January 14, 2011

What Causes Heartburn?

Heartburn and indigestion is a form of gastrointestinal tract upset.

Despite often having a single cause a gut imbalance can trigger a wide variety of gastrointestinal and even non-gastrointestinal complications.

Heartburn is usually one of the first noticeable effects or signs of this internal imbalance.

Once your digestive system falls out of balance you may experience several symptoms that seem unrelated to your heartburn issues, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Bad breath
  • Headaches and much more . . .

Your indigestion and heartburn are really two symptoms of the same digestive imbalance.

The important thing is to learn to understand your symptoms of indigestion and heartburn. Those symptoms are all that stands between the cause of your heartburn and your remedy.

Your body/mind communicates directly to more than 60 trillion cells and your heartburn symptoms are nothing more than those 60 trillion cells talking back to you.

There is a reason why you are experiencing a heartburning sensation in your chest and throat area. Whatever you just did may be a clue to stop doing that.

If you lay down after eating and you got hit with heartburn, that should be a clue not to lie down after eating and if you really read into it, it’s suggesting you go for a walk and get things moving.

Walking is one of the most under rated activities, if you can walk you should be doing it as much as possible.

Walking and swinging your arms acts as a pendulum that helps circulate blood and move stagnant lymph fluid. Your lymph fluid is part of your endocrine system, which is part of your immune system as is your digestive tract.

Heartburn can become chronic when activity levels drop and eating the wrong things increases. The lack of mild activity and dumping of food wastes and toxins in your cells steal vital energy from them.

This loss of cellular energy leads to a build-up of more toxins, enough to trigger symptoms of digestive imbalance. Ignored secondary stress can create more symptoms of indigestion and heartburn, eventually causing more complications from inflammation that can lead to degenerative disease.

So doping up your body to hide your heartburn can be the cause of it becoming chronic. The real cause of heartburn comes from not enjoying variety in life. Try avoiding the same old foods and reach for more fresh foods, less white bread, less sugar, less animal fat.

Adopt mild exercise into your lifestyle, try deep breathing exercises (yoga) or even mild stretching (Tai Chi) if walking is painful . . .you’ll be surprised at the benefits.

Heartburn can also be caused from chronic dehydration – discover a natural source of good mineral water and drink half your weight in ounces every day.

Note: Avoid drinking large amounts of anything with your meals . . . the trick is to drink plenty in-between meals and eat small meals throughout the day. Better to have 5 small meals than 1 or 2 large meals.

Pay attention to the foods you mix too. If you just eat fruit with your steak and you feel heartburn, then separate those foods. By the way fruit should be eaten between meals too.

The cause of heartburn is one of the first big symptoms of a digestive struggle that is stressing out your cells . . . remove the cause, don’t just block the symptoms.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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January 13, 2011

Indigestion Symptoms

Keep in mind your symptoms of indigestion originate from a common cause, no matter how many symptoms you end up with.

The reason one symptom of indigestion becomes two, which becomes more than you can deal with is because the cause of the problem and its solution are being kept apart.

If you desire to stop your indigestion symptoms you must first stop ignoring them. As you already found out treating your symptoms of indigestion into chemical oblivion isn’t the right way to respond to your miraculous body/mind.

In fact even though you may seem successful at controlling your symptoms, whether they are acid reflux, esophagitis or inflammation of your digestive system . . . the truth is you are making matters worse by ignoring the root.

Taking drugs burdens your kidneys and it is your kidneys that are fighting to eliminate the real cause of your indigestion symptoms.

Yes, your kidneys are eliminating the cellular waste and environmental toxins that have overloaded your sensitive digestive system . . . help them!

Did you know your central nervous system, your endocrine system and your digestive system are your collective master immune system?

Some scientists call your digestive system the second brain because it works alongside the brain producing and releasing its own neuropeptides, anti-inflammatory agents and a whole pharmacy of natural pain killers and amazing healing agents.

Your druggist is playing copycat with Mama Nature and guess what? Your body/mind knows the difference.

If you are suffering from symptoms of indigestion it should tell you there is a battle going on to restore balance way down at the cellular level.

Taking artificial drugs made to chemically interfere at the cellular level is an attempt to over-ride your miraculous healing body/mind process.

Drugs introduce an alien challenge for your kidneys to deal with. It?s as if your cells are crying out for bread and the doctor gives them a stone instead.

This need not be!

Indigestion symptoms are signs that you need to start helping your immune system by strengthening your healing digestive system beginning at your cellular level.

Don’t burden your cells with artificial molecules. Nurture your body/mind’s own inner pharmacy by empowering your cells with the right water, air, sunlight, minerals and nutrients.

