Stomach Acid

April 29, 2011

Acid Disorder

Acid reflux disorder is a condition that can occur when you have a lower esophageal sphincter (LES) that does not operate as it should. The LES is a crucial component of the digestive system. Food that is headed to your stomach when you eat has to pass the LES to enter the stomach for digestion. The LES serves as a muscular ring at the end of the esophagus, right next to the diaphragm and stomach opening. For food morsels to get to the stomach, the LES has to open. Usually, the LES closes after each portion of food goes to the stomach. If your LES is weak, it does not close tightly enough to prevent stomach acids from getting into your esophagus.

Stomach acid is the last thing you want near your esophagus. Stomach acid is used to digest foods. The digestive process may begin in your mouth, but it is in the stomach that most of the work takes place. Gastric acids help to break down foods into smaller particles so that the intestines can absorb and distribute the proteins and minerals that are essential for your body. The acidity of stomach acid is very high and it can only be tolerated in the stomach. The stomach wall and lining is equipped to handle the corrosive nature of stomach acid.

Once stomach acid gains access to your esophagus there can be a problem. The esophagus doesn’t have the same protective lining that the stomach has. When acid that comes from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, this is called acid reflux disorder. Acid reflux disorder can be a challenge for many people. By being more aware of acid reflux you will be able to identify the causes, signs and treatment options.

Causes: The cause of acid reflux may stem from other conditions: being pregnant, obese, having a hiatal hernia or diabetes can contribute to acid reflux disorder. These conditions change the dynamics of the body, especially the stomach. When pressure is added to the stomach, there is a shift of the stomach. When food is digested irregularly, this can trigger acid reflux. Food is a big factor. Eating foods just before bed, lifting heavy objects or eating fatty foods can put you at risk for acid reflux disorder.

Signs: Symptoms of acid reflux disorder include heartburn, nausea, regurgitating food, chest pain, dysphagia, burping and an awful bitter taste in the mouth. Heartburn is the most common symptom of acid reflux disorder and can cause you to experience a burning feeling in your chest and throat. Signs in children may include respiratory problems that include a chronic cough, wheezing and asthma-like symptoms.

Treatment: Holistic remedies for acid reflux are highly suggested as a method of controlling symptoms. Drinking aloe juice, lots of water, and eating papaya will reduce the production of gastric acid in the stomach. Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, eating less fattening meals and reducing alcohol intake are great techniques. Remember that effective treatment varies for each individual.

For more information on acid reflux disorder, review The Reflux Remedy Report to get all of your questions answered.

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April 7, 2011

Diet For Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux disease, more often than not, is directly related to your diet. The foods you eat and the drinks you consume can be triggers for acid reflux and you may be unaware. Try keeping a food journal. You may notice that after you eat certain foods your body reacts in a way that clearly indicates that these foods aren’t the foods for you. Why foods serve as triggers for some when they are completely harmless for others has yet to be determined. In the meantime, however, you should do your part at eliminating the foods from your diet that may be personal triggers.

The first aspect of your diet that you may want to tackle is the amount of food you eat, the time of day you eat these foods and how often these foods are eaten. Let’s start by examining the amount of food you eat. Acid reflux has been known to be more active if there is a heavy consumption of food taking place. What happens when there is a large portion of food taken in at one time is that the body (namely the stomach acids) feels that it must do whatever is necessary to break down this large portion of food so that it may be properly digested. The stomach acids kick into overdrive when there is a lot of work to do. The hyperactivity of your stomach acids may ultimately cause these acids to escape the stomach and make way to the esophagus resulting in heartburn or other acid reflux symptoms. Try eating smaller meals several times a day. This not only helps with acid reflux disease, it also aids in weight loss. Also, you may want to try eating at least two hours before bedtime. When we are awake after eating we allow our bodies sufficient positioning for adequately digesting food.

Now that how to eat has been established lets tackle what to eat. In discussing what to eat it is also imperative to discuss what foods to avoid.

In terms of fruit and beverage, try avoiding tomatoes, lemons, carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks and alcoholic beverages. Try to drinking water in place of the drinks that are listed as ones to avoid. Water is a great digestive aid and works wonders for soothing the esophagus in the instance that there may be irritation or burn. The perfect fruit for those that may suffer from acid reflux is an apple. Try apples in any form whether they are dried, fresh or juiced. Bananas may be a great choice as well.

