October 18, 2010
Heartburn and Stomach Viruses
Heartburn and stomach viruses have more in common than you may first think.
Most people are discovering that it’s easy to be immune to viruses; it doesn’t matter if you are exposed to them. In fact the whole flu virus vaccine is a scam. Most people that get the shot are now carrying the live or attenuated virus . . . along with mercury and other poisons.
There is no scientific proof the viral shot even helps-at best it might protect you for a week and a half.
But there’s something else you need to know about viruses and heartburn . . . neither one can harm you if your internal “environment” is healthy.
Let me explain. If your saliva, tissue and blood “environment” is balanced at about pH 7.4 even cancers cells are dormant. Viruses, like cancer cells, require a low oxygen, high acid and low pH to thrive.
Stomach viruses can’t even reproduce unless they take over your cells, which they cannot when your pH is “salty” or alkaline.
When I say “salty” I don’t mean table salt, I mean, mineral rich, sea salty. Your healthy blood, tissue and saliva are nearly identical to sea water as far as composition and pH.
Your heartburn also depends on a healthy pH. Only your stomach environment should have a low pH, which means high acid levels.
However your “gut,” or digestive system, needs to be more “salty” and less acid. Only your stomach lining is tough enough for stomach acid. The rest of your digestive tract is gradually less acidic and more alkaline because it has to support delicate flora and microorganisms that help break your food down even further, after your stomach acid and powerful enzymes get first shot.
The two are connected because if your gut is out of balance, that means the good bacteria and micro-organisms are being overrun by bad bacteria and evil microorganisms.
Once the bad guys take over, your digestive system, or gut, fails to pull enough minerals, nutrients and cofactors from your food as it goes through your long plumbing system.
This means that your immune system is compromised and to make things worse, now you may be suffering from heartburn caused from your stomachs inability to properly digest your food.
Yes, that’s right, more often than not; heartburn is actually caused from lack of stomach acid. You see, to make stomach acid, your gall bladder and other organs need plenty of minerals, vitamins and enzymes.
So stomach acid is eventually connected to viral infections.
The last thing you want is Candida albicans growing in your gut. Candida is the bad micro-organism, not to mention E. coli and viruses. Candida is yeast that turns into a fungus that puts holes in your gut and allows undigested food molecules to get in your blood.
While your immune system is burdened with fighting this problem, it uses up what nutrient stores you had left.
Once your system bogs down because of low oxygen, low pH and low nutrition, acid wastes build up inside your cells.
Viruses like acidic cells; they can compromise them and eventually take them over to help reproduce more viruses.
So learn how to stay alkaline and eat more “raw,” nutrient rich, food sources to promote your minerals and all that good stuff-your body will take care of the rest.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin
October 7, 2010
What Does Heartburn Feel Like?
If you?re asking how heartburn feels you obviously have never experienced it.
Imagine nearly the most corrosive substance know to man, hydrochloric acid (HCL) splashing up into your sensitive mouth area, again and again and again.
Why does this happen?
Besides the fact that we eat too many processed foods, Americans have been lied to by antacid manufacturers. These so-called antacids actually produce what?s called a stomach acid rebound affect.
You see, the layers of your stomach are very complex and don?t have any problem holding down a bubbling cauldron of caustic acid so powerful it will ?etch? a glass window.
All this volcanic, blistering nasty stomach acid is kept down below by muscular valve called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). Now I see two schools of thought which describe exactly how the stomach acid gurgles its way past this esophageal flap.
One idea claims that the stomach acid over powers it, weakens it and allows the forbidden elixir of brimstone and digestive acids to eat their way up into your more sensitive oral cavities.
The other more feasible explanation of how the bubbling curd works its way upward into your mouth, nose and middle ears is because the undigested stomach contents are bulging and piling upward forcing the flap to compromise its integrity.
You see, in actuality most people have difficulty properly digesting food when they get older because they suffer from mineral and nutrient deficiencies. These nutritional deficits are caused from eating a lot of enzyme-barren foods, forcing the pancreas to make enzymes that are usually hidden within raw fruits and vegetables. This also taxes the bile producing gall bladder of important minerals necessary to make stomach acids.
So now here we are, gut full of food eaten days ago, maybe longer, just slowly fermenting like a cow?s belly, simply because there?s no more stomach acid or enzymes left to break it all down faster.
This bulk, presses up ward causing gas, heartburn and acid indigestion, cramps, flatulence and the rest of it. But what?s bad is the body is working hard to produce a much needed ?mega burst? of gastric acid and when it lets it go, it has nowhere to go but up, because your stomach is already stuffed to the brim.
In this case ?the brim? is referring to the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES).
Now use your imagination. What?s going to happen is noxious stomach acid, from your guts HCL surge, is going to shoot straight up where it should never be. The deep burning sensation is your flesh being etched, blistered and chemically peeled away; the rancid disturbing taste is horribly indescribable.
Over time you?ll experience gum disease, loss of tooth enamel and permanent ?non-kissable? breath. In fact your breath may get so bad no one will want to even talk with you without a ten foot pole to keep a safe distance.
I haven?t even touched on the damage the gastric fumes and stomach acid particles have on your lungs.
This acid reflux situation is so serious it can end up mutating your throat?s tender lining into cancerous leather capable of handling large gulps of hydrochloric and sulfur acids.
