Acid Reflux Remedy

September 13, 2010

Acid Reflux and Sinuses

At first thought you might not suspect that your sinus issues would be linked to your acid reflux, or heartburn problems.

It may surprise you, but if you visit a sinus specialist or Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doc, you can be assured they?re going to be looking for any signs of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or acid reflux disease.

Well what?s one got to do with the other you might ask?

For instance, one of the worst habits some people with recurring heartburn have is lying down right after they eat. This is a sure-fire way of encouraging those nasty gastric acids to leak up into your throat, mouth and even your sinuses.

It?s true, if you feel like always clearing your throat, it could only be sinus drainage, or post nasal drip from a food allergy or hay fever.

On the other hand it could very well be a reaction to common acid reflux. As you can imagine, when your stomach indigestion repeatedly kicks up gaseous plumes of acid reflux it can easily inflame your nose and sinus linings.

When all the cards are down, it?s the ninth inning, bases are loaded and the fat lady starts to sing . . . you are your own best doctor.

That?s why so many people are learning how to be their own health detectives. Seriously, these days it?s almost a lost secret, but learning to detect the ?root cause? of your sinus or acid reflux and heartburn issues is the only way to take back control of your life.

There?s hardly anything more irritating than having to wipe your nose, sniffle, snort and clear your throat constantly.

Having constant post nasal drip, irritated vocal cords and that unhealthy odor to your breath aren?t the most socially attractive qualities either.

Sinusitis, rhinitis and acid reflux have several things in common and even though you may not suffer from full-blown gastroesophageal reflux disease, your occasional acid indigestion could be the cause of your running nose, puffy eyes and sore throat . . . you just haven?t made the connection yet.

Did you know the digestive acid in your stomach is mostly hydrochloric acid which vaporizes at room temperatures?

Your gastric acid (hydrochloric acid) made up of hydrogen chloride (HCL) gas in water, which is a highly corrosive, strong mineral acid.

When this noxious digestive acid transforms into gas due to your digestive imbalance, the first place it goes is up your throat into your sinus cavities.

Now remixing with moist air, the stinging gas gets trapped in the complex cavernous labyrinth inside your head. Trapped in a dark moist place it can mix back in with water, inflaming your sensitive nerve endings, triggering all the symptoms of a sinus infection.

The Antacid Deception

To further complicate things millions of people unwittingly add antacids to the mix, which, by the way were proven ineffective for acid reflux and heart burn back in 1986. In fact, antacids can cause your stomach to actually produce more acid reflux.

Antacids create another condition called ?acid rebound,? which makes your gastrointestinal problems even worse.

But wait, there?s more! Antacids are one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on the American public because they also change the pH balance in your gut causing good micro-organisms (probiotics) to die, triggering the over-growth of harmful bacteria.

By now you, like me, can see there is a hidden connection between sinus problems and acid reflux, directly and indirectly.

Once the imbalance of healthy gut flora (probiotics) is overcome by the harmful bacteria and other toxic micro-organisms, you have an infection. There is evidence that antacids may be responsible for Helicobacterplyori infections, the bad bacteria that cause ulcers.

All this weakens your natural immune system function and makes the connection between acid reflux and sinus infections even more obvious.

So perhaps all those holistic doctors and naturopathic health practitioners have been right all along, everything is inter-related. Ancient healers and medicinal protocols of old all agree, you must treat the whole person and that includes even making changes in your environment as well as your diet.

So it helps to be a detective when it comes to your health, or what I affectionately refer to as a ?health ecologist.? That is, one who studies the health connections between all living things and their environments.

Live well,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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January 27, 2010

Effective Natural Acid Reflux Remedies

If you are looking for natural remedies for acid reflux disease, you have come to the right place. This article will show you a few ways to cure acid reflux naturally.

Before you try to treat acid reflux, you need to understand exactly what is happening to your body. Reflux happens when stomach acid is regurgitated into the esophagus. The acid will damage the delicate lining of your esophagus and will cause a pain that can linger for quite a long time. However, you can cure acid reflux by sticking to a healthy diet and using a few natural remedies.

Five Natural Acid Reflux Remedies

1.) Milk ? Milk is a simple acid reflux remedy. When you feel an attack coming on, just drink a glass of cold milk. It will help neutralize the refluxed acid and ease an upset stomach.

2.) Water ? Water is a safe and effective way to detoxify your body. You need to drink about 12 glasses of water a day. This will dilute the concentration of stomach acid and lessen the strength and frequency of your reflux attacks.

3.) Apple Cider Vinegar ? Apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest and most well-known acid reflux remedies out there. It can be used to treat a long list of ailments, including acid reflux. The most effective way to cure acid reflux with apple cider vinegar is to add one tablespoon to a glass of water and drink it during meals

4.) Ginger ? This is an effective remedy that will absorb excess stomach acid, soothing the pain and targeting causes of acid reflux. Ginger can be taken in either capsule form or ginger itself can be eaten.

5.) Fruits and Vegetables ? A healthy diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables is extremely helpful in curing acid reflux. These foods are high in fiber and nutrients that help your body work properly. A person with a properly working digestive system will not suffer from acid reflux or heartburn.

