November 29, 2010
Remedies For Acid Reflux
Everyone is different and responds differently to different remedies. Yet the fact remains, remedies work for the cause of acid reflux symptoms and many other ailments as well.
The big pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to believe in their biggest competition, so they spend all their money and power trying to control how you think and feel about natural remedies.
Remedies have been around for a very long time.
As long as there are human beings on earth, there will be remedies. Remedies, like the acid reflux remedies, are passed down through the ages, generation after generation.
What could be more “time-tested” than an acid reflux remedy?
You never hear about the remedies that don’t work, because who would pass that down generation after generation? There is an intelligent design, or as they say a method to the madness after all.
If there is a cause for your acid reflux, then there is a remedy sure enough.
Can you imagine a dis-ease without a cause? That would be absurd, wouldn’t it?
Acid reflux is caused by one thing and I can tell you that one thing can be different for everyone.
To find the remedy for acid reflux you need to go beyond differences and start looking at common factors, look at your acid reflux in a positive light.
That is, there’s a cause, one cause and chances are there are more than one remedy that will counteract whatever your specific cause maybe at the time.
That’s why remedies are so exciting. Don’t give up hope just because you learned the hard way that antacids make your acid reflux worse.
Think about it- would these antacid companies be making so much money if they were curing acid reflux, like a remedy does? No, of course not, they would be making history, not making money.
It’s a sad truth that the mostly costly medicine is the one that fails to cure your health problem, especially with acid reflux. Ignoring the cause of acid reflux isn’t what makes it go away.
Antacids can make your acid reflux worse, and then you have what’s called acid rebound . . . which means you’re technically “addicted” to the acid blocking drugs now. That’s when Big Pharma wins another life customer!
The good news is Mama Nature’s cost per cure is free; in fact Mama Nature’s remedies actually pay you to use them. So do something historic today . . . ?pass along your favorite remedies to the next generation, promote nutritional literacy and you’ll still be giving people value, long after you’re gone.
Acid reflux remedies are simple, safe and affordable. Plus you never have to run out and get another remedy once you’ve found one . . . you can use it time and time again.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
November 22, 2010
Homeopathic Remedies For Acid Reflux
Many critics of homeopathy or homeopathic science argue that natural cures and remedies keep people from trying conventional medicine. However nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact conventional medicine uses homeopathic science every time they sell one of their vaccines. True, the vaccine theory is a homeopathic principle. So should there be a acid reflux vaccine?
The answer is no, because vaccines don’t work, there is no hard core evidence vaccines help at all, in fact there’s more studies which claim vaccines do harm.
Well, even if that’s true, which is looks like it may be, homeopathic “science” is still sound.
The problem with acid reflux is that it’s “a symptom” not a dis-ease. Certainly having a chronic symptom of anything could be labeled as dis-ease . . . but it’s still really only a symptom.
That’s the same reason vaccines fail to help, they are treating symptoms. Plus most vaccines carry other risks that are not true to the homeopathic approach; they involve toxic ingredients like mercury, aluminum and even MSG.
Homeopathy is an intelligent, alternative “perspective” which considers the external environmental connection along with the person’s internal environment as a whole.
For example if a child’s immune system was never allowed to develop naturally because the child has been raised in a sterile environment, or perhaps was subjected to a barrage of vaccines as an infant. . .the child may have many allergies later in life.
A homeopathic approach would be to discover exactly what the child is allergic to and give the allergen to the child on purpose, but in a super diluted amount.
If acid reflux was a symptom of a dust allergy, a homeopathic solution with a specific dust molecule would be introduced to trigger an immune response to the diluted dust molecule solution.
As a result the immune system would create an antigen from that dust molecule. Once that happens, the allergic reaction will be counteracted by a proper immune response, protecting the person from the dust reaction.
(Antigens are like all-point-bulletins (APBs) that your immune system puts out against known invaders. This empowers the immune system to prevent an all-out or systemic reaction, to the cause or trigger of the problem, whether it happens to be acid reflux or asthma.)
Often people can become sensitive to food ingredients like wheat or corn gluten, unfermented soy products or toxic canola oil for instance. These foods allergens can cause acid indigestion that could lead to chronic acid reflux symptoms.
The first choice of action would be to avoid these types of food ingredients all together. However, if that’s not going to happen . . . ?a homeopathic approach or “acid reflux vaccine,” could be successful.
Homeopathic science works as good as and sometimes better than conventional medicine does and without the adverse side effects of drugs or vaccine contaminants either.
Both pharmaceuticals, as well as homeopathic remedies count on the placebo effect to work for them.
Bottom line is determinism; positive expectation and right action are the most effective factors to curing any dis-ease. Keep in mind that too often people are treating the symptoms and not the cause of their health issues.
Whether it’s acid reflux of gastro-esophageal reflux disease or even cancer . . . when you address the real root cause using natural solutions you’re going to avoid expensive drugs, treatments and procedures . . . more often than not trying anything at all.
Homeopathic remedies are essentially making common sense a lot more common, when you think about it.
