December 7, 2010
Cure For Acid Reflux
The Standard American Diet appropriately referred to as SAD or the Western Pattern Diet is largely to blame for all the American?s with acid reflux. The question is should we be looking for a cure for acid reflux or for the SAD pattern of eating?
It is SAD that people?s diets are controlled by misinformed government agencies that ultimately serve the corporations they were created to regulate. This Western pattern of eating is dietary habit that supports a sweet meat-based culture.
Acid reflux is one of many side effects of mainstreaming such a sweet-meat diet.
The Is An Alternative To The Current ?Disease Management System.?
Did you know out of 19 developed countries, America spends more money annually on conventional (i.e., drugs, surgical and radiation) medicine, than any other, which is projected to reach about $4.3 TRILLION dollars a year by 2017.
Ironically, even though America spends the most money on treating symptoms, we are ranked last at 19 out of 19 industrial nations for our overall health.
As other less developed countries take on the Western pattern of eating their overall health is dropping in proportion to the amount of Big Pharma products they use increases, especially acid reflux products.
Acid reflux can be cured, but you will have to make a commitment to making that cure happen, without drugs.
As long as people believe in the Big Pharma propaganda, that blocking symptoms is good, social health problems like acid reflux will never be cured.
Truth is no developed nation should suffer from something so easy to cure as acid reflux. Unfortunately people who suffer from symptoms of acid reflux usually have some other symptoms of degenerative dis-ease directly associated with under-nutrition caused from inferior eating habits.
The Western Pattern Diet is based on high quantities of red meat. Not all red meat is bad for you; however leading scientists agree that feedlot beef is higher in saturated fat and lower in nutritional value than natural grass fed beef.
Eating a diet high in saturated fats is one of the leading causes for acid reflux and other dis-eases. If that rings a bell, then your acid reflux cure is to eliminate red meat, at least cut down the amount and increase the nutritional quality of it.
The other poison link in the Standard American Diet (SAD) is high quantities of sugars and refined grains.
Sugar is known to increase risk of degenerative dis-eases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The main reason is sugar is an inflammatory molecule that increases acid pH of your body?s ?terrain.? It just so happens this is a suspected cause of acid reflux too.
Because sugar over works your pancreas by forcing it to produce high levels of insulin which eventually gets stored as saturated fats, it shifts the environment of your body to acid, rather than alkaline.
This triggers an unhealthy chain of events that can cause acid reflux and lead to many other health problems. To correct the over acidic terrain inside your body, minerals are donated by bone and tissue causing loss of bone density and a weakened immune system.
Acid reflux is a symptom of a mineral deficiency caused from sweet-meats, sugars and refined grains which all trigger high levels of insulin. So to cure your symptoms of acid reflux you will need to give your pancreas a rest, which will help you lose fat and restore an alkaline pH terrain in your body.
Bottom line is the cure for acid reflux is common sense eating habits. Stop doing what the Big Food and Big Chemical companies want you to do. Summon the will power to stop eating foods that trigger acid reflux, acid pH and a low oxygen terrain.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
They call it Intelligent Design (ID) and it is how leading scientists are learning to understand the natural healing remedies within the remedial body. Everyone likes a good remedy and many people devote their lives to understanding remedies whether they’re for acid reflux, diabetes or even cancer.
What’s even more interesting that most people overlook is “where” the remedy comes from. It’s common to build on a natural remedy once discovered to, let’s say, cure acid reflux dis-ease, but how often have you stopped to consider “where” the natural remedy for acid reflux came from?
I’m not asking “who” came up with the natural remedy for acid reflux, there is no who. As you learn more about natural remedies, the more it becomes an inward journey or personal experience beyond the ordinary.
A healing experience isn’t something you make up, patent and sell; it’s the way you experience the Intelligent Design (ID) that connects all things.
The source of the natural remedy for acid reflux comes from this connection, a once hidden connection that is now being revealed.
Nature holds no secrets; remedies first seem like secrets if you don’t understand where they come from.
A remedy is a healing process that takes two things;
1.?????? Mind (Intelligence)
2.?????? Nature (Design)
When you suffer from acid reflux your mind feels stomach acid burning in places it doesn’t belong. Despite the Intelligent Design (ID), something has gone out of balance and the acid reflux is a sign of this. Once you understand the “language of healing” you can see that the remedy for acid reflux and the symptom of acid reflux are really two aspects of the same thing. At least this is the way naturopathic practitioners see it.
Once you experience your own natural healing remedy you will begin to understand the language of symptoms. The worst thing you can do is ignore the symptoms of your own healing language.
Your Intelligent Design (ID) is a self healing process called life. That’s what life is, it’s a regenerating, restoring and revitalizing process of natural remedies.
