January 7, 2011

What to Eat When You Have an Ulcer

If you have an ulcer, eating can often be a bit of a challenge. Ulcers can cause meal time to be painful if it’s a gastric ulcer, or can result in pain hours after eating if it’s an ulcer located in the duodenum. If you have one, you may be wondering what to eat when you have an ulcer. Here are a few tips and tricks that may make meal time a little less painful while your ulcer heals.

1. No matter what you eat, make sure you do so in small portions. Large meals will overwhelm your already sensitive stomach, and can even result in an overproduction of acid, which will exacerbate an existing ulcer. So, rather than eating a few large meals every day go for smaller more frequent ones. That helps your body’s digestive system and makes the healing process go more smoothly.

2. Focus on easily digestible foods, like whole grain seedless breads, certain low acid fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy products (the fats found in milk and cheese can be hard to digest, causing excess acid in your stomach, so aim for low fat products), lean meats, fish and creamed nuts (like low fat peanut or almond butter).

3. Above all, focus on maintaining a balanced diet. Providing your body with the proper nutrition will help it heal much faster.

4. Avoid the following foods if you have an ulcer: Vegetables like onions and tomatoes, anything high in acid; breads that are high in fat like croissants; high acid fruits, like grapefruit, oranges, lemons, and citrus juices; whole milk products and creams; highly seasoned meats, poultry and fish; deli meats; sardines; fried foods; nuts; gravy; and high fat desserts, like cakes, cookies, pastries and donuts.

5. The important thing to remember when you’re trying to let your ulcer heal is to avoid foods that upset your stomach regularly, or can cause heartburn. Things like spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine and garlic can all irritate the stomach and result in additional stomach acid your ulcer doesn?t need.

Here are a few things to add to your new dietary habits that may help your ulcer improve:

1. Reduce your stress level. If you know a meal is going to be painful, try to relax about it. Stressing over it will only make the pain worse. Stress signals your body to produce more stomach acid, which will irritate your ulcer. So, if you feel stress coming on in any situation whether it’s the morning commute, something at work, or your kids at home stop and take a deep breath. Avoiding stress now can have a pretty major impact on pain later.

2. Stop smoking and focus on a healthy lifestyle. Smoking is known to increase stomach acid production. Smoking also slows the body’s ability to heal. Eating healthy and exercising regularly will help your body heal faster.

Practicing all these techniques should help your ulcer heal normally so you can move on with your life.

Still want to know more? Well, stop wondering what to eat when you have an ulcer and head over to refluxremedy.com for more tips and tricks.

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January 6, 2011

Heartburn and Water

When some people are suffering from heartburn, the last thing they tend to reach for is a glass of water, especially when we’re talking about severe heartburn pain. However, water can often be a very effective way to resolve heartburn.

Heartburn happens when stomach acids are allowed to escape the stomach and make their way into the esophagus. This causes pain and discomfort that often radiates from the stomach or mid chest area through the neck. It can be accompanied by burping, reflux (which means acid makes its way all the way into the mouth), and hiccuping.

Heartburn’s Causes

Heartburn has a number of causes, ranging from foods to clothing and stress.

Everyone has their own food triggers for heartburn, and frequent heartburn sufferers might want to keep a log of what they eat in order to identify their specific triggers. However, some common heartburn instigators are caffeine, alcohol, garlic and citrus fruits.

Your daily habits can also cause heartburn. If you go to bed right after eating, stomach acid can creep up into your esophagus, causing heartburn. To avoid this, try sleeping propped up a bit, or just don’t eat less than 2 hours before bed. Additionally, don’t overeat. Large meals are more difficult for the body to digest, and can cause acid to back up. Smaller, more frequent meals are an excellent way to prevent heartburn before it happens.

Don’t wear clothes that are too tight for you. Constraints on the stomach can force stomach acid into the esophagus even if you’re eating all the right foods.

Smoking also causes heartburn, in addition to all the other potentially fatal health problems it causes.

Stress can easily cause the body to go into overdrive when it comes to acid production, so try to stay as calm as possible to avoid feeling the burn later in the day. Take deep breaths, listen to soothing music, try some yoga, count to 10, do whatever you need to in order to keep stress at bay.

Pouring Water on the Fire

Staying properly hydrated is a constant battle for many people. Recommended portions of water continuously change, and vary from person to person. Generally speaking though, you should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Practicing this technique can help keep a number of conditions at bay, including heartburn. It works by keeping toxins out of your body by diluting them or flushing them away.

This also applies to stomach acid. When it comes to heartburn, drinking a large glass of water can help to wash stomach acids that are causing pain and discomfort away. It’s such a simple solution most people overlook in favor of popping an antacid.

However, depending on the cause of your heartburn an antacid may not always work, especially if your heartburn is due to dehydration. Occasionally, your body will signal dehydration with heartburn, and if you simply pop an antacid your problem won?t be solved and most likely your symptoms won’t be relieved.

When it comes to relief, heartburn and water go hand in hand. For more tips on relieving heartburn naturally, read The Reflux Remedy Report at refluxremedy.com today.


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Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux symptoms are your body/mind’s attempt to communicate with you to help prevent a possible disease from happening.

When you allow a state of stress, discomfort and dis-ease to consume your every waking moment it’s only because you stopped reading the writing on the wall.

Taking drugs to cover-up your body/mind’s signs and symptoms is no different than white-washing over that writing on the wall. The writing appeared upon this “proverbial wall” so you would take heed and pay attention to a message.

Symptoms of acid reflux disease are the same as clues to help you find the cause of your suffering. Think of that Intelligent Design which is your miraculous “biological you” and its having a communication issue with the distracted “worldly you.”

The worldly you is the part of you that’s kept distracted by all the clamor and clatter your 5 senses are constantly picking up from your “outer” environment. The symptoms of your acid reflux are a cry for help, a plea for you to pay attention to the goings on “within” you.

. . . So you’re too busy to listen to your own body/mind trying to tell you not to eat so late at night, trying to tell you certain foods don’t mix well, trying to tell you it’s on your side.

When you pop antacids to relieve your acid reflux symptoms you are telling your body/mind to shut-up. This isn’t a healthy relationship to have with your miraculous healing self.

It’s exactly this type of bad behavior that leads to your acid reflux symptoms getting worse until it’s a problem or disease.

If you had a crying baby would you put duct-tape over its mouth or would you care for it and find out why it is crying?

Silly question isn’t it?

Of course you would care for the child and if it didn’t cry out you would have never known it was time to change its diaper, feed it or just give the child some genuine love.

Overcoming your symptoms of acid reflux is easy when you use this same genuine care.

Acid reflux symptoms are your body/minds way of crying out to you and popping antacids and other chemicals to hide those symptoms is like duct-taping the crying baby.

Why are we taught to be so insensitive to our own needs?

It’s been said before that if you can’t love yourself first you can’t offer love to another. This is “the secret of the miraculous power of healing” . . . it’s called love thyself. It’s the best way to get to know you!

As you already know, you can only give what you already have . . .

Acid reflux symptoms are a cry for love. When you love someone you are willing to listen to them, right?

So why ignore your acid reflux symptoms? Why would you want to neglect the cry for help? Your inner intelligence is what keeps your 60,000,000,000 cells in the harmonious concert we call life, all it needs is your love and attention . . .

Obviously the cause of your dis-ease is the same cause of your acid reflux symptoms.

The cause of any disease is rooted in your losing touch with your inner own healing voice . . .

So be willing to listen to your own inner healer and perhaps one day you will be able to do more than help heal yourself of acid reflux symptoms and disease . . . perhaps someday you will help remind someone else they have the power to choose healing too.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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January 5, 2011

Relief For Acid Reflux

You can spell relief for acid reflux any way you want, but chances are the root cause of it is still lurking in the deep somewhere.

This whole idea of self treating your acid reflux symptoms is just what keeps the doctor in business.

Recall the old saying, ‘Eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away”?

Whatever happened to good old fashion common sense? I’ll tell you what . . . it simply fell out of fashion.

Too bad that millions of people who suffer from diseases like gastro-esophageal reflux disease, hiatal hernia and throat cancer didn’t know better than to treat their acid reflux symptoms.

Treating your acid reflux symptoms relieves the pain and discomfort of acid reflux and isn’t that all you want?

Put that way, most people obviously say “YES”.

What they don’t see is they were just sold temporary relief for their acid reflux, heart burn and acid indigestion, but they traded their long term quality of life for it too.

The price of relieving your acid reflux symptoms is cheap . . . but the cost of making that a way of life costs way too high.

They say a person without a philosophy is a fool, but I’m telling you some philosophies are just plain foolish. The philosophy of relieving the symptoms of any problem always leaves the cause of it to continue to do harm.

Acid reflux has been brushed off as something everyone has, as if it wasn’t a health problem at all. This may surprise you but not everyone gets heart burn and acid reflux.

Millions of people who have experienced acid reflux have found permanent relief of the cause of it and rarely if ever experience it again.

Recurring symptoms of anything, especially acid reflux, is a serious health problem and you must get to the root of it . . . that’s the ONLY relief.

So don’t worry about how to spell relief, just learn how to read your body’s own language of symptoms and signs . . . learn to listen to your body/mind relationship closer . . . all you need to do is read the signs so you can help remove the cause of acid reflux.

The natural healing process is constantly working for you; don?t close your eyes to the signs by just treating your acid reflux symptoms over and over.

All that will do is create recurring acid reflux symptoms, not lasting relief.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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