April 29, 2008

Does Your Acid Reflux Erupt Like Mount St. Helens?

Read About The Rescue Remedy That?s Guaranteed to Quiet Your Worst Case Scenario, Once And For All!

Cure Acid RefluxHave you ever asked yourself why, when you were younger, you rarely, if ever had acid reflux issues? The reason for this is, when you were younger your body produced normal healthy stomach acid levels. Plus, you most likely didn?t smoke, drink coffee, alcohol or take drugs. But of course, there are other factors like eating large meals, obesity, hiatal hernia and stress.

You see it?s easy to understand, if you are not producing enough stomach acid, for whatever reason, the food you eat is just sitting there undigested. As your meal just sits there, not being broken down and digested, forces the digestive acid you do have left, to flow the top of your meal, to attack your Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES).

This creates a situation where if you bend over or lay down, your food, erupting caustic acid and extra internal pressure squeezes small amounts of acid upward into your throat and mouth. It doesn?t take much more than a droplet to cause the burning sensation called acid reflux or heartburn.

Bottom line is, if you don?t address the root causes of acid reflux now, it will only continue to do more damage . . .

You?ve already taken the hardest step, or you wouldn?t be here today reading about a natural solution. Now that you?ve made up your mind and turned yourself back around in the right direction, you?re closer than ever to experiencing lasting relief. May I be the first to welcome you back, to your natural pathway of health and wellness. The Reflux Remedy Report? will provide the last step for you . . . Get The Full Reflux Remedy Report Now!

~ Congratulations!

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April 26, 2008

Is There A Chemical Cause To Your Acid Reflux?

Cause of Acid RefluxDo you remember what it was like to really be healthy? If you’re like most acid reflux sufferers that?s a hard question to answer. For many of us, it?s just been too long to really recall, ?Maybe before I started letting stress into my life, or before I started eating out, or perhaps it was some far off time before I started taking prescription drugs?? Perhaps we should start by honestly asking, ?Why are you suffering??

For the millions of people like you who are suffering from the scourge of recurring heart burn, I?m going to help you answer that question today, with safe and easy natural cures for acid reflux disease, once and for all.

Are you aware that without asking, more than 8,000 chemicals were quietly, slipped into our food chain over the last 30 years? That?s not counting all the drugs we consume like crazy these days either. In order for you to protect your health, you first need to recognize the enemy and then be willing to pick up and bare arms. That?s right, you must be willing to throw off your gloves and make a commitment for an all out, full engagement for lasting health.

What I mean is, if you truly desire to know why you are suffering, you need to at least stop adding to the problem of toxic overload as much as possible. For one, antacid products use aluminum hydroxides, magnesium hydroxides and aluminum phosphates to stop stomach acid production.

For one, Aluminum phosphate is suspected to cause gastric mucosal calcinosis (GMC). It is likely accelerated bone demineralization may be a result of long-term aluminum containing antacids.

Also, taking antacids can block vital vitamins and minerals triggering deficiencies that may contribute to a slowing down and weakening of the esophageal peristalsis, or your throat muscle?s ability to swallow.

Further, stopping the production of stomach acid messes up vital functions such as; digesting food, inhibiting bacterial growth and more. When your acid production is chemically neutralized, the body responds by producing even more acid to rebound into the sensitive throat and mouth areas.

By now, you, like me will agree that seeking complementary solutions to modern health problems is the best choice. It is clear that pharmaceuticals (including OTC Products) are NOT The answer. They cannot heal you of any condition, like antacids, they only hide the symptoms of a bigger problem your body is attempting to tell you.

It?s time to nurture, protect and repair your body the way Mother Nature intended since the dawn of time . . . it?s time to return to the healing path.

Find out what foods make you vulnerable to acid reflux and how to avoid the many negative side effects of acid blockers . . .

Start Writing Your New Story Of Health Today! Get the Acid Reflux Report

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April 23, 2008

Addicted To Antacids, But You Don’t Know What Else To Do?

