
April 29, 2011

Reflux Pain

The fourth stage of throat cancer is acid reflux pain and inflammation. As with any health problem be it acid reflux or cancer, it all starts with the loss of cellular energy and gets worse from there.

To heal your acid reflux pain the first thing you need to do is go directly to the root cause of it all . . . no matter what stage your at.

The loss of cellular energy happens when the natural mineral balance of your body becomes acidic.

So if you think your acid reflux is isolated to a stomach acid problem, you just don’t see the big picture. The environment or terrain of your tissue is where it all starts and ends. Your tissue includes your blood, bones and flesh.

In order for you to live a long and healthy life your body tissue has to keep a delicate balance between alkaline and acid called pH.

This pH scale starts at zero, near where you stomach acid is. In fact any pH reading below 7 is considered acid . . . your stomach acid reads around pH 2.

In order to avoid acid reflux pain and inflammation your pH needs to stay between 7.25 and 7.4, which isn’t acid at all. Truth is all your organs need this slightly alkaline pH.

Only your stomach acid and urine should have an acid pH.

Did you know your urine is really dirty blood? It’s acid because it’s full of acid waste. Too much build-up of acid waste means your dehydrated, lack ionic minerals and therefore you are losing cellular energy.

Once you start down this path acid reflux pain and inflammation can’t be far behind.

After loss of cellular energy, metabolism slows, toxins build-up, stress begins to affect normal organ and tissue function, then the pain and inflammation kicks in.

If the root cause of your acid reflux pain isn’t addressed, eventually the flesh lining of your sensitive throat begins to degenerate, actually becoming stiff and leathery, more like the lining of your stomach.

The pain of your acid reflux increases because your throat isn’t made to resist the strong acid pH level of stomach acid . . . the final stage is where the tissue inside your throat begins to mutate and literally becomes the same as your stomach lining.

The pain of acid reflux isn’t limited to just the burning sensation of stomach acid erupting where it doesn’t belong . . .the pain comes from the degeneration, stiffness and mutating cells it ultimately causes.

The final stage of ignoring the cause of your acid reflux pain is throat cancer and then . . . your risk of death increases greatly.

The moral of the story is to never ignore the cause of your acid reflux pain and as you know taking antacids is the same as ignoring the real cause- antacids don’t cure the root cause of acid reflux pain . . . in the end they make it much worse.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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April 28, 2011

Reflux Foods

Acid reflux disease can be very harmful to your body, possibly causing long-term effects. Stomach acid in your throat and esophagus is dangerous and can cause inflammation. Acid reflux can affect you physically, mentally and socially. Heartburn, difficulty swallowing, regurgitation, sore throat, chest pain, hoarseness and nausea are just some of the symptoms of acid reflux that can leave you in significant pain.

Humans need the right balance of foods in order to be healthy. A heavily acidic diet is not good and can cause acid reflux, stress and imbalance. The kinds of food you eat are closely linked to acid reflux.

A balanced diet should include foods that are alkaline and acidic. Alkaline foods are foods with a pH above seven. Naturally, human blood is just slightly acidic. Acidic foods are considered those with pH levels below seven. Having a seven pH is neutral. A high presence of hydrogen in your body increases your risk of having acid reflux. When you eat acid forming foods, hydrogen levels increase.

Most people think that acid forming foods are all acidic tasting. This is not true. Many acidic tasting foods, once combined with gastric acids are more alkaline than acid. The nutrients that come from some of these foods don’t always have the effects you think they will. If you are unsure about which foods are acid forming, make sure to eat a balanced diet that is full of vegetables. Vegetables have a lot of minerals and encourage alkaline formation within the body. Minerals are essential to the body but can’t be absorbed properly when acid levels are high.

Some vegetables that will help to fight acid reflux are: cucumbers, pumpkins, lettuce, eggplant, and all kinds of greens. In each meal make sure to eat a protein, fruit/vegetable and carbohydrates. It is okay to eat most foods in moderation. Foods that are generally bad for reflux are fatty foods. Fatty foods stress the digestive process and increase the likelihood of reflux.

Since acid reflux can be triggered by different foods, keep a record of the foods you eat every day. When reflux happens, write down the food that may have caused it and try to eliminate that food from your diet. Find a substitute for that food item that has similar nutritional value. Make sure to incorporate water into your diet. Water counteracts acid and has a diluting effect. Drink water after a heavy meal when the stomach is producing acid for digestion.

Leaving acid reflux untreated is very risky. If you ignore your acid reflux, this can lead to more harmful conditions. Understanding how diet can affect acid reflux should be your first priority. Doing something about it is the next step. Be proactive about your diet and make the necessary changes to help you control your acid reflux symptoms.

If you would like to find out more information about the types of food that can help you to prevent acid reflux, review The Reflux Remedy Report today.

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December 22, 2010

Acid Reflux Pain and Inflammation

The fourth stage of throat cancer is acid reflux pain and inflammation. As with any health problem be it acid reflux or cancer, it all starts with the loss of cellular energy and gets worse from there.

To heal your acid reflux pain the first thing you need to do is go directly to the root cause of it all . . . no matter what stage your at.

The loss of cellular energy happens when the natural mineral balance of your body becomes acidic.

So if you think your acid reflux is isolated to a stomach acid problem, you just don’t see the big picture. The environment or terrain of your tissue is where it all starts and ends. Your tissue includes your blood, bones and flesh.

In order for you to live a long and healthy life your body tissue has to keep a delicate balance between alkaline and acid called pH.

This pH scale starts at zero, near where you stomach acid is. In fact any pH reading below 7 is considered acid . . . your stomach acid reads around pH 2.

In order to avoid acid reflux pain and inflammation your pH needs to stay between 7.25 and 7.4, which isn’t acid at all. Truth is all your organs need this slightly alkaline pH.

Only your stomach acid and urine should have an acid pH.

Did you know your urine is really dirty blood? It’s acid because it’s full of acid waste. Too much build-up of acid waste means your dehydrated, lack “ionic” minerals and therefore you are losing cellular energy.

Once you start down this path acid reflux pain and inflammation can’t be far behind.

After loss of cellular energy, metabolism slows, toxins build-up, stress begins to affect normal organ and tissue function, then the pain and inflammation kicks in.

If the root cause of your acid reflux pain isn’t addressed, eventually the flesh lining of your sensitive throat begins to degenerate, actually becoming stiff and leathery, more like the lining of your stomach.

The pain of your acid reflux increases because your throat isn’t made to resist the strong acid pH level of stomach acid . . . the final stage is where the tissue inside your throat begins to mutate and literally becomes the same as your stomach lining.

The pain of acid reflux isn’t limited to just the burning sensation of stomach acid erupting where it doesn’t belong . . .the pain comes from the degeneration, stiffness and mutating cells it ultimately causes.

The final stage of ignoring the cause of your acid reflux pain is throat cancer and then ?. . . your risk of death increases greatly.

The moral of the story is to never ignore the cause of your acid reflux pain and as you know taking antacids is the same as ignoring the real cause- antacids don’t cure the root cause of acid reflux pain . . . in the end they make it much worse.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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