December 22, 2010

Vomiting With Hiatal Hernia

Vomiting with Hiatal Hernia isn’t a terribly typical symptom. More often vomiting causes a Hiatal Hernia, as a result of the pressure that is placed on the abdomen while retching.

To be clear, a hernia can occur in any part of the body, but when it happens to the stomach, it’s called a Hiatal Hernia. Specifically, it happens when the upper portion of the stomach gets pushed through the opening of the diaphragm and into the chest.


As stated before, vomiting is not a typical symptom of a Hiatal Hernia; however that doesn’t mean it won’t happen to you. As a matter of fact, some people don’t experience any symptoms at all of a Hiatal Hernia. However, if you do have symptoms, you might experience a sudden onset of frequent heartburn, including indigestion, acid reflux, burping and hiccupping.

Chest pain can also be associated with a Hiatal Hernia; however it shouldn’t be confused with a heart attack. Chest pain from a Hiatal Hernia will not be associated with anything other than heartburn. If you experience shortness of breath or numbness in one of your arms, seek medical attention immediately. The most important thing here is to be in tune with the signals your body is sending you and understand what they indicate.


Generally a Hiatal Hernia just needs time to heal, and doesn’t require surgery. A few simple things you can do at home will help this process along.

  • Eat smaller meals. Eating a ton of food at once bombards your stomach with more than it can deal with, creating more pressure on an already sensitive area. By eating less more often you spread the same amount of food over a longer period, allowing your stomach time to handle it all without putting too much stress on your injured digestive system. Additionally, once your hernia is healed, you should maintain this practice, so that the condition doesn’t recur.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking is thought to cause, and worsen a variety of health problems, including a whole host of digestive problems. Plus, smoking slows the body’s ability to heal, meaning it will take you significantly longer to get over your hernia. So, just quit! Your body will thank you for it.
  • Don’t eat right before you go to bed. This causes food and stomach acid to get trapped in the esophagus, with no natural help from gravity to make its way down into the stomach. Eat at least 2 hours before you lie down, and that way food will have had a chance to start digesting and won’t put unnecessary strain on your stomach and esophagus.
  • If you do breech that 2 hour window, prop yourself up when you go to bed. Placing an extra pillow under your head can help give your body the upper hand and keep food moving through your digestive tract.

If none of these methods are productive, your doctor may prescribe medications to help the healing process along. Only in severe cases is surgery necessary. More often than not though, simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

Vomiting with Hiatal Hernia isn’t common, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. For more information on Hiatal Hernias and what you can do about them, visit

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December 21, 2010

Symptoms Of Acid Reflux In Women

The symptoms of acid reflux in women are the same as the acid reflux symptoms for men. One outstanding difference is women tend to be more susceptible to nutritional deficiencies than men. This is most likely due to the fact that they can grow babies and men obviously do not.

The more nutrient deficient you are the more likely you’ll suffer from acid reflux, which is a double edge sword for women because suffering from acid reflux means you’re not absorbing enough nutrients from your food.

What many woman don’t understand about their acid reflux symptoms is that sometimes it’s because of a lack of stomach acid rather than an over production of it.

A woman’s body needs specific nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. Just as important, if not more so are the 72 trace minerals that help make nutrient absorption possible.

If you’re a woman and you suffer from acid reflux triggered from a stomach acid deficiency, you most likely are also suffering from a mineral deficiency as well.

Fortunately, you can get plenty of minerals and nutrients from following a Mediterranean-style diet. Not only do woman who eat a Mediterranean -style diet have less deficiencies and therefore less health problems like acid reflux, they actually live longer too. At least that’s what articles published in the British Medical Journal and the Archives of Internal Medicine show.

At the University of Athens, Greece, their medical school did a study with more than 70,000 women who didn’t have any major diseases like heart disease, stroke and cancer. All of them were over 60 years old and data was taken concerning their lifestyles and diets for 8 years.

Bottom line is a Mediterranean diet was linked to a significant reduction in mortality.

I challenge any woman to increase here quality of life by eating more naturally, like Mediterranean woman do and I’m sure you’ll find your acid reflux problems disappearing once and for all.

What does one have to do with the other? Based on my personal research, eating healthy naturally cures acid reflux in men and woman. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is a “sad” joke played upon the American people. I hope to soon publish the Healthy American Diet, which will be an improved version of the Atkins diet-stay tuned!

A focus on raw fruits, vegetables, legumes, low-fat dairy products, low intake of red meat, low intake of refined grains, and avoidance of fried foods meets the wide variety of nutrient needs for people suffering from acid reflux, whether a man or a woman.

Acid reflux caused from a stomach acid deficiency is a nutritional imbalance just as an acid reflux from an over-production of stomach acid is- both can be cured by eating a healthier more intelligent diet.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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December 17, 2010

Natural Remedies Acid Reflux

Natural remedies for acid reflux are illegal under U.S. drug law.

Does that surprise you?

Truth is all natural remedies are illegal according the government laws that protect the conventional medical industry in this free country. I’m not saying anyone should just go play doctor, on the contrary I’m saying everyone has a right to be their own physician. Naturally if you want to make medicine your profession, you should get a big loan and go to school starting at a young age and get a doctorate in the health field of your choice . . . then start helping people with natural remedies.

Now if you, like me simply want to cure your own acid reflux, improve your overall health and extend your lifespan, that’s completely up to you. When I see doctors taking the medicine they prescribe and living to 120 years of age, dis-ease free, then we could have a totally different conversation today.

You can have your own natural remedies healing experience.

The fact is many doctors are fat, unhealthy and wouldn’t take half the advice they sell to the public. Yes, I am upset that natural remedies from acid reflux to cancer are being attacked in America, and you should be too! Yet the big gig goes on . . . all the while people of all ages are unnecessarily suffering from acid reflux to throat cancer.

Not only are drugs for acid reflux expensive, they don?t do what natural remedies do. Drugs for acid reflux do the “opposite” of what natural remedies do. Drugs are toxic and have nasty effects on people, plus they can actually make your acid reflux worse, and doctors know this!

This isn’t a personal attack on doctors, I know a lot of wonderful doctors and they are all mad at the system. They know acid reflux can be remedied naturally, but they are not allowed to tell you that. The politics of big insurance companies owned by big drug companies is in a race to socialize American medicine so their drug futures are kept secure. That’s not a theory; it’s a daily reality in America.

Yes, it’s a big ugly mess and all you want is a natural remedy for your acid reflux or whatever else ails you, I know. You don?t need all this political drama, illness and high taxes.

If natural remedies became a way of life, like it used to be in America more than 100 years ago, before the American Medical Association launched its monopoly against it all . . . we’d save at least $90 billion a year.

$90 billion, at least, is spent killing more than 106,000 people in hospitals every year with “properly” administered medicine. Look it up, it’s a published fact. Natural remedies are what this country was raised on until the attack against American cultural heritage.

Grandma’s natural remedies for acid reflux are as natural as a big red apple orchard and sense it worked for her great grandmother’s great grandmother that same natural remedy will work for the millions of Americans with acid reflux still today.

Support your country and share natural remedies with your grandchildren- it’s your natural inheritance.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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Hiatal Hernia & Bleeding

Hiatal Hernia & bleeding tend to only go together if the hernia is severe, or has gone untreated for far too long. The bleeding occurs as a result of damages done to the esophagus. It?s important to catch a Hiatal Hernia before it reaches this point, and treat it accordingly.

Normal Symptoms

Normal symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia can mimic heartburn pretty closely. However, it would be a sudden onset of frequent heartburn for those who don?t normally suffer from the problem. These symptoms can include acid reflux (or burping up stomach acids), heartburn pain, general indigestion, burping and hiccups.

Additionally chest pain can sometimes accompany a Hiatal Hernia. However, it?s important to distinguish between Hiatal Hernia chest pain and chest pain from a heart attack. Hernia pain can be caused by spasms in the stomach and chest area due to the stomach being displaced. It is not generally accompanied by anything other than heartburn symptoms. Chest pain due to a heart attack will be accompanied by shortness of breath and numbness in one of your arms. If you experience these symptoms, seek medical treatment right away!

It?s important to be aware of the normal symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia if you suspect you might have one, so that you can keep it from escalating to a state of bleeding.

What can you do?

A Hiatal Hernia is rarely life threatening and, when caught in normal stages can be treated with simple lifestyle changes. It?s important to keep in mind when dealing with a Hiatal Hernia that your body just needs time to heal and de-stress. Therefore, making the digestive process easier for your stomach is often the best way to help a hernia, and keep it from coming back.

For example, eat smaller meals more often. That way you prevent the onslaught of food that your stomach has difficulty dealing with. If you eat too much, it causes pressure to build and excess stomach acids to accumulate. This causes irritation and can further aggravate your hernia. Eating smaller meals provides your stomach with a more steady flow of food, keeping it from getting too stressed out.

Additionally, try not to eat right before bed. In fact, you shouldn?t eat about 2 hours before you lie down, even if it?s just for a nap. You see, gravity naturally helps food progress down through your digestive tract, and if you lie down immediately after eating, gravity can?t do its job and food and acids can put pressure on an already upset stomach. So, while it may be tempting to lie down on the couch after that huge holiday feast, don?t do it! Relax by sitting up, and rest your head on a pillow. Stay upright for as long as you can, and your stomach will thank you.

Try doing things like quitting smoking and removing stress from your life. This will prevent the overproduction of stomach acids, which can irritate your sensitive stomach. Plus, smoking slows the body?s natural ability to heal, so quitting will help your body heal that much faster.

With all these techniques in place, you should be able to prevent Hiatal Hernia & bleeding from becoming a problem.

For more tips and tricks for treating a Hiatal Hernia, visit today!

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