Acid Reflux Disease | Alternative to AntacidsYou?ve heard that antacids can be harmful to your health, but have you ever asked yourself why you thought you needed them in the first place? Like millions of others, you?ve been duped by misinformation that molded your opinion and discouraged you from honestly looking into the true cause of that nasty burning sensation in your throat. An effective treatment for acid reflux will treat the cause…not mask the symptoms.

Is it the white clinical looking lab coat, the Oscar nominated celebrities, the catchy little jingles or the candy like appearance and the easy access that persuaded you to do it? Perhaps you simply fell for the old ?Eat, Drink and be Merry? propaganda that has us all lining up to grab the next Over-The-Counter quick fix gimmick . . . in fact, more than $78 million worth of antacids were purchased in America during the holiday season of 2004.

So stop feeling guilty, you?re not alone on this one.

Apparently when Americans are under stress we eat a lot more food. Being a stressed out culture, we just automatically ?pop? billions of cherry, vanilla or cocoa flavored tummy-tranquilizers like innocent little after-dinner mints. But hey, it?s a painless purchase and that?s what you?re supposed to do, right?

Wrong. First of all, they are NOT a painless purchase, in the long-term. Secondly, for most of us it?s exactly what you do NOT want to do if you suffer from acid reflux. Follow me here and I will explain . . . truth is, every time you do it, you?re spelling I-N-T-E-N-S-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N.

Relief is the word that an addict uses after a fix. Intensification is what happens after the short lived fix wears off, feeding a vicious cycle.

But you say your heartburn is caused from stomach acid, right?

Sorry, but it?s just not true. Would you believe the root causes of? acid reflux, GERD or heartburn is actually from the ?lack of stomach acid?? Well, so much for the multi-billion dollar acid-blocker industry.

Due to dietary, nutritional and/or aging factors more than 25 million Americans experience this problem. Recurring acid reflux, incorrectly referred to as a stomach acid disease, actually has more to do with the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) and the inability to properly digest foods than anything else.

If you would like to learn more about Acid Reflux and alternative treatments, check out the Reflux Remedy Report?, a revolutionary resource report where you can get information, tips, and easy at home remedies for naturally addressing your acid reflux problems.

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April 21, 2008

Coping With Acid Reflux Disease

Acid Reflux Disease | OTC MedicationAcid reflux sounds like a modest disorder, common, mild and treatable. However, it has become a burden to millions of people, affecting food choices, sleep patterns, moods and activities. In fact, acid reflux can be so debilitating that it is now being considered an epidemic, affecting millions of lives.

Not only is acid reflux irritation unpleasant, but it is painful and can negatively effect daily life. If acid reflux is left untreated or is improperly treated it will yield negative complications. It can potentially lead to GERDs Disease (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) and even lead to esophageal cancer.

Traditional treatments, such as OTC drugs, are usually the first thing sufferers? reach for when symptoms begin. However, these types of treatments only mask the symptoms and do not address the reason behind acid reflux disease. OTC drugs are not only ineffective in the long run, but can lead to many dangerous complications. Antacids and proton pump inhibitors can block acid levels that are necessary for proper digestion and mineral absorptions. They also contain heavy metals that, over time, can increase the risk of liver, heart, kidney and bone disease.

There is a debate among the medical community about the most effective treatment for acid reflux. Medications or natural treatments? While some OTC medication are effective for treating symptoms, there have been no long term studies that prove the effectiveness or saftey of these methods. On the other hand, it has been reported that 97% of heartburn and acid reflux symptoms can be treated with natural or alternative remedies. These remedies are in fact, highly effective and safe.

Among the first steps to alternative treatment are lifestyle changes. These changes include self-restraint, diet changes, avoiding certain foods, weight management, and a general healthier lifestyle.

It is imperative that proper natural treatment and education be a leading part of any acid reflux regime. Consult your doctor about alternative treatments for acid reflux and be sure to educate yourself.

There is no single alternative remedy that will work for everyone with acid reflux, so be sure to try a few. Try ones that you are comfortable with, but be sure to try a few first before seeking medical treatments. In extreme cases surgery may be your only option.

If you would like to learn more about Acid Reflux and alternative treatments, check out the Acid Reflux and Heartburn Remedy Report. A resource report where you can get information, tips, easy at home remedies and resources for treating acid reflux.

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