February 28, 2011

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder

It is unnatural for stomach contents to rise into the esophagus but unfortunately, this happens to many people. This occurrence is called acid reflux, when stomach acids are permitted to enter the esophagus and move upward. When acid reflux occurs repeatedly, this could be a sign that you have gastroesophageal reflux disorder.

Gastroesophageal reflux disorder is what develops when the lower esophageal sphincter is relaxed and does not close consistently or tightly. The LES acts as a passageway for foods that have been eaten, allowing entrance into the stomach. Although the LES musts open to allow foods to pass to the stomach, a properly functioning LES should close immediately after the food goes to the stomach, and prevent stomach acids from being displaced. Stomach acid is corrosive but is suitable for the lining walls of that organ. In order to breakdown and digest food, the gastric acid in your stomach must be highly acidic. When gastric acid moves into the esophagus it ends up corroding the esophagus, causing irritation and inflammation.

Many factors can cause you to suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disorder. If you have a haital hernia this could make you more susceptible to GERD. A hiatal hernia occurs when the top portion of the stomach and the LES muscle shift above the diaphragm, the muscle that divides the chest and stomach. The diaphragm normally aids the LES in it’s function to separate stomach acid from the esophagus. Hiatal hernias allow gastric acids to go from the stomach to the esophagus easily.

If you are pregnant this may affect your chances of having GERD. Pregnant women should be concerned about GERD because of their increased risk. As the baby develops in the womb, the body must make room. This means that vital organs begin to shift and are compressed. If the stomach shifts or compresses too much, this could force stomach acids to move past the LES and into the esophagus.

Obesity and diabetes also contribute to GERD. If you have a lot of extra weight, especially near the abdomen, this can put excessive pressure on the stomach and diaphragm. If the stomach endures pressure, this makes it easier for stomach acids to escape into the esophagus and cause damage. Diabetes affects the way that foods are digested and could encourage acid reflux. Close attention should be paid to your diet and exercise habits, as they can contribute to obesity and diabetes.

Smoking is a lifestyle contributor to GERD. Each time you smoke, the LES becomes weaker and has to work harder to remain closed. A weakened or relaxed LES will allow stomach acid to seep into the esophagus. The more you smoke, the higher your risk is of developing GERD.

Symptoms of GERD in adults include heartburn, chest pain, chronic cough, regurgitation and difficulty swallowing. Children however may not have heartburn but will likely have a persistent cough and respiratory problems. Avoiding certain foods, smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating smaller lean meals well before lying down for bed are simple ways to manage GERD.

To learn more about gastroesophageal reflux disorder, visit refluxremedy.com today.

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Foods to Avoid Acid Reflux

You can avoid foods that aggravate your acid reflux, but the truth is as long as you ignore the true cause of your acid reflux, it hardly matter what you eat.

In fact, the quantities of what you eat is just as important, if not more so, than avoiding certain foods.

You want to avoid foods that are difficult to digest and if you can’t avoid them, at least cut down on them.

Acid reflux is triggered from your stomach’s inability to digest your food. Contrary to what most people are told to believe, acid reflux is usually worsened by a lack of digestive acids, salts and enzymes.

Eating animal protein and foods that are high in animal fats or hydrogenated oils and refined sugars really just make your acid reflux symptoms worse.

Public health policies should be made based on proven scientific facts. It’s a scientific fact that taking antacids for acid reflux more often than not makes acid reflux symptoms worse.

One of the proven causes of acid reflux is from not getting enough natural RAW plant sourced minerals and salts. Avoiding refined table salt and processed salt added to many packaged foods is good, but eliminating any natural nutrient can lead to stomach acid depletion.

Unprocessed salt plays an important role in supporting proper digestion and nutrient absorption. Raw unprocessed gray sea salt or Himalayan salt is vital in the enzyme process called salivary amylase, which is the first step in your digestive process taking place in your mouth.

Without adequate salt, you might as well just avoid all food, especially hard to digest ones.

Your acid reflux is caused from lack of digestive ability. If you had too much stomach acid you’d be digesting food just fine, but having symptoms of acid indigestion indicate you’re not digesting well.

Inside your cells, called parietal cells, your stomach acid is made from sodium chloride . . . this hydrochloric acid is the most important digestive juice you make.

Avoiding raw plant-sourced nutrients will deprive you of critical mineral salts, including sodium. Your cells need a balance of potassium and sodium to breathe in and out. If potassium is greater than sodium, your enzyme metabolism loses its ability to make hydrochloric acid (stomach acid).

If you’ve been avoiding animal products to fight acid reflux, you may be eating too many cooked vegetables and process grains . . . you need to avoid these too. If you can’t stop eating those things, then you must supplement with raw salt to help your enzyme metabolism.

Avoiding one cooked food for another won’t help you acid reflux because cooked foods lack minerals and enzymes . . . so you need to add natural enzymes and minerals.

