October 20, 2011
Diet for Reflux
A diet for reflux can help you avoid the consequences of consuming foods and beverages that are harmful to your stomach. Acid reflux is not just an uncomfortable inconvenience. When acids back up through the top of the stomach into the esophagus, it can cause inflammation and result in serious harm to the lining. An acid reflux diet involves abstaining from foods and beverages that cause heartburn and eating healthy foods that have a calming effect on your digestion.
Those who suffer from acid reflux often find themselves chewing antacids after meals or downing pills to prevent the reflux from occurring. The problem with chewing antacids after meals is that by the time you chew them, you are already in pain and chewable antacids may contain unwanted, or even harmful ingredients. The problem with pills to prevent acid reflux is that there are often many unwanted side-effects and problems that may occur as a result of long term use. A diet for reflux can help heal your problem and keep you feeling well without all the worry over whether you have your medication on hand, or what your medication will do to you.
When you have problems with frequent heartburn, the first foods you should cut out of your diet are acidic foods. Citrus fruits and tomatoes are often triggers for an episode of reflux, but so are some starches, sugars, dairy products, and meat. The foods that trigger your heartburn may be different than the foods that cause others trouble. For instance, some people find that chocolate gives them heartburn, while others who suffer from acid reflux can handle chocolate just fine, but end up in pain over something as simple as a few french fries.
The first step of an acid reflux diet involves figuring out what your particular triggers happen to be. You can do this by keeping a food journal over the course of one or two weeks. For the best results, record everything you put in your mouth as well as your reactions to each item. Once you have pinpointed your trigger foods, the next step is to remove them from your menu and test different ones. In this way, you will discover the foods that cause flare-ups of reflux and will be able to structure a diet plan around your particular needs. Your diet should include grains, such as oats and bran; fresh vegetables, low-acid fruit, such as bananas and apples; and lean meats, including poultry and fish.
Eating is not the only action that can cause acid reflux. If you have heartburn problems, try abstaining from drinking beverages that contain alcohol, carbonation, caffeine, sugar, or citric acid. Smoking and certain types of drugs can exacerbate the condition.
Another way to decrease attacks of reflux is to eat several small meals throughout the day rather than eat two or three large meals. Large meals result in more acid production and empty stomachs can also bring on heartburn. A diet for reflux should leave you feeling energized and healthy rather than feeling hungry or too full. Contact Reflux Remedy at refluxremedy.com to learn more about diets for acid reflux today!
Filed under Acid Reflux Diet by admin
July 1, 2011
Acid Reflux and Chest Pain
The first time that acid reflux causes chest pain, you may feel as though you are having a heart attack. Acid reflux and chest pain affects thousands, with the burning pain even causing some to rush to their local emergency physicians. Learning how to control acid reflux and chest pain through natural ways, such as diet, allows you to be more comfortable while improving your health.
Symptoms and Facts
If you have undiagnosed GERD, and experience chest pain, the best thing that you can do is seek medical help immediately. While up to sixty percent of chest pain is caused by acid reflux, it is best to be sure that your symptoms aren’t caused by a more serious condition. A diagnosis from a medical professional can be very helpful in combating acid reflux and chest pain. The most common symptoms of reflux, also called GERD, include chest pain, bitter taste in the mouth, and burning along the esophagus.
Reflux can happen anytime, but for most chest pain and burning occur after lying down, but the symptoms can occur anytime. Often, the remedy can be as simple as sitting up and sipping water. For those with more serious acid reflux, however, more dramatic changes in the diet and lifestyle need to be made to experience long term relief. Occasional reflux can also be avoided by making changes in the diet.
Natural Remedies
The longest lasting and most effective ways to reduce acid reflux and chest pain caused by GERD is to ensure you live a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a good weight and exercise are both helpful in combating the condition, but there are also some short term remedies that you can use. For instance, drinking fat free milk lines the stomach and protects against acid. Drinking water is also a good way to dilute the acid in the stomach, and to reduce the burning sensation experienced.
Caffeine, alcohol and smoking can increase the symptoms of acid reflux, and chest pain can occur when using these products in large amounts. Limit alcohol and caffeinated drinks to reduce symptoms, and stop smoking as soon as possible to improve your overall health, and to help eliminate GERD. Spicy foods, and fatty foods, also increase the symptoms of acid reflux.
Dietary Changes
Milder flavors, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grain products are an ideal diet for everyone, but these types of foods are even more important when experiencing acid reflux and chest pain. A healthy diet that is low in fat can help you reach your ideal weight, as well, which will further reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. If you experience chest pain when lying down at night, you may want to try eating an hour earlier and walking or drinking milk before bed.
With some simple changes and dedication to living a healthier lifestyle, you can eliminate acid reflux and chest pain associated with GERD. Getting a diagnosis from a medical professional is the first step in finding relief from your symptoms.
For more information on acid reflux and chest pain download the Reflux Remedy Report at refluxremedy.com today!
Filed under Acid Reflux by admin
March 29, 2011
Natural Remedies of Acid Reflux
If you suffer from recurring acid reflux odds are you?ve already tried every gimmick on the shelf or ?over-the-counter? brands and found only grief.