Cure Acid Reflux Naturally

If you are sick of being sick with acid reflux and don?t want to spend the rest of your life eating antacids, there are many different ways in which you can treat this disease naturally. If you would like to know more, please download our natural Acid Reflux Home Remedy Report. The information contained in our reflux remedy report is fully researched and guaranteed effective.

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January 11, 2010

Three Ways to Naturally Treat Heartburn

The vast majority of people who suffer from chronic heartburn are under the mistaken belief that they must consume massive amounts of chalky antacids if they hope to find relief. However, there are many alternative ways in which sufferers can actually cure heartburn instead of simply masking the symptoms for a short time.

In fact, natural heartburn remedies can actually be more effective than antacids precisely because they treat the underlying cause of heartburn rather than temporarily neutralizing the refluxed acid. By learning to treat this disease naturally, you won?t have to worry about your heartburn returning. Here are a few heartburn home remedies to get you started.

Natural Heartburn Remedies

1. Ground red pepper is an effective heartburn remedy. It may seem odd to treat heartburn with a spice, but it works very well. The prevailing belief is that the spicy pepper works because it reduces the sensitivity of the nerves in the digestive tract.

Red pepper has been known to cause a burning sensation during defecation, so moderation is important. You should not ingest anymore than 500mg of red pepper with each of your meals in the beginning. Once you have a stronger grasp of your tolerance, you can adjust the dosage accordingly. However, you should not take more than 2,500mg a day as this will decrease the effectiveness of this remedy over time.

2. Extract of artichoke leaves is another effective heartburn home remedy. This can be found at almost any health food store. It works to relieve many of the minor symptoms of heartburn as well as acid reflux disease.

3. Chamomile tea has long been used as a remedy for insomnia, but it is also very useful in the treatment of heartburn. As a natural relaxant, chamomile tea works to ease the digestive tract, treating heartburn. It will also coat and soothe an upset stomach.

Deciding how Best to Treat Heartburn

If heartburn is something you experience every now and again, then over-the-counter antacids are a good choice to treat the condition. However, if acid reflux has become a part of your everyday life, you should consider natural heartburn remedies. Everything you need to successfully treat heartburn can be found at your local health food store.

These are just a few of the natural options that are open to those who are looking for natural ways to treat heartburn. To learn everything you need to know about heartburn home remedies, please visit our website. Our Reflux Remedy Report will show you the most effective ways to cure acid reflux in easy to follow, step-by-step instructions. We are so sure that our information will have you feeling better in a matter our hours that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You have nothing to lose!

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January 4, 2010

Natural Acid Reflux Remedies to Get Rid of GERD

acid reflux remediesSince you are reading this article, chances are that you are looking for natural ways to control gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The problem is finding reliable information about effective alternative remedies for GERD can be difficult. The good new is natural acid reflux remedies have recently been subject to the scrutiny of medical research and we now know which ones are effective and which ones are not!

If you are looking for ways to treat your GERD at home, there is no better way to start the New Year! But before you begin, you should know why acid reflux (also called GERD) occurs. This common ailment is the result of a weakened lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is a ring of muscle that acts as a valve over the stomach, allowing food to pass and keeping stomach acid inside. Over time, certain unhealthy habits make it so the LES can no longer perform its task properly. So, the only way to an acid reflux cure is to strengthen the LES.

Antacids are Not a Good Way to Cure Acid Reflux

Antacids are the most common remedy that people reach for when an acid reflux attack happens. Antacids are popular because they provide almost instant relief from the pain of reflux. However, this relief is only temporary because all they do in neutralize refluxed acid. If you do not treat the underlying cause, you will be dependent upon antacids for the rest of your life.

By choosing a natural treatment for acid reflux, you will find you have a lasting relief that is not possible with antacids. This is because natural acid reflux remedies work to resolve the physical problem at the root of the disease.

Here are a few tips to get you back on the road to health so you don?t have to keep buying those expensive antacids.

Natural Acid Reflux Remedies That Work

1. You have to make certain changes to your life. Doing things like quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol until your LES has healed, and losing weight makes a remarkable difference. Also, you should eat 5-6 smaller meals instead of three large ones because smaller meals are much easier to digest. Wear loose-fitting clothes that do not restrict your stomach, and sleep with your head elevated above the stomach.

2. Make sure you are getting enough water to drink. Water will help keep food particles cleaned off the LES and help it form a tighter seal. Be sure to drink a glass or bottle of water after every meal or snack.

3. Honey is a great way to protect your LES from infection and further damage while naturally soothing acid reflux pain. It is especially important to eat a teaspoon of honey just before bed.

4. Apples are a great way to cure acid reflux. My father has relied on this remedy for more than three decades. When you feel a GERD attack coming on, just eat a few slices of apple!

5. You need to learn all you can about natural acid reflux remedies. The more you know about these subjects, the easier it is for you to treat acid reflux and prevent its return.

Cure Acid Reflux Permanently

Learn the most effective ways to cure acid reflux permanently by healing your lower esophageal sphincter. Allow our 100% guaranteed Acid Reflux Remedies Report help you today.

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