Acid Reflux Symptoms

December 21, 2010

Symptoms Of Acid Reflux In Women

The symptoms of acid reflux in women are the same as the acid reflux symptoms for men. One outstanding difference is women tend to be more susceptible to nutritional deficiencies than men. This is most likely due to the fact that they can grow babies and men obviously do not.

The more nutrient deficient you are the more likely you’ll suffer from acid reflux, which is a double edge sword for women because suffering from acid reflux means you’re not absorbing enough nutrients from your food.

What many woman don’t understand about their acid reflux symptoms is that sometimes it’s because of a lack of stomach acid rather than an over production of it.

A woman’s body needs specific nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. Just as important, if not more so are the 72 trace minerals that help make nutrient absorption possible.

If you’re a woman and you suffer from acid reflux triggered from a stomach acid deficiency, you most likely are also suffering from a mineral deficiency as well.

Fortunately, you can get plenty of minerals and nutrients from following a Mediterranean-style diet. Not only do woman who eat a Mediterranean -style diet have less deficiencies and therefore less health problems like acid reflux, they actually live longer too. At least that’s what articles published in the British Medical Journal and the Archives of Internal Medicine show.

At the University of Athens, Greece, their medical school did a study with more than 70,000 women who didn’t have any major diseases like heart disease, stroke and cancer. All of them were over 60 years old and data was taken concerning their lifestyles and diets for 8 years.

Bottom line is a Mediterranean diet was linked to a significant reduction in mortality.

I challenge any woman to increase here quality of life by eating more naturally, like Mediterranean woman do and I’m sure you’ll find your acid reflux problems disappearing once and for all.

What does one have to do with the other? Based on my personal research, eating healthy naturally cures acid reflux in men and woman. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is a “sad” joke played upon the American people. I hope to soon publish the Healthy American Diet, which will be an improved version of the Atkins diet-stay tuned!

A focus on raw fruits, vegetables, legumes, low-fat dairy products, low intake of red meat, low intake of refined grains, and avoidance of fried foods meets the wide variety of nutrient needs for people suffering from acid reflux, whether a man or a woman.

Acid reflux caused from a stomach acid deficiency is a nutritional imbalance just as an acid reflux from an over-production of stomach acid is- both can be cured by eating a healthier more intelligent diet.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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December 14, 2010

Acid Reflux Natural Remedies

Acid reflux can be prevented, treated and cured with natural remedies. Just because unnatural eating habits made you get acid reflux in the first place, by no means justifies taking unnatural products to help your body cure itself.

Even natural remedies don?t really do the curing, but they are the BEST at helping you help your body to heal itself.

You see the graduates of even the best medical schools in America are being taught to only rely on artificially made substances (drugs) to treat people suffering from acid reflux, or any other health problem for that matter.

In fact students who know better are standing up for natural remedies in the medical universities and institutions everywhere. They are fed up with being taught fake-science designed to serve the drug industry.

The sad truth is many text books are even funded and edited by the long arm of the pharmaceutical industry. You?ll never find any information about natural remedies for acid reflux or any other natural health solutions in these books.

Plus the majority of students are being sponsored by Big Pharma and placed in career positions serving the drug giants. I don?t blame anyone for taking a high paying job to pay back there student loans, it?s a bad place to be when you can?t make a living healing and curing people with natural remedies.

Acid reflux happens because there is an imbalance in the natural processes within your body.

Fact is doctors don?t know how your body heals, reproduces and regenerates in the first place. They spend billions of tax dollars making drugs to block symptoms of imbalance, but they fall short of finding and curing the root cause.

Acid reflux shouldn?t be a big deal, but it is.

How can something so simple to cure as acid reflux need so much attention? I?ll tell you why, because when people are conditioned generation after generation to trust, without question, the Western medical complex, they become victims of malpractice.

In other word simple problems like acid reflux get worse and become cash cows for the medical industry- that?s malpractice.

Seriously, so-called medical experts are literally experimenting on the American people and making excellent livings doing so. Acid reflux leads to gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) only because doctors are practicing the ?theory? of treating acid reflux with chemicals and designer drugs that are making acid reflux symptoms worse.

If you?re taking antacids and you still have acid reflux, try some natural remedies before your acid reflux advances into a more serious condition. The last thing your need is a hiatal hernia or a surgical procedure to save your throat form being chemically dissolved by stomach acid.

Do your own due diligence, read labels and black box warnings, search the Internet; look at the consequences of ignoring the real cause of acid reflux. It?s easy to learn what causes your acid reflux, PLUS natural remedies are so simple, affordable and safe, why not at least try to address the real cause of your health problems, even if it?s just a little acid reflux . . . natural remedies really do work with your body?s natural healing processes, even if you don?t have a doctors degree.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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December 1, 2010

Foods For Acid Reflux

It’s not hard to find foods that cause acid reflux they’re all around you, everywhere you drive, walk or shop. You can’t help but see a food billboard, a food sign or even pick up a food advertisement on the radio or TV that’s selling you on eating out.

Who doesn’t like to eat out? It’s convenient and sometimes even fun. Fact is you end up paying for your fast food pleasures in more than one way.

People who eat out a lot are prone to more health problems, especially acid reflux and related food caused dis-ease.

