January 15, 2010
Different Ways to Treat GERD Naturally
A diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) often means the patient will struggle with many unsuccessful attempts to cure the condition. Many will spend years doing little more than treating the symptoms only, which means the discomfort will invariably return. Once this becomes tiresome, many will visit their doctors, who will prescribe medications that may work, but often come with unwanted side effects.
GERD Treatment Options
Even the prescriptions for GERD were only meant to be taken for short periods of time. By taking them for too long, sufferers will not only notice that the medications lose their effectiveness, but their symptoms may even get worse.
However, if you treat GERD with natural remedies, you get a more permanent solution because they heal the damage caused by refluxed stomach acid and also help restore the esophageal tissues to health. By treating the causes of acid reflux, natural remedies not only relieve the pain, they will also assure that the condition does not return.
Natural Remedies for GERD
1. The first thing you should do is limit how much alcohol you drink. By cutting down on how much you drink, you will lessen the effects of GERD symptoms. In fact, some researchers believe that drinking alcohol will actually create the symptoms, thus creating the disease.
2. You need to make certain changes to your diet. While this does not mean going on a diet in the classic sense, you do need to limit how much food you eat. Eating large meals, especially before bed, will trigger a GERD attack. The reason this is more common before bed is because, when you lie down, stomach acid is more likely to travel up into the esophagus. To prevent this, eat smaller meals more often and eat your last meal at least three hours before bedtime.
3. Apples have been found to be an excellent ingredient of a natural GERD diet. When you feel an attack coming on, eat a few slices of an apple, preferably a red apple.
4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially after eating a meal or snack. Water will help the lower esophageal sphincter form a tight seal over the stomach by washing any food particles away.
5. Swallow a few teaspoons of honey, especially before going to bed. Honey has been used as a healing agent for centuries. It coats the esophageal lining, protecting the damaged tissues from infection and soothing the pain.
Other Natural Remedies to Treat GERD
When looking for ways to treat GERD permanently, the most important thing you can do is learn. You need to learn what is happening to your body and how your digestive tract works. By learning these things, you will have a much better chance of successfully treating this disease.
But you don?t have to search endlessly for the information you need. To learn how to effectively end your GERD, download our Acid Reflux Remedy Report. The information contained within our natural remedy report is based on the latest in medical research and is guaranteed to get the results you need.
Filed under Acid Reflux, GERD Treatment, Heartburn Remedies by admin
December 22, 2009
You Don?t Have to Live With Acid Reflux Pain
Today, there are many different remedies for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) ? also called acid reflux. In this article, I will use the terms GERD and acid reflux interchangeably.
Some of these remedies simply provide temporary relief from the pain while others can provide a permanent GERD cure and prevent it from ever returning. Once you know how to look after your health and use natural acid reflux remedies as a part of your daily routine, you will never have to struggle with acid reflux pain again.
Natural Ways to Control and Cure GERD
You may not believe this, but laughter is actually a great way to treat and prevent GERD. Laughing acts as a natural remedy because the very act of laughing massages the inside of the esophagus and stomach, relaxing the muscles that cause reflux. So maybe its true ? laughter is the best medicine!
Another effective GERD treatment is to make a few simple changes to your lifestyle. Doing things like eating nutritious foods, avoiding items that cause acid reflux attacks, and eating smaller portions that are easier to digest will all help to greatly control the gastrointestinal processes.
There are many home remedies to help cure GERD, easing the pain and allowing your body the time it needs to heal itself. One of the more popular of these acid reflux remedies is apple cider vinegar. Mixed with water, this will provide your body with many essential nutrients to ensure health while increasing the amount of acid in your stomach. Ironically, more acid in your stomach means it will not have to churn as hard to digest food.
You can also elevate the head of your bed when you sleep. By placing wedges under the legs of the bed or using extra pillows, you keep your head elevated above your stomach. This forces the stomach acid to stay in the stomach, preventing it from seeping into the esophagus.
Other Tips and Tricks for Natural Acid Reflux Remedies
There are many more ways in which you can cure GERD. To learn the safest and most effective ways of controlling this painful ailment, please download our Acid Reflux Remedies Report. Our GERD remedy report is full of research-based remedies that are guaranteed to provide the results you want in a matter of hours.