Many people don?t realize that natural remedies address the root cause of acid reflux by helping to restore your original healthful balance.
Natural remedies are evidence-based scientifically time-tested ancient folk technologies, not medicine. The definition of medicine has changed recently because politicians are writing pseudo-scientific policy for profit, instead of scientists writing honest policy.
Drugs should not be the only things to make claims, especially when your acid reflux is NOT a drug deficiency . . .
Remember when the church persecuted people for knowing the earth traveled around the sun . . . that the earth was round and ships didn?t fall of the edge when they sailed past the horizon???
The same kind of malarkey is going on between natural remedies, which are scientifically sound and pharmaceuticals, which are not.
A natural remedy addresses the root cause of your acid Reflux, whereas a pharmaceutical only blocks the signals or symptoms from that cause.
A natural remedy can sometime prevent and cure acid reflux and other ill states of being, they have a holistic benefit.
Pharmaceuticals have side effects; natural remedies have side benefits . . .
Acid reflux is heartburn gone wild.
What was a simple hic-up of indigestion is suddenly a real bother, to the point where it can damage your social life as well as your health in the long run.
The last thing you want to do is ignore whatever is causing your heartburn by blocking your symptoms with dangerous drugs.
Did you know all drugs are small doses of poisons? In fact drugs need secret ?additional? ingredients to slow your liver and kidney functions so your immune system doesn?t immediately kick-out and eliminate the toxin they call a drug.
Acid reflux often gets worse when people use the wrong approach and anything other than a natural remedy targeted at the true cause of your heartburn can only risk making it worse.
Natural remedies have been proven time after time, age after age and found in the history records and in multiple cultures around the world.
Using local plants and other indigenous ingredients make for slight variations through the centuries . . . yet the success pattern is apparent or else how would the natural remedy survived tradition?
People pass natural remedies down through the generations because they work and because people have always suffered from acid reflux.
They never suffered by the millions like in today?s world, but then they always cured it rather than just treated it.
If you? ignore the cause of your acid reflux by treating symptoms with drugs, your turning your ailment into a real dis-ease . . .there is no reason heartburn should ever end up as a surgical operation to fix a hiatal hernia and yet millions end up there.
Plus cases of Barrett?s syndrome and throat cancer are all on the rise, why is that? Because people are blocking symptoms of acid reflux instead of finding a natural remedy that removes the root cause- we need a return to common sense.
It should NOT be illegal for people to cure themselves without drug and surgery intervention . . . and then advertise it!
Heartburn, acid reflux and gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) are great examples of what happens when natural remedies are discouraged or even banned from public awareness.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Treatment by admin
February 21, 2011
Natural Remedies For Heartburn
Natural remedies for heartburn allow you to reverse the degenerative process and activate your innate natural healing process.
Natural remedies are NOT drugs because they do not waste your time and money treating the symptoms of your heartburn. Natural remedies remedy your heartburn by helping you eliminate the root cause of your heartburn symptoms.
Natural remedies for heartburn, acid reflux or acid indigestion are not sold in drug stores and you will never hear of a natural remedy for heartburn on television or any other mainstream media source.
The mainstream media, such as TV, radio and newspapers, are a business, a BIG business owned by only a hand full of very wealthy people hiding behind the cover of corporations. There is no money to be made in natural remedies for heartburn.
In fact if the natural remedies for heartburn got out it would cost these media moguls billions, not including all the possible liability suits people with complications form heartburn would file.
Frankly the natural remedy for your heartburn is to stop using acid reflux, heartburn or acid indigestion products altogether. Odds are if you don’t use a natural remedy for your heartburn now, you’ll end up with a hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal acid reflux or even throat cancer because you ignored the root cause of your heartburn, allowing your heartburn to become a gateway disease.
Always, as a rule, seek out the most natural and harmless way to cure you of heartburn related health problems and for that matter ANY health issue.
Drugs are emergency medicine, they were never intended for long term use, never intended to cure or prevent. Heartburn antacids and drugs are there incase you failed to prevent or cure your heartburn and don’t know of a natural remedy to reverse it.
As long as the mainstream media can block natural remedy information from getting to you, the more likely you’ll end up being a cash cow of the medical industry for life.
The natural remedy for heartburn is to look at the causal level of your acid reflux issues, find the trigger and eliminate it. It may be your diet, diet habits, lifestyle habits, lack of stomach acid, lack of digestive enzymes, and lack of gut flora, bacterial infection, low blood serum pH . . . or all of the above.
The natural remedy for your heartburn is whatever it takes to help your immune and enteric system to become stronger. It could be anything from a mineral deficiency that’s causing a stomach acid deficiency to not having adequate nutrients necessary for an efficient digestive and immune system, to a bacterial imbalance.
Every natural remedy is as unique as the person with the heartburn issues, so gather more research, find proven remedies on the FREE Internet and interview health practitioners . . . you’ll find a simple affordable natural remedy for your heartburn I?m sure.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin