Acid Reflux Remedy

January 24, 2011

Acid Reflux And Coffee

Coffee has nothing to do with your acid reflux symptoms or its cause.

There is a lot of misleading information going around. For instance blaming coffee on your heartburn . . . there simply isn’t any science to back that up.

In fact most everything blamed on causing acid reflux is a bunch of malarkey.

Certainly there are many foods available that are less than healthy for you and many that are downright harmful. The problem is you’ve been over eating for years, combined with a less than idea lifestyle and the stress of day to day living has all taken its toll on you, taxed your health and virtually bankrupted your nutritional status,

Too many people allow themselves to be misled by all the direct-to-consumer advertising they’re bombarded with in this country. By the way those obnoxious ads that acid reflux sell drugs directly over your TV or radio are illegal in every country in the world, accept the US and New Zeeland.

That’s why Big Pharma makes more money than all the 500 fortune companies added together, including coffee growers . . . acid reflux drugs happens to be a large part of that profit margin.

No one is going to trade up their morning coffee for acid reflux; it’s easier to just pop some toxic antacids all day long, believing it’s the coffee or some other food.

You are an exception to most people simply because you do your own research; I commend you for that . . . you wouldn’t be reading this if that weren’t true.

In doing my research I found a 20 year study that followed approximately 44,000 men and 84,000 women who drank coffee. The study revealed that coffee is safe and may even have some cardiovascular benefits.

How can coffee be beneficial to your heart health but cause acid reflux? Simple, coffee doesn’t cause acid reflux; it has nothing to do with it. That doesn’t mean that drinking coffee can’t trigger your acid reflux . . . anything can ‘trigger’ your acid reflux, especially when you over eat or lie down after eating a lot.

Coffee relaxes people, helps them focus and if you drink 3 cups a day may help lower age-related cognitive decline . . . so stop your acid reflux by not over eating and drink more coffee.

None of the coffee studies say anything about acid reflux. True coffee can temporarily raise blood pressure, but it isn’t a cause of hypertension. All I can say is I would stay away from non-organic coffee because of all the pesticide spraying going on these days . . . I also like to add cacao nibs to my coffee drip maker . . . it tastes great and adds magnesium a natural muscle relaxant.

Overconsumption and under-nutrition is the cause for your acid reflux, not coffee.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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January 19, 2011

Acid Reflux Pillow

Sleeping elevated with a pillow on your left side has been clinically proven to reduce acid reflux.

Using a pillow to help reduce acid reflux really works well, in fact I know of one company that has designed an acid reflux pillow called the Medslant Wedge Pillow.

Not only does this pillow help reduce acid reflux attacks, it’s also been shown to help with sleep apnea and more . . .

If you are suffering from acid reflux, heartburn Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), acid indigestion elevated left side sleeping can really help.

Studies have also shown that stopping the habits that trigger acid reflux will cause acid reflux to go away too. So until you’re able to stop eating animal fat, refined sugar, smoking, taking caffeine and alcohol, using an acid reflux pillow and sleeping on your left side will help.

The worst thing you can do is eat late and lie on your stomach, then you’re sure to be asking for an upsurge of acid reflux.

People who are unwilling to actually cure their acid reflux may end up taking Proton Pump Inhibitor drugs (PPIs). These dangerous drugs block the cells in your stomach from making more acid.

Before you go there be absolutely sure that you are suffering from an ‘over production’ of stomach acid, because a stomach acid deficiency can also trigger the same exact acid reflux symptoms.

There is a well documented danger to taking PPIs. PPIs are drugs that can cause another man-made disease called acid rebound.

Plus a Denmark study recently found patients who have already had a heart attack increase the risk of having another heart attack by 30% more when taking PPIs, acid reflux pillow or not.

These proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are scary. Health experts have shown them to make the heart more prone to palpitations and inflammation because by blocking nutritional cofactors they can lower available oxygen to dangerous levels.

These PPIs block nutrient absorption, interfere with liver function and increase risk of bacteria infestations of the gut.