Filed under Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Acid Reflux Remedy, GERD Treatment by admin
December 15, 2009
An Acid Reflux Treatment that Makes Use of Chemistry
Despite what the television commercials tell you, natural remedies are the best choice for treating heartburn and acid reflux that refuses to go away. If you have been suffering with acid reflux for more than just a couple of days and your antacids only provide temporary relief, this article was written for you. After all, taking antacids for an extended period of time can be hazardous to your health.
Cure Acid Reflux – Chemistry in Action
In order to determine if? acid reflux natural remedies will be effective or not, you need to understand your stomach?s pH level. In many cases, reflux is the result of having a higher than normal level of acidity in your stomach.
There are two very effective ways of handling this imbalance: apple cider vinegar and baking soda. These remedies are time tested ways of controlling the acidity of your stomach acid and will make a difference almost immediately.
Once you have corrected the pH balance in your digestive tract, you should notice an appreciable difference. When your stomach has too much acidity, anything you eat or drink will result in heartburn. Start with some foods that are not very acidic and work your way up. Make no mistake about it, if you insist on consuming nothing but highly acidic foods, you may end up right back where you started.
Other Paths to Cure Acid Reflux
There are many other natural home remedies that have been shown to work very well against acid reflux. Ginger and water can also help dilute the acid in your stomach. Milk has slight antacid properties that make it a useful remedy for many, although its effects are too weak to help against chronic heartburn.
Learning a Natural Acid Reflux Treatment
These remedies are just the first in a long line of natural ways to balance the pH of your stomach acid and cure acid reflux disease. If you are interested in learning how to do this, download our Acid Reflux Remedy Report. Our remedy report contains researched and effective natural remedies against this chronic condition.
Don?t sit down to your next meal in dread of the pain that inevitably follows. Cure acid reflux and you can enjoy your next meal free from the worry of acid reflux symptoms.
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Heartburn Remedies by admin
December 10, 2009
Cure Acid Reflux without Antacids
You don?t have to rely on expensive antacids for an acid reflux cure. Natural remedies for this common ailment have been in use for centuries. In fact, many of these natural alternatives are actually more effective at curing acid reflux than their pharmaceutical counterparts.
If you have used antacids for a substantial amount of time, you may have noticed that they are not as effective as they used to be. This is because they do nothing more than hide your acid reflux symptoms. Meanwhile, the source of your acid reflux continues to worsen.
Natural acid reflux remedies, on the other hand, work to fix the underlying cause of your reflux symptoms, stopping it permanently.
Why Natural Acid Reflux Cures Work
If you only suffer from infrequent heartburn, then antacids are a great remedy. However, if acid reflux has become a daily part of your life, you need to find a long-term solution. Acid reflux is often caused by a damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is the muscle that acts as a valve over the stomach. Instead of using antacids to mask the pain, you need a natural remedy that will help heal your LES
You have probably damaged your LES without even realizing it. Over time, poor lifestyle habits, such as drinking large amounts of alcohol, smoking, and eating highly acidic foods will cause LES damage. Luckily, there are many natural acid reflux remedies that will work to reverse the effects of these bad habits.
Here are a few tips to help you cure acid reflux at home without using antacids.
Cure Acid Reflux Naturally
1. Dietary and lifestyle changes are essential to curing acid reflux. You need to learn what causes it and ways to counteract those causes.
2. Drink a glass of water after every meal or snack. This will wash any food particles away from the LES and help it to heal faster.
3. Avoid tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and spicy foods until your acid reflux symptoms abate on their own.
4. Aloe vera is very good for treating burns. The damage to your esophagus is a chemical burn caused by stomach acid. Drinking aloe vera juice will help soothe the pain and assist in healing the damaged tissues.
5. Honey is also a very effective remedy. Eating three tablespoons of honey a day will help protect your damaged esophageal tissues from further damage and infection.
Is There More You Can Do to Cure Acid Reflux?
Learn the facts about curing acid reflux! We done the work for you and have gathered the findings of medical research into our natural home remedy report. Download your copy of our Acid Reflux Remedies Report so that you can cure your acid reflux by this time tomorrow. We are so sure that you will be reflux-free in no time that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee for six months. The longer you wait, the longer it will take you to get better.
Filed under Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, GERD Treatment, Heartburn Remedies by admin