When you’re starving to death, you know what the remedy is. When you’re dying of dehydration you know what the remedy is . . . so if you have the symptom of acid reflux, you already have the remedy,
Ask someone who had acid reflux and has experienced natural healing personally to help you. Remember you are the final authority on your health; you simply need to discover your natural ability to listen better to yourself. Until then study and mingle with people who understand the language of remedies . . . acid reflux is a sign you’re not listening to what your own Intelligent Design (ID) has been trying to tell you.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
Searching for the natural remedy for acid reflux is the only way to eliminate acid reflux from your life. Medically speaking there is no cure for acid reflux, only gimmicks that attempt to sell you on compromising your health by striving for a symptom free state.
Being symptom free certainly sounds good at first and I know when acid reflux hits all you want is instant relief. Well that?s what sodium bicarb and water was all about- that?s a natural remedy for some people. Just be sure your using aluminum free baking soda and don?t use very much and if it comes back, you probably have another issue known as stomach acid deficiency.
It?s important to know that most people who suffer from acid reflux actually have a stomach acid deficiency. I know the commercials have been telling you to take antacids for heartburn, acid reflux and acid indigestion for your whole like- kind of subliminal actually, maybe even auto-suggestive too.
Fact is antacids don?t help acid reflux; they can even make it worse. Like I said a little sodium bicarb perhaps on rare occasions, but seriously selling convenient little anti heartburn candies should be illegal.
They can really mess up your health and once you?ve lost your health, it won?t matter how much money you give them, they don?t have the natural remedies or the cures.
Acid reflux can be cured, but only through natural remedies. You see what doctors don?t know, can kill you. They go to Universities and institutions mostly funded and controlled by pharmaceutical companies. In fact Harvard students recently began demanding Big Pharma get out of their schools and out of their books.
Medical students go to school to better understand how the body naturally remedies itself, or at least that?s how it used to be. The reason is the natural design within all things has a superior intelligence. You can spend your life just learning the amazing healing remedies of the cell, then another lifetime learning how all 60 trillion cells work together to remedy the immune system and so much more.
Acid reflux has a natural remedy and that remedy naturally works with your body?s own intelligence starting at the cellular level.
If you suffer from acid reflux, eat an apple- but don?t peel it. Nature put enzymes in the peel that synergistically help you digest the apple, which in turn gives your body the nutritional remedy you need to improve digestion and cure acid reflux.
Make food your natural remedy not your poison.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
December 1, 2010
Foods For Acid Reflux
It’s not hard to find foods that cause acid reflux they’re all around you, everywhere you drive, walk or shop. You can’t help but see a food billboard, a food sign or even pick up a food advertisement on the radio or TV that’s selling you on eating out.
Who doesn’t like to eat out? It’s convenient and sometimes even fun. Fact is you end up paying for your fast food pleasures in more than one way.
People who eat out a lot are prone to more health problems, especially acid reflux and related food caused dis-ease.
Truth is acid reflux isn’t always caused by the food you just eat as much as the food you’ve been eating all along. Sometimes the food you just eat is like the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.
So eliminating a few foods to avoid acid reflux attacks isn’t as easy as it seems. If you eat healthier foods more often you could enjoy a piece of pizza or that pasta dish once in a while, it wouldn’t matter.
So just giving you a list of foods for acid reflux isn’t what you need. You need to know what eating habits cause your acid reflux so you can get rid of it for good.
It’s a scientific fact that when you remove the cause of anything it can no longer have an effect. Your acid reflux is an “effect,” you just need to find the cause and address it properly.
Curing acid reflux with food doesn’t need to be rocket science.
Some people suffer from acid reflux from eating foods that are missing necessary nutrients, minerals and cofactors they need to support proper digestion. Heartburn, acid indigestion or acid reflux, whatever you want to call it, it’s still just a simple digestion issue.
Most people end up making a mountain out of a molehill because instead of addressing the cause of their acid reflux problems they add to them.
One way of making them worse is to take antacids. The Swedish scientists proved to the world that antacids are useless- they’re nothing but a money making gimmick.
The sad thing is if you take antacids for your acid reflux, you’ll never get around to changing the foods and the eating habits giving you acid reflux in the first place.
I suppose if someone sold a pill that prevented drunkenness people would just drink more alcohol, but that doesn’t change the fact that alcohol is bad for your health.
Same goes for taking medicine to block your acid reflux symptoms. You’re just ignoring the reason you have acid reflux . . . just because your “symptom free” doesn’t mean you’re healthy.
The solution is to NOT eat anything you’ve been eating and drinking. Start over by eliminating everything at once and then add only real healthy foods throughout the day.
Do your due diligence and discover which foods deliver health benefits, like optimum digestion for starters. Get some probiotics, enzymes and ocean minerals in you. Look into a plant-based diet high in raw foods from plant sources.
The largest animals on the planet eat plants and lots of them too. Copy nature, return to your roots and change your life the right way.
Don’t just trick yourself by eliminating this food and that food, you’ll be popping pills and chugging gallons of medicine doing it that way. To reverse your acid reflux stop eating the foods you’ve been eating, stop eating the amounts of food you’ve been eating and change the time of day you eat foods too.
Reverse your food and dining habits and you’ll reverse your acid reflux dis-ease.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin