
January 21, 2011

Heartburn and Early Pregnancy

Although heartburn is more common in the latter portion of pregnancy, heartburn and early pregnancy is not unheard of. The raging hormones and odd cravings can often add up to heartburn trouble. So, how can a pregnant woman safely relieve her heartburn? There are certainly plenty of things she can try!

First off, since heartburn may plague you throughout your pregnancy, you may want to take some steps to avoid it altogether. Try avoiding specific foods that commonly cause heartburn, like garlic and highly acidic fruits like lemons and oranges. With all your cravings, you may even encounter some unusual triggers of your own. You may want to keep track of what you’re eating so that you know what exactly is causing your heartburn.

Second, try snacking more instead of gorging on huge meals. This will help your stomach process nutrients easier, and reduce the amount of acid present in your stomach at any one time.

Third, resist those midnight snack urges. Lying down right after eating is bad news when it comes to heartburn. It allows stomach acids to travel up into the esophagus which causes pain, irritation and damage over a long period of time. Try not to eat less than two hours before bed or nap time in order to allow food to pass completely out of your stomach, and eliminate the possibility of acids making their way north.

Fourth, try to relax as much as possible. Especially in the early months when there is so much excitement going on, relaxation can be difficult to achieve, however reducing stress is essential to having a healthy pregnancy. Not only can stress contribute to heartburn, but it can also play a part in high blood pressure and early deliveries, so calm down. Take a walk, join a yoga class, read a book, meditate, get a massage, just do something that will help you maintain your mental health, so that your physical health isn’t worsened by some outside factor that you’re worrying about.

What can you do if you’re already experiencing a fierce bout of heartburn but don’t want to harm the fetus by taking harsh medications to stem the pain? There are many natural remedies for heartburn you can try when you’re in any stage of your pregnancy, even the early months.

Probably the easiest way to literally wash heartburn away is by drinking a tall glass of water. This helps to flush your digestive system of extra acids and dilute any acids that remain, providing you with heartburn relief.

You can also try ginger. Whether you drink it in the form of tea, or eat it as candied ginger, it has helped many people get over all kinds of stomach ailments naturally, including heartburn.

Papaya is also helpful when dealing with the effects of heartburn. It harbors enzymes that help your body to break down food and make it more easily digestible. This prevents the buildup of acids and pressure that result in heartburn and indigestion pain.

For more information on heartburn and early pregnancy, and relieving your heartburn pain naturally, visit now!

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October 30, 2010

Acid Reflux Disease Cure

Acid reflux, sometimes called heartburn, happens when stomach acid is allowed to flow up into the lower esophagus.? This can cause discomfort and pain for the sufferer.? Although there is no one sure and fast cure for heartburn, there are many ways to alleviate its symptoms.


  • Over the counter medications like Tums or Mylanta may help by neutralizing stomach acid. However, they can also have some nasty side effects, like constipation or diarrhea when over used.
  • Prescription medicines can help attack heartburn in many ways.? Some, called foaming agents, help prevent heartburn by coating the stomach.? Others, known as H2 blockers (like Pepcid and Zantac) and proton pump inhibitors (like Prilosec and Nexium), prevent production of acid in the first place.? Prokinetics (like Reglan) can help strengthen the muscle that prevents acid from moving into the esophagus (called the lower esophageal sphincter), as well as help push food through the system faster ? preventing pressure buildup and reducing acid reflux.

Natural Remedies

  • Apple cider vinegar has been found to be very helpful in relieving and preventing heartburn.? As little as 2 to 3 tablespoons can help relieve acid reflux, and when added to a cup of water, can help prevent future attacks.
  • Ginger is also a widely used remedy.? It can be found in many forms ? pill, candied and tea ? and, like apple cider vinegar, can help alleviate heartburn, or prevent it when taken before a meal.
  • Among the helpful bacteria in yogurt, unflavored yogurt is said to contain the kind that helps tighten stomach walls.? This in effect, prevents acid from backing up into the esophagus.
  • Drinking chamomile or fennel tea may also help.? However, it should be sipped at a warm temperature, not gulped while hot.
  • If nothing else works, drink a glass of water.? It will help flush the system and dilute the acid in the stomach.

Daily changes

  • Smoking has been shown to aggravate acid reflux.? Quitting may help soothe symptoms.
  • Wear loose fitting clothes.? Wearing tight clothes puts pressure on the abdomen causing acid to back up.
  • Sleep with a few pillows under your head, and take naps in a more vertical position, like in a chair.
  • Eat smaller meals more often.? Also, avoid eating right before going to bed.
  • Extra weight can put pressure on the stomach, so overweight people may try losing a few pounds.
  • Monitor consumption of over the counter pain medications and supplements.? Some NSAIDS ? like aspirin and ibuprofen ? as well as vitamins ? iron, calcium and potassium for example ? have been shown to exacerbate heartburn and acid reflux.


Generally, surgery is not necessary and used as a last resort.? However, if dietary changes and medications are not helpful, a procedure called fundoplication may be necessary.? It involves wrapping part of the stomach around the lower esophagus, tightening the muscles there and preventing acid backups.? The procedure can be done laparoscopically as well as through an open incision in the abdomen.

For more information on finding relief for acid reflux, please read our Reflux Remedy Report.

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October 27, 2010

What causes GERD?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ? or GERD ? happens when acid in your stomach chronically backs up into your esophagus. This acid doesn?t belong there and irritates the lining, causing heart burn. If this happens to you more than twice a week, doctors label it as GERD.

It all starts with the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). It?s a muscle at the bottom of the esophagus, which should open and close to manage the flow of stomach contents. A normal LES prevents food and acid from backing up into the esophagus. An LES that isn?t functioning properly leads to GERD.

So, what causes the LES to act up repeatedly and essentially cause GERD? Medications, foods, certain health conditions, and various habits are among the many things doctors are pointing at.


Certain medicines, such as NSAIDS ? like aspirin and ibuprofen? have been linked to GERD. Research has shown them to commonly cause this problem, or increase the severity of symptoms in GERD sufferers. Other medications known to aggravate GERD include iron supplements, antibiotics, potassium and sedatives. If you?re having trouble with any of these medications, talk to your doctor for a possible solution.


There isn?t any one food that causes heartburn in all GERD sufferers. Everyone has their own specific triggers. Generally fried food, anything containing caffeine, alcohol, garlic, mint and onion are a few common ones. Keeping a food journal that documents what you ate and your reaction can help pinpoint your specific triggers.

Health Conditions

Hormones are thought to regulate the LES, so GERD and the associated heartburn often occurs during pregnancy, when hormones are out of whack.

Additionally, approximately 20 percent of people with Type 1 Diabetes have something called gastroparesis. The condition causes a delay in emptying stomach contents, which in turn can cause pressure build up, resulting in reflux.

When it comes to Asthma and GERD, there is some argument as to which came first for those that suffer from both. Some argue the constant coughing and constriction of the chest that occurs during an asthma attack puts pressure on the chest, resulting in reflux and essentially leading to GERD. Others say GERD sufferers may inhale acid from the esophagus causing irritation of the lungs. Doctors often point to GERD as a cause of asthma in adult asthma sufferers or if asthma gets worse at night or when lying down. Nevertheless, there appears to be a link between the two.

Obesity can also cause reflux. The additional weight causes pressure on the abdomen, resulting in acid build up.

Hiatal Hernia, a condition that occurs when the stomach is pushed above the diaphragm, has also been linked to GERD. The problem has been shown to worsen symptoms, although has not yet been proven to be a direct cause of GERD.


Even simple things like smoking and wearing tight fitting clothing are sometimes attributed to GERD. Smoking slows the function of the LES, causing acid to back up into the esophagus. Tight fitting clothing places constrictions on the chest and abdomen with the same results. Even snacking before bed can lead to GERD, as eating less than 2 hours before lying down can result in reflux.

For more information on GERD and natural remedies, please check out our book Reflux Remedy Report.

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