Avoid eating all cooked foods, unless you supplement with RAW salt. As far as eating grains goes, if you eat unsoaked grains and legumes, then the phytic acid on the grain hull with block even more minerals from making a balanced supply of stomach acid.

The best way to eat grain is sprouted. There are sour dough and sprouted grain products that are easy to digest and very high in nutrients.

With salt present, the acidity of the partially digested food is able to trigger off some needed natural sodium bicarbonate, derived from the supply of sodium chloride, as well as enzymatic and bile secretions from the gall bladder and pancreatic ducts . . .balancing digestion and curing acid reflux.

Bottom line, by avoiding foods with natural salt no digestion is possible, which leads to acid reflux . . .

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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Curing Acid Reflux

Curing your acid reflux and balancing your digestive and enteric systems is the same thing.

Acid reflux is simply a disorder that started with a basic digestive imbalance, which was allowed or sometimes encouraged to get worse.

Acid reflux is the same as heartburn and will lead to acid rebound if treated with Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), instead of being addressed at the root cause.

Acid reflux can’t be cured by treating the symptoms. Only by addressing the root cause of your acid reflux can it ever be cured.

The physician’s job is to help you help the natural healing process along. At least that used to be the physicians goal . . . to first do no harm.

Bottom line is drugs do harm. Not only do toxins from drugs interfere with your kidneys to keep them inside your cells, drug treatments also discourage you from addressing the root cause of your acid reflux, or whatever you suffer from . . . delaying your cure and in most cases actually preventing your cure.

Curing acid reflux isn’t a mystery and it also isn’t a big business, in fact there is little if any money involved in curing your acid reflux.

You can’t patent natural cures, so there is no real marketplace for acid reflux cures.

Curing acid reflux is simply bad business because there is zero profit and no return customer.

On the other hand acid reflux drugs, designed to block acid reflux symptoms, are a huge and very profitable business.

The only person who benefits from you curing your acid reflux, heartburn and acid indigestion is you and your family.

Actually curing your acid reflux benefits your community indirectly as well by keeping healthcare costs very low.

Too bad treating your acid reflux is such a big business. If the acid reflux drugs weren’t so insanely profitable we would all enjoy affordable genuine healthcare through natural cures, instead of a very costly disease care management system.

Not curing your acid reflux harms you, harms your family and costs the community money, but the pharmaceutical companies feed off your acid reflux misery.

It’s no theory, it’s clearly a acid reflux conspiracy . . .the best thing you can do is get to the root of your acid reflux issues and cure it as soon as possible.


You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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Acid Herbal Reflux Remedy

The herbal remedy for your acid reflux is going to address your heartburn, acid indigestion and acid reflux at the root cause. On the other hand non-herbal, unnatural treatments such as blocking digestive acid with drugs, only treats the symptoms.

The danger with treating the symptoms of your acid reflux is that you may be making the root cause of your acid reflux worse.

Acid reflux symptoms are the same whether the cause of your heartburn and indigestion is from too much stomach acid production as it is for having too little acid to digest with.

I can?t emphasize the importance of using natural herbal remedies for acid reflux symptoms quite enough. It seems the wrong treatments are too readily available and because of a lifetime of suffering through Direct-to-Consumer advertisements for antacids, people assume that?s what is best for them.

Even if your acid reflux is caused from too much digestive acid production, antacids are NOT a cure for acid reflux.

Blocking acid indigestion and heartburn symptoms never changes the cause of acid reflux, or any health issue.

I realize it?s hard to always think on your own after being conditioned to do what you?re told by advertisers all your life. I know, I?ve struggled with the same contradictory signals too.

Herbal remedies provide unique plant nutrients, cofactors and enzymes that artificial drugs and vitamins simply do not.

Everything about you from your nervous system, your immune system and enteric digestive system depend on plant-based nutrients. The herbal environment around you has both structure and function. Your ancient ancestors realized these important connections thousands of years ago. Drug treatments are only 160 years old, and they never cure anything.

Herbal remedies are time tested and true folk technology . . . drugs are toxic molecules prescribed in small amounts in more of an experimental fashion. Herbal remedies are safe, predicable and proven effective acid reflux remedies.

Like I said your acid reflux symptoms can be blocked with chemical treatments, but that won?t change the cause of your acid reflux now will it?

Plus you?ve got to be sure that your acid reflux is caused from too much stomach acid production or from not producing enough digestive acids.

For this you?ll need a stomach acid test.

Meanwhile herbal remedies for acid reflux, heartburn and acid indigestion naturally work with all your systems internally, using gentle nutrients, minerals and enzymes to help restore balance.

The miraculous thing about herbal remedies is they communicate synergistically with your cells naturally, allowing the most beneficial ingredients to activate what needs activation and balance.

Herbal remedies help your digestive system heal itself of acid reflux better than chemically blocking symptoms of acid reflux will ever do.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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