September 16, 2011
Hiatal Hernia and GERD
Gastroesophageal reflux is the process whereby a small amount of the stomach contents flows back into the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux is commonly known as heartburn and is not unusual in humans. It is often brought on by the drinking of alcohol or the eating of certain foods that are fatty or spicy. Changes in posture such as lying down can also increase the occurrence.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), on the other hand, occurs when a person experiences gastroesophageal reflux on a frequent basis. It is typically the direct result of a faulty sphincter in the lower portion of the esophagus, but there are many theories as to exactly what causes the incompetent sphincter. Although a faulty sphincter is thought to be responsible for the majority of GERD cases, other causes may include things such as systemic diseases like lupus, ingestion of corrosive materials, or extended intubation. The malfunction of this sphincter with its subsequent regurgitation results in a burning sensation in the region behind the sternum. Over time, this persistent reflux directly results in the inflammation of the esophageal lining which can eventually reach down to the muscular level. Once the inflammation penetrates into the muscular level, it causes muscle damage which further increases the amount and frequency of reflux that a person will experience. There is no one type of person who becomes afflicted with GERD. It is a very non-selective disease that occurs in the old and the young, the thin and the overweight, in both genders, and in all ethnicities. Because the disease is non-selective in who it affects, the diagnosis is often difficult and tends to rely on patient history, x-ray studies, and endoscopy of the esophagus. Diagnosis of GERD can often be tricky as it can mimic other disease processes such hiatal hernia.
Hiatal hernia can mimic GERD, but it is a completely different condition. The cause is not known, but it can occur as a result of trauma or it can be congenital. Basically, a hiatal hernia is the protrusion of a portion of the stomach through the diaphragm opening. It can be an ongoing occurrence or an infrequent one. When it is of the ongoing variety, it is known as a rolling para-esophageal hernia. This variety has a low incidence and tends to account for approximately ten percent of all cases of hiatal hernia. The more common form of hiatal hernia is the sporadic type which is known as a sliding hernia. This type accounts for approximately ninety percent of all hiatal hernias and tends to happen in response to changes in position. Essentially what happens is that the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm’s opening when a recumbent (lying down) position occurs. When a more upright position is achieved, the stomach slides back to its normal position. Many people who have both types of this hernia are asymptomatic, but others exhibit signs of gastroesophageal reflux especially when lying down. When reflux occurs, it is considered to be of concern and treatment is usually recommended.
For more information on Hiatal hernia and GERD be sure to contact Reflux Remedy at today!
Filed under Gerd Symptoms, Hiatal Hernia by admin
Over 60 million Americans have symptoms of Acid Reflux at least once a month, and many have symptoms daily. These can include heartburn,regurgitation, nausea, a feeling of fullness, upper abdominal pain and discomfort, burping and even wheezing. People with asthma are very likely to have GERD, or acid reflux.
Doctors consider acid reflux to be a chronic condition. Once it develops, it usually lasts for an entire lifetime. Symptoms get better and worse, but never completely go away for long. Most symptoms, and most damage, occur during the night, when it’s time to rest and recuperate for the coming day. Episodes come and go, but they always come back.
The familiar discomfort of heartburn can develop into actual pain that is hard to distinguish from heart attack. When heart attack symptoms are confused with acid reflux, a medical emergency could develop or the patient could even die from the heart attack.
Uncontrolled acid reflux can cause more than momentary discomfort. It can scar the esophagus and cause it to narrow. This can make swallowing difficult. Some people get a sensation that food is stuck in the esophagus.
It can also cause an esophageal ulcer. Sometimes ulcers bleed, and heavy bleeding may require treatment with blood transfusions.
The throat and larynx may become inflamed with resulting hoarseness. Fluid may also enter the sinuses and middle ear, causing infection. Problems with the voice may develop because of acid reflux.
In more severe cases, cells in the lining of the esophagus can become misshapen and abnormal in color. This is called Barrett’s esophagus. This condition could even develop into cancer. Esophageal cancer is extremely serious, with a survival rate of only 15%.
Worrisome symptoms of advanced acid reflux include weight loss, black or tarry stools, vomiting of blood, and pain or trouble in swallow. Wheezing or a dry cough could develop. Morning hoarseness or persistent sore throat, hiccups that seem to last forever, and nausea that lingers for weeks are other alarm bells that the condition is out of control.
Unfortunately, sometimes serious complications can develop without warning signs. A person could develop cancer without even being aware of the condition before it is too late.
Asthma sufferers with acid reflux often experience increased symptoms, especially at night. These can include wheezing, dry cough, or even a full-blown asthma attack.
Another risk is aspiration pneumonia or other severe conditions caused when stomach contents back up into the lungs. They may include pus in the lungs, swelling and inflammation, or pneumonia. Symptoms of these conditions may include chest pain and cough with bad smelling phlegm, greenish phlegm, and bluish color of the skin. Fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, wheezing, excessive sweating, and difficulty swallowing are other symptoms.
People with acid reflux have been known to try many different remedies to get relief. They may sleep with the head elevated, sometimes even resorting to sleeping in an easy chair. Usually, acid reflux is a minor problem. It can get out of hand and even become life threatening. Don’t risk serious complications. Get it under control today. For more information on the acid reflux condition and potential cures be sure to visit Reflux Remedy at today!
Filed under Acid Reflux Disease, Acid Reflux Symptoms by admin
September 9, 2011
Cure for GERD
The ugly sensation of the regurgitation that leaves the mouth and throat with a horrible burning sensation is an experience people that suffer from acid reflux face quite often. It causes you to drink water, milk, juice, or anything that might relieve the burning and make the nasty residue go away. Sufferers of the medical problem known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease have long sought a permanent cure.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)which is commonly known as acid reflux, is caused when stomach contents ?burp? back into the throat. The regurgitated contents can burn and damage the lining of the throat. The regurgitated contents generally include acid that the stomach uses to digest food and might also have bile from the small intestine. The acid produces the strong burning sensation while the bile leaves a horrible rancid after taste. Acid reflux can create problems with inflammation of the throat, esophageal cancer, ulcers and lung infections.
Night time is when sufferers experience their worst problems with chest pains and acid reflux. A person is likely to wake up thinking they are having a heart attack. The pain can be severe. There are various medical tests and examinations that can be performed to determine if a person has GERD. Physicians normally treat the problem pharmacologically with Nexium, Prilosec, Zantac, Prevacid, Protonix, or Reglan. However, prescriptions are designed to cure symptoms. They do not cure the problem.
To cure GERD or acid reflux, sufferers are turning to natural remedies. A red delicious or Fuji apple eaten at night is a very effective method to protect against acid reflux. In keeping with the apple cure, numerous people attest to the success of taking apple cider vinegar. You must use organic acv as it is unpasteurized. To begin, mix 2 teaspoons of acv in 8 oz. of water. Over time, increase the acv to 2 tablespoons in 8 oz. of water. Apple cider vinegar can also be combined with honey before ingesting.
Pickle juice, lemonade and lemon juice are also highly recommended by sufferers. The recommended amounts to be taken vary from a couple of swallows of the juice to a glass of lemonade. The times to take it also vary from early morning to afternoon. You will have to experiment to find which works best for you.
The use of acidophilus is also advocated by users. Several methods are suggested for this technique. It can be taken in the morning, before a meal, or after you eat. Sufferers also cite the use of a little baking soda in water as providing instantaneous relief but this does not appear to actually serve as a cure.
The consensus of long term sufferers of GERD is that prescription products do not cure the problem and quite often do not help. The use of the above mentioned natural remedies or other methods such as dietary changes, mustard, licorice root extract and aloe vera are proving to have long term positive effects on problems created by acid reflux. Essentially, natural remedies appear to be a better alternative than prescription medications.
For additional information on cures for GERD visit Reflux Remedy at today!
Filed under GERD Treatment by admin
August 2, 2011
Diet for Reflux Sufferers
Perhaps for acid reflux symptoms, especially heartburn, the age-old adage crediting an apple a day with keeping the doctor away might ring true. For, contrary to popular opinion, acid reflux is not simply caused by too much acid in the stomach. What?s more, for frequent or severe symptoms, popping antacids or taking prescription drugs is unlikely to bring lasting relief in the form of a cure.
Heartburn occurs when stomach juices containing acid move upwards into the esophagus, the tube connecting throat and stomach. When the sphincter muscle at the tube?s base relaxes or fails to close tightly behind food passing into the stomach, digestive acids can reverse direction; moving upward, they create searing, burning pain equated with being on fire, hence the term heartburn. Frequent occurrences not only damage the esophagus, but the cumulative effects begin to sabotage everyday activities, including restful sleep. As these symptoms often inspire scurrying for pharmaceutical relief, over- the- counter and by prescription, sometimes with unwanted side-effects, examining some natural approaches makes sense.
Increasingly, results indicate that making dietary and lifestyle changes may greatly relieve symptoms, but more importantly perhaps, provide the basis for curing a grave problem. Indeed, when pronounced heartburn occurs more than twice a week, it is diagnosed as the more serious gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD, for short. Thus, an apple in place of an Rx may prove important in finding solutions for various forms of acid reflux plaguing over 40% of American adults.
Diet alterations, an easy place to begin, comprise a significant natural treatment option for reducing heartburn symptoms. Not only are there certain foods to avoid, but also tried-and- true tips for when and how to eat the preferred selections. Instead of skipping meals, then wolfing down super-sized ones, 4 or 5 evenly-spaced small meals seem more suited to preventing an overfilled stomach. Big meals, conversely, contribute to increased stomach volume and pressure that may cause acidic contents to splash upwards towards the esophagus. When big meals are unavoidable, nevertheless, putting space between them and bedtime is best.
Most importantly, a high-fiber diet should be the mainstay of reflux sufferers. With whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds, primarily unprocessed plant-foods, the focus of their eating regimes, sufferers are 20% less likely to experience acid reflux symptoms, regardless of body weight. That is certainly one promising reason to eat more apples.
On the other hand, high-fat dairy products and meats like ice cream and hamburgers, extremely irritating and acid forming, should be avoided. Choose instead such items as turkey, skim-milk, low-fat yogurt and cheese. Likewise, greasy, peppery, or fried concoctions which weaken the esophageal sphincter muscle and permit the upward movement of stomach acids are unworthy choices. Additional muscle-weakening foods from which to abstain include chocolate, peppermint, caffeine, alcohol. In terms of beverages, drinking water at meal?s end dilutes and washes down any wayward stomach acids. Conversely, alcoholic drinks, coffee of all sorts, caffeinated tea, and colas may incite heartburn because of their tendency to increase stomach acid content; and juices in the tomato or citrus families can irritate an already damaged esophagus. Sodas, likewise, are poor choices; they bloat the abdomen, creating undue stomach pressure causing acids to splash upwards, the opposite direction desired.
Finally, while dietary changes often reduce the problem, they won’t cure acid reflux for good. That is where some other proven natural methods, not expensive symptom-masking drugs, might be worth a try. Undoubtedly, though, a better diet is integral to being in control of acid reflux, providing a firm foundation upon which to build its cure. After all, while alleviating symptoms is desirable, a temporary or ‘quick fix’ does not equal a lasting remedy. For more diet suggestions for acid reflux sufferers visit Reflux Remedy at today!
Filed under Acid Reflux by admin