Clearly making a few lifestyle and dietary changes and sleeping with an acid reflux pillow are the best options . . .

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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January 4, 2011

Home Remedy For Acid Reflux

Finding a home remedy for acid reflux is a trial and error process simply because everyone is different.

Beyond our personal differences there is an underlying uniformity, what leading scientists call ‘intelligent design’. Understanding how your body really thrives is the key to healing anything, especially acid reflux.

A home remedy for acid reflux will work better for one person and perhaps not at all for another because of several factors. Some people need remedies for a bundle of health problems including allergies and food sensitivities, not just acid reflux.

Sometimes the remedy is to discover what you are being exposed to in your home environment in regards to food, water and the air you breathe.

As you already know one of the main triggers of acid reflux is from eating the wrong foods. There is a very good reason these “wrong foods” can cause acid reflux . . . because they’re simply bad for you.

Often the best home remedy for acid reflux is to eliminate whatever is triggering your heart burn and gastric indigestion.

It’s not only the type of foods you eat at home, but what’s inside or on the food, including pesticides and herbicides, not to mention bacteria from foods processed with reclaimed sewer water.

Another hidden danger lurking in the homes of Americans that can contribute to your digestive health being compromised is Genetically Manufactured Organisms, or commonly called GMO foods.

Anything in that lowers your cellular energy levels will eventually upset your digestive system, which can become a hidden factor when looking for a home remedy for acid reflux, heart burn and acid indigestion.

At first glance you may think that there couldn’t be a connection between these things and your acid reflux. Yet the truth remains true . . . conventional medicine still doesn’t have a cure for your acid reflux disease, acid rebound or gastric esophageal reflux disease (GERD).

That’s why you’re looking for a home remedy in the first place, isn’t it?

Drinking a glass of milk is a home remedy for some people suffering from acid reflux, but for others the animal fat, indigestible protein, antibiotics, growth hormones, and lactose sugars can trigger acid reflux.

Drinking natural mineral water an hour between meals can help remedy acid reflux, but if you drink water, or any beverage, with your meals your digestive acids become even more diluted and can trigger acid indigestion as well.

So keep hunting for the real cause of your acid reflux . . . eliminating the cause is your best home remedy.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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January 3, 2011

Acid Reflux Help

Everyone needs a little help with acid reflux every now and then. Acid reflux should never be allowed to become a disease.

You can help protect your body by following a few natural guidelines.

It’s hard for some people to help themselves eliminate acid reflux, like over the road truckers, people that work in restaurants and actually it’s hard for anyone on the go these days . . . especially for you third shifters.

I’ve always found it hard to find “real” food when I worked on the road . . . I learned the hard way and had a mini-stroke when I was only 35 years old. Acid reflux is an inflammatory issue, like strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and even cancer . . . it’s all connected at one level or another.

If you’re having trouble finding real help for your acid reflux, trust me, you’re far from alone.

People are sick and tired of treating symptoms of inflammatory diseases like acid reflux and the rest of it. You can learn the easy way or the hard way like I did, it’s up to you. I would like to help you find an easy way . . . and avoid the hard way.

When I say “Treating” your acid reflux symptoms, it’s the same as saying “ignoring” the cause of your acid reflux.

There are stages of degenerative disease and inflammation is only one of those steps associated with all of them, especially acid reflux. The best way to help yourself get rid of acid reflux forever is to help get rid of your inflammation . . . now you are closer to finding the real cause of your acid reflux.

What causes inflammation? If you can eliminate that, you have done more than help your acid reflux, you’ll have cured yourself of it.

Inflammation starts whenever your body becomes stressed and there are a few things that can do that, but the number one reason is toxicity.

You can’t help your acid reflux if your body is full of toxins, whether it is toxins from pollutants found in the air, water and food, or toxic build-up from body wastes.

To help detoxify your body and reduce stress and inflammation that trigger acid reflux and other disease states, you’ll want to increase real energy levels in your body.

You can help do this by first avoiding foods that lower cellular energy.

You now have the master keys to help eliminate acid reflux and other inflammatory health problems.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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