Truth is acid reflux isn’t always caused by the food you just eat as much as the food you’ve been eating all along. Sometimes the food you just eat is like the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

So eliminating a few foods to avoid acid reflux attacks isn’t as easy as it seems. If you eat healthier foods more often you could enjoy a piece of pizza or that pasta dish once in a while, it wouldn’t matter.

So just giving you a list of foods for acid reflux isn’t what you need. You need to know what eating habits cause your acid reflux so you can get rid of it for good.

It’s a scientific fact that when you remove the cause of anything it can no longer have an effect. Your acid reflux is an “effect,” you just need to find the cause and address it properly.

Curing acid reflux with food doesn’t need to be rocket science.

Some people suffer from acid reflux from eating foods that are missing necessary nutrients, minerals and cofactors they need to support proper digestion. Heartburn, acid indigestion or acid reflux, whatever you want to call it, it’s still just a simple digestion issue.

Most people end up making a mountain out of a molehill because instead of addressing the cause of their acid reflux problems they add to them.

One way of making them worse is to take antacids. The Swedish scientists proved to the world that antacids are useless- they’re nothing but a money making gimmick.

The sad thing is if you take antacids for your acid reflux, you’ll never get around to changing the foods and the eating habits giving you acid reflux in the first place.

I suppose if someone sold a pill that prevented drunkenness people would just drink more alcohol, but that doesn’t change the fact that alcohol is bad for your health.

Same goes for taking medicine to block your acid reflux symptoms. You’re just ignoring the reason you have acid reflux . . . just because your “symptom free” doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

The solution is to NOT eat anything you’ve been eating and drinking. Start over by eliminating everything at once and then add only real healthy foods throughout the day.

Do your due diligence and discover which foods deliver health benefits, like optimum digestion for starters. Get some probiotics, enzymes and ocean minerals in you. Look into a plant-based diet high in raw foods from plant sources.

The largest animals on the planet eat plants and lots of them too. Copy nature, return to your roots and change your life the right way.

Don’t just trick yourself by eliminating this food and that food, you’ll be popping pills and chugging gallons of medicine doing it that way. To reverse your acid reflux stop eating the foods you’ve been eating, stop eating the amounts of food you’ve been eating and change the time of day you eat foods too.

Reverse your food and dining habits and you’ll reverse your acid reflux dis-ease.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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November 22, 2010

Homeopathic Remedies For Acid Reflux

Many critics of homeopathy or homeopathic science argue that natural cures and remedies keep people from trying conventional medicine. However nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact conventional medicine uses homeopathic science every time they sell one of their vaccines. True, the vaccine theory is a homeopathic principle. So should there be a acid reflux vaccine?

The answer is no, because vaccines don’t work, there is no hard core evidence vaccines help at all, in fact there’s more studies which claim vaccines do harm.

Well, even if that’s true, which is looks like it may be, homeopathic “science” is still sound.

The problem with acid reflux is that it’s “a symptom” not a dis-ease. Certainly having a chronic symptom of anything could be labeled as dis-ease . . . but it’s still really only a symptom.

That’s the same reason vaccines fail to help, they are treating symptoms. Plus most vaccines carry other risks that are not true to the homeopathic approach; they involve toxic ingredients like mercury, aluminum and even MSG.

Homeopathy is an intelligent, alternative “perspective” which considers the external environmental connection along with the person’s internal environment as a whole.

For example if a child’s immune system was never allowed to develop naturally because the child has been raised in a sterile environment, or perhaps was subjected to a barrage of vaccines as an infant. . .the child may have many allergies later in life.

A homeopathic approach would be to discover exactly what the child is allergic to and give the allergen to the child on purpose, but in a super diluted amount.

If acid reflux was a symptom of a dust allergy, a homeopathic solution with a specific dust molecule would be introduced to trigger an immune response to the diluted dust molecule solution.

As a result the immune system would create an antigen from that dust molecule. Once that happens, the allergic reaction will be counteracted by a proper immune response, protecting the person from the dust reaction.

(Antigens are like all-point-bulletins (APBs) that your immune system puts out against known invaders. This empowers the immune system to prevent an all-out or systemic reaction, to the cause or trigger of the problem, whether it happens to be acid reflux or asthma.)

Often people can become sensitive to food ingredients like wheat or corn gluten, unfermented soy products or toxic canola oil for instance. These foods allergens can cause acid indigestion that could lead to chronic acid reflux symptoms.

The first choice of action would be to avoid these types of food ingredients all together. However, if that’s not going to happen . . . ?a homeopathic approach or “acid reflux vaccine,” could be successful.

Homeopathic science works as good as and sometimes better than conventional medicine does and without the adverse side effects of drugs or vaccine contaminants either.

Both pharmaceuticals, as well as homeopathic remedies count on the placebo effect to work for them.

Bottom line is determinism; positive expectation and right action are the most effective factors to curing any dis-ease. Keep in mind that too often people are treating the symptoms and not the cause of their health issues.

Whether it’s acid reflux of gastro-esophageal reflux disease or even cancer . . . when you address the real root cause using natural solutions you’re going to avoid expensive drugs, treatments and procedures . . . more often than not trying anything at all.

Homeopathic remedies are essentially making common sense a lot more common, when you think about it.

As the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates, once proclaimed, “First Do No Harm!”

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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