April 8, 2011
Cure For Heartburn
If you want a cure for heartburn then you must wise up to the fact that drugs are NOT the solution. The entire Western medical theory of blocking symptoms of heartburn is responsible for millions of heartburn suffers worsening their health conditions.
Do you really want a cure for heartburn? If your answer is yes then you will find it in a natural remedy not in a chemical drug.
Why do millions of people who once had heartburn end up with gastro-esophageal acid reflux disease, hiatal hernias and throat cancer? The answer is because they all played the Big Pharma game and lost.
Think about it, with all the billions of dollars spent on advertising to get you to take their products, if they actually worked then they’d be out of business because no one would ever have chronic heartburn.
The truth of the matter is quite the opposite. Because millions of people are sold on “treating symptoms” of heartburn with this OTC gimmick or that, their heartburn issues never quite go away.
It’s your responsibility to find your own cure for heartburn; you simply need to be sincere about really wanting a heartburn cure.
What if curing your heartburn meant you couldn’t eat meals for 3 hours before bedtime or that you couldn’t take a nap after your meals?
What if the cure for your heartburn meant learning to enjoy taking short walks or stretching after eating big meals?
What if curing your heartburn meant only eating certain foods in between meals?
What if curing your heartburn meant not drinking anything with your meals?
Are you ready and willing to cure your heartburn no matter what it takes?
Drugs do not cure your heartburn; they block stomach acid production which is a double problem IF your heartburn isn?t caused from too much stomach acid.
The more you look into the business of selling drugs, whether it be for heartburn, gastro-esophageal reflux disease or acid rebound, the more you understand that those gimmicks can never cure your heartburn.
The cure for heartburn is already within you, you simply need to tap into it. Your own natural heartburn cure simply needs you to nurture it.
Learn how you can naturally support your own heartburn cure by nurturing cellular health simply by using your attitude, environment and food as your medicine . . . only you can cure your heartburn.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Heartburn Treatment by admin
March 25, 2011
Heartburn Cure
Cure your heartburn without using drugs, but rather by applying the science of prevention. Preventative remedies are more often than not also the cure for many health challenges you may be facing, not just acid reflux.
The amazing thing about curing something like heartburn is you learn to apply the science of addressing the root cause of acid reflux, stomach indigestion or gastro-esophageal reflux disease . . . or any other dis-ease.
The only way you’re going to cure your heartburn is by discovering what caused it in the first place, remember nothing ever changes at the symptom level.
The cure for heartburn and the cause of your heartburn are connected at the hip, just as the symptoms of heartburn and the effects are connected.
Getting rid of the symptoms or ‘blocking the effects’ of your heartburn still leaves you suffering from the cause of your heartburn, while waiting for the drugs to wear off.
At the risk of repeating, it’s very important you realize that living symptom free of heartburn isn’t the same as curing your heartburn.
Before you can cure your heartburn STOP assuming you have heartburn because of too much stomach acid . . . more often than not, heartburn can be caused from too little stomach acid. The symptoms and signs of heartburn are pretty much the same to the casual observer, that’s why if you start popping antacid medication you could be triggering a much more serious health challenge for yourself.
Ask you health professional or even insist that your health professional do a simple stomach acid test to accurately diagnose the correct health issue here.
If you want to cure your heart burn and you suffer from too much stomach acid, the cure maybe a basic lifestyle modification. You may be making too much stomach acid because of emotional or physical stress factors and changing those factors could be your cure for heartburn.
Perhaps you’re eating large meals or mixing the wrong foods or not getting enough exercise . . . those cases all require lifestyle modifications to cure your heartburn.
If you have all those things covered, your heartburn cure may be found in addressing a tired pancreas, endocrine and immune system with a nutritional approach.
Either way your heartburn is NOT a drug deficiency.
Know this: there is a natural, evidence-based scientific remedy for your heartburn . . . so don’t be fooled by gimmicks and Direct-to-Consumer advertising . . . your heartburn symptom isn?t the target.
If you really want to cure your heartburn, target the cause and the symptoms and signs will go away once and for all.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Heartburn Remedies, Heartburn Treatment by admin
March 20, 2011
Home Remedy for Heartburn
It’s interesting that you worded your Internet search that way, ‘Home remedy for heartburn.’ It tells me why you’re here and that it’s by no accident you are here reading this . . . you are finally taking charge of your health and that means starting with your heartburn.
Truth is if you suffer from recurring heartburn and acid indigestion you do need to return ‘home’ for the remedy. Metaphorically speaking, home for your health means restoring harmony and that begins in your gut.
Scientists now know that your gut is actually your second brain. The same molecular messengers your brain makes are also made in your gut. This is where you’ll find your home remedy, somewhere between the vast wiring of your brain and your central nervous system is your enteric nervous system . . .this home base, where your immune system comes from, in your gut.
If you have recurring heartburn, you probably already know all the antacids in the world just don’t help; in fact for a lot of heartburn sufferers taking antacids can make things even worse.
A home remedy for heartburn is really anything that replenishes and soothes your enteric nervous system and you know as well as I, if your gut is happy you?re happy.
Funny how we don’t know what we had until we lose it, I guess that’s why we say, ‘There’s no place like home.’
Truth is people love to eat and by all rights we should, but the problem is the business of fast food has usurped that, they manipulated that pleasurable culinary necessity we call dining into some kind of abomination.
Fast foods that cause heartburn are nothing but refined sugars, salts and artificial additives that make you chemically dependent on these so-called food products, when in reality all they are is tasty chemicals.
Bottom line there is nothing out there like a home remedy. A home remedy for heartburn is simply returning to eating nutritious real foods.
You see, your heartburn really is a dis-ease of undernutrition.
Your gut needs plenty of ionic minerals, vitamins and enzymes fast food-stuff simply cannot deliver. Your heartburn remedy is all about returning home, home to do the right thing.
In a way your heartburn and its remedy is a story of the prodigal stomach. You’ve been experimenting with all the edible wonders of the world, good and bad, but mostly bad and now you’ve realized that you’ve lost touch with why you eat in the first place . . . your original gut instincts.
Nothing tastes better than food that provides the nutrients you need to feel healthy.
A full stomach is no match for a healthy gut. The real home remedy you’re looking for starts with you deciding you want to eliminate heartburn from your life forever.
Home remedies are a serious matter because they allow us to exercise our will to thrive . . . so address the root cause of your heartburn naturally and bring your health back home where you belong.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Heartburn Treatment by admin
March 16, 2011
Heartburn Home Remedies
Heartburn home remedies have been used as folk medicine for thousands of years. If you’re looking for safe, effective and time-tested home remedies for your heartburn you’re going to be better off than most people who jump up and start popping Over-The-Counter (OTC) antacids.
Over-The-Counter (OTC) antacids are a far cry from a natural home remedy for heartburn. What they are is a recipe for disaster.
Antacids are chocked full of extra ingredients, some listed and some not listed and none of them are nutrients.
If it’s not a nutrient, it’s a toxin . . . at least that’s how your immune system will see it. Recently tons of antacids were recalled only because someone noticed some wood splinters, glass and other floor sweepings in them. Hmmmm, I wonder how many of those kinds of contaminants get consumed everyday without being noticed.
Eating glass, wood chips and floor sweepings may sound natural, but it’s a far cry from a natural home remedy.
Your heartburn is a case of simple acid indigestion and if you’ve noticed you’re getting heartburn upset more often than you used to, the first thing you want to do, as a home remedy, is to start eating at home more often. I mean eating proper, healthy foods prepared with loving care . . . at home.
I can’t think of a better home remedy than addressing the heartburn issue at the root cause, which is undernutrition. Fast food is the opposite of a home remedy for heartburn; it is the cause, the instigator, the culprit.
Now if Grandma’s homemade recipe for spaghetti gives you heartburn, you either eat too much or your digestive system was put out of balance long before you eat her home cooked meal.
Home remedies for any ailment, whether its heartburn or cancer, use what used to be common sense . . .it’s more rare nowadays, that’s why they’re called home remedies.
There didn’t used to be any mystery surrounding a good home cooked pot of chicken soup, or even a home brewed herbal beer. The modern world was weaned on the peasant lifestyle . . . it’s the exclusive left brain thinking of the medical elitists that messed it all up.
If empirical medicine was all that they claim it to be, your heartburn wouldn’t be a medical issue. You’d simple chew on a specific home remedy root, grass or fruit in between your meals and it would be cured, relieved and over with.
The fact that home remedies have all but been outlawed by the business of dis-ease management is a tragedy. Becoming nutritionally literate will lead you to the cornucopia of home remedies for heartburn to cancer and everything in-between.
Bottom-line is if you have the power to make yourself sick with heartburn, or any dis-ease, you also have the power to make yourself well.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Heartburn Treatment by admin