Indigestion symptoms are an effect. They are like ripples that will point to the origin of the problem, which is exactly where you will discover your natural solution.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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January 12, 2011

Gastric Reflux Disease

Did you know gastric diseases like acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease are completely preventable, reversible and curable?

A problem like gastric reflux disease can’t be healed if you don’t know what it is. Even if there already is a natural cure for it you will still have the problem simply because you don’t know there’s already is a cure.

The real problem with gastrointestinal problems like gastritis reflux disease is the problem of science versus medicine.

Conventional or Westernized medicine claims ONLY pharmaceuticals can prevent, treat or cure gastric reflux disease and if they don’t have a drug for it yet, then, according to them, nothing else can help until they make one.

This contradicts science to the core.

The solution isn’t recognized only because the real problem isn?t recognized.

There is no Eastern or Western medicine, there is just the stubborn refusal to admit that the body/mind and its elaborate healing system is far more complete than any pharmacy could ever be.

Gastric reflux disease is an inflammatory dis-ease . . . it is a symptom of your body’s powerful healing system trying to cope with the alien environment being dumped into it.

Science has proven that all dis-ease has a cause and by removing the cause the dis-ease is eliminated. Medicine insists that drugs should be used to chemically interfere with the symptoms . . . treating only the effects.

This tells me the druggists that are practicing medicine simply don’t know what the problem is . . .

Ignore your gastric reflux disease and you’ll end up taking more powerful drugs that may lead you right to the surgeons table. This is called taking a bad situation and making it worse.

Science simply uses the law of cause and effect. It recognizes the solution already exists, because the body/mind already knows how to restore balance.

Your body /mind will teach this you if you learn to listen . . .

Great health is much more than being drugged to the point that you’re symptoms free. Great health comes from learning to listen and respond to your body/mind signals and symptoms with a helping hand . . .

Your gastric reflux disease is NOT a drug deficiency.

Medicine tends to practice keeping the problem and the solution separated. There seems to be a different solution for every problem, yet upon closer inspection you can see accepting the science of harmony, unity and interrelatedness many effects can arise from a single cause.

The science of healing your gastric reflux disease isn’t concerned about treating the effects . . . only removing the cause.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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Acid Reflux Food to Avoid

Acid reflux is a terribly common problem among people in today’s fast paced culture of high fat foods and things that can be eaten on the go. There are a number of acid reflux foods to avoid, and certain things that will help eliminate and prevent your heartburn.

First, let’s look at what acid reflux actually is and how it happens. Stomach acid helps to break down food in your stomach so that your body can extract the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Certain things like difficult to digest foods, stress, smoking, or lying down after eating can cause that acid to creep up into your esophagus. This causes pain, indigestion, burping, hiccups and can even result in damage to the esophagus if the reflux occurs frequently.

Trigger Foods

Everyone has their own foods that will set off acid reflux, however there are a few common triggers. These foods should be avoided to help prevent damage to the esophagus, and keep heartburn at bay. They include:

  • Garlic
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Citrus (including juices that are high in acids)
  • Onions
  • Meats that are difficult to digest (like ground beef, marbled sirloin and chicken wings)
  • Dairy

To help find out what your own triggers are, start a food journal. Keep track of what you eat, how much you eat and when you eat it. That will help you to better understand what sets your acid reflux off, and narrow down your specific triggers. Some of your food triggers may surprise you!

What you can do

Now, just because there are a ton of foods you should avoid doesn’t mean you need to go on an extreme, crash course diet. It’s always best to try to maintain a balanced diet, so things like dairy, citrus and meat that are part of a healthy diet should not be completely cut out. They should just be consumed in moderation, and possibly in tandem with other heartburn preventatives.

Heartburn Preventatives

Sometimes foods that are known to cause heartburn for you just can’t be avoided. Maybe you’re at a friend’s house and they cooked nachos for you with ground beef, onions, and a whole host of other heartburn triggers just waiting to settle into your stomach. So what can you do?

Try taking a papaya enzyme tablet after you eat. Papaya contains digestive enzymes that will help your body to digest foods and prevent acid buildup that causes reflux.

Try drinking a full glass of water after you eat. This will help dilute stomach acids and flush your digestive tract out so you won’t have to experience excess irritation. For more effective relief or prevention, try adding a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a full glass of water. This will help neutralize the acid in your stomach in addition to washing it away.

Eat an apple before or after your meal. Apparently the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” has some basis, as many people are finding success with this technique for keeping acid reflux at bay.

There are countless home remedies you can try to prevent and relieve heartburn. The Reflux Remedy Report promotes natural heartburn remedies and can help you prevent your acid reflux, as well as formulate a diet appropriate for acid reflux. For more information on acid reflux food to avoid and other preventative measures you can take, visit refluxremedy.com today!

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