Stay away from fried and fatty foods. Meats such as chicken nuggets, ground beef, buffalo wings and sirloin aren’t the best for you in terms of acid reflux and overall health. If you are a meat lover try skinless chicken breast, broil steak and if you simply must have ground beef be sure that the meat is extra lean.

A few minor adjustments can take you a long way. Changing your diet may ultimately change your life. For more diet suggestions visit today!

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March 25, 2011

Heartburn Treatment

Treatment for your heartburn in an emergency situation could be as simple as taking a teaspoon of aluminum free baking soda and downing it with about 8 to 10 ounces of water.

On the other hand if your heart burn isn’t from lack of stomach acid the last thing you will want is an antacid, natural or not. What if treating your heartburn with an antacid made your heartburn worse, which is often the case?

The phrase heartburn treatment is misleading to most people, because heartburn isn’t a cause, it’s a symptom and treating symptoms never changes anything. Nothing ever changes at the symptom level, to get rid of your heartburn. I have to presume is the reason you typed in that search term or phrase ‘heartburn Treatment,’ is because you want the cause of your heartburn be healed, not just treated.

A treatment is what people do when they don’t care about the cure; they just want the symptoms to go away . . . if you want to you can use Over-The-Counter (OTC) gimmicks as a heartburn treatment. If you don’t care about your health, just ignore any sign of ill health.

The end result is always the same; the drug companies get rich and you stay miserable or you may even get worse.

Listen, not everyone with heartburn has the same cause of heartburn, so why would you take what everyone else is told to take?

Even if you do have too much stomach acid, which is rarer than you may know, even so, the antacids are chocked full of toxic ingredients and other unknown factors. Did you know some antacid ingredients which are harmful aren’t even required to be listed by the FDA if they are below 1%? That’s right; this opens the door for all kinds of things like artificial sweeteners, some of which can contribute to metabolic disorders and worse.

Any heartburn treatment should be based on some knowledge of what is really causing your heartburn symptoms. It could be that you need help digesting food in your stomach and that?s why your stomach acid is rising near the top, because it’s all undigested food is at the bottom.

Treating heartburn and curing heartburn are two completely different actions. If your heartburn symptoms are from lack of digestive power, you could start treating your heartburn by eating more sea salt and raw vegetables, supplementing with probiotics and prebiotic foods and changing some eating and exercising habits too.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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Heartburn Cure

Cure your heartburn without using drugs, but rather by applying the science of prevention. Preventative remedies are more often than not also the cure for many health challenges you may be facing, not just acid reflux.

The amazing thing about curing something like heartburn is you learn to apply the science of addressing the root cause of acid reflux, stomach indigestion or gastro-esophageal reflux disease . . . or any other dis-ease.

The only way you’re going to cure your heartburn is by discovering what caused it in the first place, remember nothing ever changes at the symptom level.

The cure for heartburn and the cause of your heartburn are connected at the hip, just as the symptoms of heartburn and the effects are connected.

Getting rid of the symptoms or ‘blocking the effects’ of your heartburn still leaves you suffering from the cause of your heartburn, while waiting for the drugs to wear off.

At the risk of repeating, it’s very important you realize that living symptom free of heartburn isn’t the same as curing your heartburn.

Before you can cure your heartburn STOP assuming you have heartburn because of too much stomach acid . . . more often than not, heartburn can be caused from too little stomach acid. The symptoms and signs of heartburn are pretty much the same to the casual observer, that’s why if you start popping antacid medication you could be triggering a much more serious health challenge for yourself.

Ask you health professional or even insist that your health professional do a simple stomach acid test to accurately diagnose the correct health issue here.

If you want to cure your heart burn and you suffer from too much stomach acid, the cure maybe a basic lifestyle modification. You may be making too much stomach acid because of emotional or physical stress factors and changing those factors could be your cure for heartburn.

Perhaps you’re eating large meals or mixing the wrong foods or not getting enough exercise . . . those cases all require lifestyle modifications to cure your heartburn.

If you have all those things covered, your heartburn cure may be found in addressing a tired pancreas, endocrine and immune system with a nutritional approach.

Either way your heartburn is NOT a drug deficiency.

Know this: there is a natural, evidence-based scientific remedy for your heartburn . . . so don’t be fooled by gimmicks and Direct-to-Consumer advertising . . . your heartburn symptom isn?t the target.

If you really want to cure your heartburn, target the cause and the symptoms and signs will go away once and for all.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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