As the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates, once proclaimed, “First Do No Harm!”
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
January 4, 2010
Natural Acid Reflux Remedies to Get Rid of GERD
Since you are reading this article, chances are that you are looking for natural ways to control gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The problem is finding reliable information about effective alternative remedies for GERD can be difficult. The good new is natural acid reflux remedies have recently been subject to the scrutiny of medical research and we now know which ones are effective and which ones are not!
If you are looking for ways to treat your GERD at home, there is no better way to start the New Year! But before you begin, you should know why acid reflux (also called GERD) occurs. This common ailment is the result of a weakened lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is a ring of muscle that acts as a valve over the stomach, allowing food to pass and keeping stomach acid inside. Over time, certain unhealthy habits make it so the LES can no longer perform its task properly. So, the only way to an acid reflux cure is to strengthen the LES.
Antacids are Not a Good Way to Cure Acid Reflux
Antacids are the most common remedy that people reach for when an acid reflux attack happens. Antacids are popular because they provide almost instant relief from the pain of reflux. However, this relief is only temporary because all they do in neutralize refluxed acid. If you do not treat the underlying cause, you will be dependent upon antacids for the rest of your life.
By choosing a natural treatment for acid reflux, you will find you have a lasting relief that is not possible with antacids. This is because natural acid reflux remedies work to resolve the physical problem at the root of the disease.
Here are a few tips to get you back on the road to health so you don?t have to keep buying those expensive antacids.
Natural Acid Reflux Remedies That Work
1. You have to make certain changes to your life. Doing things like quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol until your LES has healed, and losing weight makes a remarkable difference. Also, you should eat 5-6 smaller meals instead of three large ones because smaller meals are much easier to digest. Wear loose-fitting clothes that do not restrict your stomach, and sleep with your head elevated above the stomach.
2. Make sure you are getting enough water to drink. Water will help keep food particles cleaned off the LES and help it form a tighter seal. Be sure to drink a glass or bottle of water after every meal or snack.
3. Honey is a great way to protect your LES from infection and further damage while naturally soothing acid reflux pain. It is especially important to eat a teaspoon of honey just before bed.
4. Apples are a great way to cure acid reflux. My father has relied on this remedy for more than three decades. When you feel a GERD attack coming on, just eat a few slices of apple!
5. You need to learn all you can about natural acid reflux remedies. The more you know about these subjects, the easier it is for you to treat acid reflux and prevent its return.
Cure Acid Reflux Permanently
Learn the most effective ways to cure acid reflux permanently by healing your lower esophageal sphincter. Allow our 100% guaranteed Acid Reflux Remedies Report help you today.
Filed under Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Acid Reflux Remedy, GERD Treatment by admin
December 31, 2009
A GERD Cure So You Can Stop Using Antacids Forever
If you have been suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for a while, you may have noticed that the antacids you take don?t work as well as they used to. If this sounds familiar, you may be interested to know that you can cure GERD without using antacids at all.
As acid reflux becomes more common, many people are disappointed with antacid use and are looking for natural GERD remedies. If you are one of these people, you have come to the right place. This article will explain the benefits of using acid reflux remedies and teach you five alternative treatments that you can try today.
Why Natural Remedies Work
Antacids work by neutralizing the stomach acids and masking the pain. This means that they are nothing more than a temporary solution ? a band-aid placed over a very serious wound. If you want to actually cure the ailment, you need to treat the source of the problem.
Natural GERD remedies do just that. Most of the time, GERD is caused by damaged and weakened esophageal tissues such as the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is very important here because it is the flap of muscle that acts as a cap to the stomach, keeping acid contained within.
However, the diet and lifestyle of the average American leaves these tissues damaged and unable to perform as they should. The only way to correct this issue is by using simple natural remedies and making some changes to your lifestyle.
Here are some simple and effective GERD remedies you can try tonight.
Five Acid Reflux Remedies
- Avoid hard and crunchy foods for two or three days at the beginning of your treatment program. By sticking to a GERD diet that includes eating softer foods, you will allow the tissues time to begin the healing process.
- Steer clear of soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, and spicy and acidic foods during this time for the same reason.
- Be sure to drink a glass of water after every meal or snack to clean off any food particles that may prevent the LES from forming a tight seal over the stomach.
- Eat some honey. Honey will coat the damaged tissues and protect them from infections. Honey has also been found to speed up the regeneration of cells, speeding the healing process. Swallow about three teaspoons during the day, especially before going to bed.
- GERD can also be caused by having too little acid in your stomach. When the stomach acid levels are low, the digestion of food requires that the acids be churned up more violently than normally. As a result, some stomach acid ends up being refluxed into the esophagus. To correct this, mix a little apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink it.
A GERD Cure that is 100% Guaranteed
If you are interested in a GERD cure that is 100% guaranteed to work in hours, please download our Acid Reflux Remedy Report now. Our reflux remedy report will teach you exactly how to stop GERD pain in less than a day.
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, GERD Treatment by admin