Once your throat cells have transformed to literally become more like the stomach lining your Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is likely to progress into throat cancer . . . not a good situation and I don?t want to even imagine what that feels like.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
October 1, 2010
Which Food to Avoid for Acid Reflux
If you’ve been suffering from acid reflux, heart burn and other stomach acid related health problems, you probably also know antacids don’t help, in fact they can even add to your problems.
Many antacids actually block your ability to absorb vital nutrients, minerals and their cofactors.
You may already know that the solution to your acid reflux and stomach acid problems is simply to know which foods to eat and which foods to avoid.
Eating the right whole foods will help reverse your acid reflux, Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and stomach acid imbalances simply by restoring the best pH for your stomach.
Avoiding foods that cause acid reflux and its symptoms will also aid your digestive system, alleviate heartburn and eventually heal ulcers, quickly, safely and naturally.
Plus by learning to eat more of the right foods your body will have an opportunity to reverse the damage caused by toxic antacid pills and drugs.
Everyone knows absorbing the right calcium is important to healthy bones, but did you know it’s also important for a healthy heart, stomach acid levels and nervous system too?
As long as you’re NOT eating the right foods to avoid acid reflux, you’re going to be tempted to consume more Over-The-Counter (OTC) and prescription antacids that block calcium absorption with aluminum.
It just so happens foods rich in natural calcium are also excellent for avoiding acid reflux diseases.
Toxic aluminum from cookware has already been shown to accumulate in your body, why in the world would you want to eat an aluminum loaded antacid, antacids that only make your acid reflux worse anyway???
University of Alabama at Birmingham, showed that aluminum has neurotoxic effects, which may short out electrical signal in the brain. The study done by their department of pharmacology and neurosciences suggests that the aluminum blocks your cells from binding with calcium.
Scientists have discovered that calcium is important not only for strong bones and a balanced stomach acid pH, but also for the electrical circuits that carry the fastest signals in your nervous system.
By not avoiding foods that cause acid reflux and other gastrointestinal problems you are at risk of being suckered into popping these toxic aluminum containing products. The result can be disastrous once the aluminum accumulates “inside” your nerve cells, permanently interfering with your body’s natural balance of calcium.
Aluminum toxicity has also been shown to alter important calcium related proteins and a type of RNA function in your intestinal tract. These tests showed that the calcium that was blocked increased in the blood samples of chicks. High levels of calcium in your blood can lead to osteoporosis, hardening of the arteries and a weakened immune system caused from a vitamin D deficiency.
All this is directly related to your acid reflux and the foods you eat and the foods you avoid.
Here’s a list of foods to avoid for acid reflux, heart burn and stomach acid issues:
- Orange juice
- Grapefruit juice
- Tomato juice
- Deep fried potatoes
- Raw onions
- Grain fed meats
- Chicken nuggets
- Buffalo wings
- Pasteurized milk products
- Mac and cheese
- Spaghetti sauce
- Alcohol
- Coffee
- Tea
- High fat baked goods
- Corn chips
- Potato chips
Anything with refined sugar, unsprouted grains, refined salt or animal fat are likely to aggravate your acid reflux symptoms. Learn more about proven Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) remedies that will help your body restore proper balance at the cellular level. Once you’ve improved your health at the cellular level all your body systems will improve their natural functions.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
September 30, 2010
Can Smell Affect Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a monster that is hard for anyone to deal with. Not only is there considerable pain, but it can be triggered by a number of different things. Food, of course, is one of the main triggers for it. The reasons for this are many?varying from greasiness to spiciness in addition to a number of other possible reasons.
However, there is something else to consider. How can smell affect acid reflux?or can it?
Truthfully, yes, smell can affect acid reflux?although it?s not a common thing. First, acid reflux occurs in people whose stomachs are unable to retain their stomach acid where it should stay?in the stomach. When their acid reflux is triggered, the acid is released into the lower esophagus.
One trigger is stress, of course. However, when someone with acid reflux is in a situation where they are stressed out and smell something that bothers them, they become quite nauseated, and their stomach starts to overreact.
For example, perhaps Joe French suffers from acid reflux, but wants to understand if indeed smell can affect acid reflux. Knowing that he hasn?t been able to stand the smell of rotten eggs since childhood, he willingly goes near the trash cans, having eaten previously. His neighbor had thrown out some rotten eggs earlier in the day, and he wants to see what happens.
After a couple of minutes, Joe gets a whiff of the rotten eggs, and his stomach immediately becomes upset. He can feel the acid literally pouring out, and starting to rise in his throat. Now realizing that it is possible for smell to be a trigger, he returns home to deal with his acid reflux.
Smell is tied to taste in the brain, and that is what makes it so easy for the body to react. Your body?or Joe?s in this case?would react the same way if it got a small taste of rotten eggs.
Spicy foods are not ideal for acid reflux sufferers either?and if you happen to have gotten a whiff of a spicy food, your acid reflux may kick into gear.
On the other hand, is it possible to soothe your acid reflux by smelling something nice all of the time? It has been shown that smelling soft scented things that make you happy, and that don?t have a greasy scent to them, may very well help you keep your acid reflux under control.
So, can smell affect acid reflux, or not? It appears to be a case by case situation. For those people who have serious issues with some particular smells?they just can?t stand them?then yes, smell can affect it. There are many people for whom smell won?t affect their acid reflux at all, even though it does tie into the sense of taste.
Filed under Acid Reflux by admin