Acid Reflux Cure

December 31, 2009

A GERD Cure So You Can Stop Using Antacids Forever

acid reflux painIf you have been suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for a while, you may have noticed that the antacids you take don?t work as well as they used to. If this sounds familiar, you may be interested to know that you can cure GERD without using antacids at all.

As acid reflux becomes more common, many people are disappointed with antacid use and are looking for natural GERD remedies. If you are one of these people, you have come to the right place. This article will explain the benefits of using acid reflux remedies and teach you five alternative treatments that you can try today.

Why Natural Remedies Work

Antacids work by neutralizing the stomach acids and masking the pain. This means that they are nothing more than a temporary solution ? a band-aid placed over a very serious wound. If you want to actually cure the ailment, you need to treat the source of the problem.

Natural GERD remedies do just that. Most of the time, GERD is caused by damaged and weakened esophageal tissues such as the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is very important here because it is the flap of muscle that acts as a cap to the stomach, keeping acid contained within.

However, the diet and lifestyle of the average American leaves these tissues damaged and unable to perform as they should. The only way to correct this issue is by using simple natural remedies and making some changes to your lifestyle.

Here are some simple and effective GERD remedies you can try tonight.

Five Acid Reflux Remedies

  1. Avoid hard and crunchy foods for two or three days at the beginning of your treatment program. By sticking to a GERD diet that includes eating softer foods, you will allow the tissues time to begin the healing process.
  2. Steer clear of soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, and spicy and acidic foods during this time for the same reason.
  3. Be sure to drink a glass of water after every meal or snack to clean off any food particles that may prevent the LES from forming a tight seal over the stomach.
  4. Eat some honey. Honey will coat the damaged tissues and protect them from infections. Honey has also been found to speed up the regeneration of cells, speeding the healing process. Swallow about three teaspoons during the day, especially before going to bed.
  5. GERD can also be caused by having too little acid in your stomach. When the stomach acid levels are low, the digestion of food requires that the acids be churned up more violently than normally. As a result, some stomach acid ends up being refluxed into the esophagus. To correct this, mix a little apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink it.

A GERD Cure that is 100% Guaranteed

If you are interested in a GERD cure that is 100% guaranteed to work in hours, please download our Acid Reflux Remedy Report now. Our reflux remedy report will teach you exactly how to stop GERD pain in less than a day.

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December 29, 2009

Control and Cure Acid Reflux

cure acid refluxAcid reflux disease can take the joy out of eating your favorite meals. A burning sensation often follows eating and is a result of stomach acid being churned into the esophagus during digestion. When this acid hits the soft esophageal tissues, it causes a painful chemical burn.

However, simply using antacids to control acid reflux is not the best option. Antacids do little more than temporarily neutralize the refluxed acid. They do nothing to treat the underlying cause of acid reflux symptoms. But there are natural remedies for acid reflux that help to control and even cure acid reflux.

Powerful Tips to Cure Acid Reflux Naturally

  1. Try eating ice cream to soothe the pain. The cold will help soothe the pain and the cream will neutralize the stomach acid.
  2. Be sure to exercise and use stress management techniques, such as yoga. Stress and poor physical condition are two major contributors to acid reflux symptoms and both of these tips will help facilitate smooth digestion.
  3. Drink an herbal tea, like chamomile, fennel, or cinnamon tea. These acid reflux home remedies all act as natural antacids and also help relieve stress.
  4. Sucking on hard candy or chewing gum will help cure acid reflux by stimulating the salivary glands. By producing more saliva, you will protect your esophagus from damage and will be less likely to suffer from reflux.
  5. Milk is another natural antacid. Drink a small glass whenever you feel an acid reflux attack coming on.
  6. Avoid heavily processed food items, like fast foods. It is also a good idea to eliminate spicy and highly acidic foods from your diet. Foods like tomatoes, onions, citrus fruits, and chocolate will all increase the acidity of your stomach and lead to more reflux.
  7. Stick to a well-balanced and healthy reflux diet.
  8. Avoid activities that involve lowering your head below your stomach. This gives the stomach acid a great opportunity to seep into your esophagus.
  9. Do not wear tight-fitting clothes. Tight clothes do not allow your body the room it needs to digest a large meal. If your stomach cannot expand, you will probably experience acid reflux symptoms.
  10. Instead of eating three big meals, eat small meals that are no bigger than your fist five or six times a day. These smaller meals are more easily digested than large ones and will reduce reflux attacks dramatically.

Learn More about Acid Reflux Home Remedies

The key to controlling and curing acid reflux is to learn as much as you can about this disease. To learn everything you need to know to keep yourself reflux-free, please visit our website. Our Acid Reflux Home Remedies Report will show you the best ways to cure acid reflux and how to keep it from ever returning.

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December 26, 2009

Say Goodbye to Pain with This Acid Reflux Remedy

acid reflux remedyMany people suffer from chronic acid reflux, but have yet to consider using alternative remedies for an acid reflux cure. Most people will simply continue to use antacids and other remedies that do nothing more than provide a temporary respite from the pain and discomfort. However, given a long enough period of time, these medications will eventually not work at all!

If you fall into this category, you need to be aware of what is happening to your body and why the treatments you are currently using are not a permanent solution. If you hope to cure acid reflux once and for all, you have to walk a different path.

Secrets about an Acid Reflux Cure

Eventually, almost everyone suffers from periodic reflux. Using antacids for these infrequent attacks is perfectly alright. However, when acid reflux symptoms become a daily part of your life, you need to try a different approach.

Acid reflux is most commonly the result of a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which acts as a valve over your stomach. Over years of abuse, the LES will lose its ability to perform its job properly. The key to a permanent acid reflux cure is to restore this muscle to health and keep the stomach acid where it belongs.

Here are some tips to help you put a stop to acid reflux symptoms for good!

Natural Acid Reflux Remedy Secrets

1. In order to give your LES time to heal, you need to avoid a few things. Coffee, alcoholic and carbonated beverages, acidic and spicy foods, and crunchy items like crackers and cereal all scratch and damage the esophageal tissues. Cut these items from your diet for two or three days.

2. You need to drink plenty of water to help your LES heal and to prevent it from becoming damaged again. Drinking water after every snack or meal will wash food particles away from the LES and help it form a tight seal over the stomach. This is such an easy and inexpensive acid reflux cure that anyone can do.

3. Eat at least three tablespoons of honey every day. Honey will form a protective layer over the damaged tissues and ward off infection while soothing the pain. Be sure to eat one tablespoon of honey just before bed.

4. Aloe vera is known to soothe burns. The damage caused by acid reflux is a chemical burn and should be treated with aloe vera, as well. You can buy aloe vera juice at your local health food store.

5. Eat an apple when you feel a reflux attack coming on. Apples act as a natural antacid and will calm the raging stomach acid, preventing it from refluxing into the esophagus.

Never Deal with Acid Reflux Symptoms Again

If you allow your LES to heal completely and learn how to prevent it from becoming injured again, you will never have to face the pain and discomfort of acid reflux again. Download our Acid Reflux Remedy Report find out the seven most effective ways of making this a reality. Our acid reflux cure is 100% guaranteed, so you can try it risk free.

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December 18, 2009

Unleash the Power of Natural Acid Reflux Remedies

acid reflux remedies

For many people, sitting down to a meal is like taking a seat under the Sword of Damocles. Suffers of chronic acid reflux know that it is just a matter of time before the food they enjoy becomes the source of great pain as the stomach rebels, sending stomach acid into the esophagus and turning their own saliva into a powerful irritant.

If you suffer from acid reflux pain, you have no doubt visited several doctors in hopes of finding an acid reflux cure. These doctors have most likely put you on prescription medications, which seem to be working. However, should you stop taking these medications, your acid reflux symptoms will soon return. Even worse, your body may get used to the medications and your reflux could return in spite of them.

Get Started with Your Acid Reflux Treatment

A very effective acid reflux home cure is using apple cider vinegar. It may sound counter-intuitive to use an acid to solve a problem of an overly-acidic stomach, but it works! Mix a couple of teaspoons in with water and drink the concoction while you are eating and it will help control your post-meal reflux flare-up.

Fennel seeds are another effective natural cure for acid reflux. This herb is very helpful in assisting with proper digestion because it contains anethole, which helps control the movements of the stomach. Chew half a teaspoon of these seeds immediately after eating and you will find that your reflux symptoms are either greatly reduced or do not occur at all.

Lavender tea is another effective way of controlling acid reflux naturally because of its calming effect on the stomach and the rest of the body. You can pick up some of this tea at your local grocery store. Pour boiling water over a tea bag and let it steep for five minutes. If you like, you can add a little honey for flavor and added pain relief. Drink this twice a day and you will notice your reflux symptoms subside.

Other Acid Reflux Remedies

These three remedies are by no means the only ways to cure acid reflux naturally. The list of effective natural remedies is too long to include here. However, you can find an all-encompassing list in our Acid Reflux Remedies Report, which is available through our website. The report only contains those reflux remedies that have been fully researched and been found effective for an acid reflux cure.

Don?t let chronic acid reflux pain ruin your love of eating. Learn how to cure heartburn and reflux by downloading your copy of our Reflux Remedy Report today. We are so sure our information will produce the results you desire that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You have nothing to lose!

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