; however it’s not the only one! Be sure to explore all your options before you commit to something costly.
Filed under Hiatal Hernia by admin
December 3, 2010
Treatments For Acid Reflux
Treatments that block or even ignore symptoms of acid reflux can end up inflaming a simple case of heartburn to fully fledged throat cancer, unless your careful.
When treatments for acid reflux fail the acid reflux continues to force its way passed your lower esophageal sphincter, eventually allowing the sensitive throat lining to be scarred from stomach acid.
This scarring can lead to your throat cells mutating into cells resembling your stomach cells. This is a desperate act of your body’s built-in intelligence to try and adapt to a caustic situation in order to prolong life.
There conventional treatments for acid reflux merely cover-up the symptoms, yet do nothing to remove the root cause of your acid reflux.
So be careful in selecting any so-called treatments and if you chose any of the conventional acid reflux treatments be sure to always get a second and third opinion. You do not want to get stuck taking any treatment for any extended length of time.
Treatments are not cures and are only useful for short periods of time.
Acid reflux treatments typically start with sodium bicarbonate and water and when the antacid formulas leave you wanting more relief you can up-grade to a more dangerous treatment called proton-pump inhibitors. These treatments are powerful chemical ?inhibitors that block your body’s ability to make stomach acid. In a sense you’ve declared chemical war against the most intelligent biological system in the world, your body’s automatic healing system.
(Oh, by the way, you better be absolutely sure you don’t already suffer from a stomach acid deficiency- ask your doctor to double, triple check first.)
This can have dire consequences if you don’t have a compassionate and nutritionally educated health care practitioner working to get you off conventional acid reflux treatments a.s.a.p.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are notorious for causing acid rebound, which is a medical condition created entirely from these by man-made “treatment’ drugs.
Acid rebounds are symptoms of proton pump inhibitor addiction.
Other treatments are relative to the severity of your acid reflux symptoms and generally depend on how long you’ve been taking antacids and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).
Hiatal hernia is associated with chronic acid reflux and some of the treatments are complicated surgical procedures. Another stage of dis-ease caused from ignoring the signs of acid reflux is gastro-esophageal reflux disease. This is a life threatening health concern that is treated with drugs simply because medically speaking, they claim there is no cure.
Medically speaking, means according to conventional, Western practice. You could say conventional medicine is biased toward treatment and against curing. There are natural remedies, which are un-patentable because they are “natural,” but have been proven to be very effective at reversing acid reflux and even gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Why opt for failed treatments when there is a natural cure waiting for you to discover?
When gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is treated rather than cured, cancer can be the result. Treatments for throat cancer are harsh and are the most dangerous of all the treatments.
Certainly prevention is the best and only real treatment for acid reflux, GERD or cancer.
That’s why being nutritionally literate is so smart, knowing what remedies to take is the best way to treat any health concern, especially something like acid reflux.
Treat your acid reflux with one purpose, to help eliminate the cause without ignoring the symptoms. That way you will make the best of conventional medical wisdom and ancient time-tested cures and go beyond temporary treatments.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Treatment by admin
November 5, 2010
Acid Reflux Hernia
A hernia is generally defined as the displacement or protrusion of an organ through a hole or into a cavity.? There are two types of hernias related to acid reflux – Sliding Hiatal Hernia and Para-Esophageal Hiatal Hernia.
Sliding Hiatal Hernia
Sliding Hiatal Hernias are the most common.? They occur when the muscle at the junction between the esophagus and the stomach – the lower esophageal sphincter – becomes too relaxed.? This allows the diaphragm to become displaced and a portion of the stomach to pass into the lower esophagus.
Roughly half of people with a Sliding Hiatal Hernia don’t suffer symptoms.? If symptoms do occur they are identical to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, and can include heartburn, acid reflux, regurgitation and frequent belching and hiccups.
Treatments can include over the counter antacids or prescription drugs; a change in diet that involves eating smaller, more frequent meals, or eliminates foods like citrus, alcohol, caffeine, garlic, mint, or any other foods that would cause heartburn; quitting smoking; eliminating tight clothing which can cause pressure on the stomach resulting in reflux; and taking care not to lie down too quickly after eating.? If symptoms are severe, surgery may be necessary and would involve pulling the stomach down and tightening the opening to the stomach, which would prevent recurrence.
Para-Esophageal Hiatal Hernia
Para-Esophageal Hiatal Hernias are slightly more severe than Sliding Hiatal Hernias.? They occur when a portion of the stomach becomes displaced and ends up next to the esophagus.? This condition can be problematic as a result of complications associated with it.? Strangulation can occur when blood can’t get to the affected area, resulting in tissue death.? It can also put pressure on the esophagus, causing food to lodge there after swallowing.? Ulcers can also form from damage caused by food stuck in the esophagus or stomach acid.
Most Para-Esophageal Hiatal Hernia’s aren’t symptomatic, but if there are, symptoms can include nausea, chest pain and pressure, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and trouble swallowing.
The complications due to an untreated hernia can become severe, so early surgical intervention is the most successful treatment for Para-Esophageal Hiatal Hernia.
Diagnosing Hiatal Hernia
A doctor can diagnose a Hiatal Hernia many ways; however a few tests are used regularly.? An upright chest x-ray can be performed.? This would reveal any obvious abnormalities to the esophagus and stomach.? A barium x-ray involves digesting barium, a thick solution that is visible under x-rays.? Or, an upper endoscopy could also be performed, which involves a physician inserting a lighted tube to search for problems in the esophagus and upper stomach.
Filed under Hiatal Hernia by admin