Acid Reflux

December 9, 2010

How to Get Rid of Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn can frequently plague a pregnant mother. This can be extremely frustrating because she can?t reach for an antacid the way a normal person can, as the drugs may harm the fetus. But, she doesn?t need to suffer in silence. If you?re wondering how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy, there are a number of natural techniques you can try.


First of all, since heartburn tends to pop up a lot during a pregnancy you may want to focus on stopping it before it starts. Try these simple lifestyle changes to keep heartburn at bay.

1. Don?t eat right before bed. Pregnancy cravings can be pretty intense, but if you don?t want to feel the burn later, resist the urge to indulge in that midnight snack. You see, food needs time to pass through your digestive system, and gravity helps that process along. If you lay down right after you eat something food doesn?t have a chance to get where it needs to go. Without gravity to help you out, acid that?s meant to help break down your food can pass freely into your esophagus, which causes heartburn pain.

2. Don?t eat such large quantities. When you?re eating for two it can be hard to satiate your hunger, but try eating less food more often in an attempt to avoid overloading your stomach. Putting too much food in your stomach all at once can result in pressure and acid buildup, which results in acid reflux

3. De-stress. With all the preparations for the new baby to be done, it can be hard to relax, but stress can be detrimental to your body in a number of ways, including signaling the overproduction of stomach acid. So, try to relax a little in order to avoid the onset of heartburn later.


If you miss the opportunities to prevent heartburn, or you tried them and it came on anyway, try these things to help alleviate heartburn pain during pregnancy.

? Drink a tall glass of water. Water is good for your body in all kinds of ways, including helping dilute toxins and flush unwanted stomach acids through the digestive tract.

? Papaya enzymes help break down food naturally. Eating a papaya or chewing a papaya tablet can help you digest your food more easily.

? Ginger can also help settle your stomach. Ginger has been used for centuries to help indigestion and many other stomach problems. It?s also very effective with heartburn. You can either put it in tea, or eat it in candied form. Either way it?s equally helpful at pouring water on your heartburn flames.

? Eating an apple may also help relieve heartburn pain.

? Almonds have also been shown to help relieve acid reflux. Eat a handful, making sure to chew them thoroughly, during an attack of heartburn pain to feel relief.

These are only a few of the natural remedies for heartburn that can be found in The Reflux Remedy Report. So, stop wondering how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy and head over to now to learn more!

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Natural Cure For Acid Reflux

Looking for a natural cure for acid reflux? Then the first thing you need to understand is your cultural upbringing was based on incorrect information peddled by big corporations that control the American political arena, including the Standard American Diet (SAD).

I?m not against American farmers, but I am against manipulating the industry with unfair subsidies. The Western Pattern Diet creates a society that consumes what?s referred to as a balanced diet consisting of mostly red meat, sugary foods and refined grains.

While GMO corn, feedlot beef and refined grain products are subsidized, real healing vegetables, fruits and greens become more and more expensive. It?s easier to get a burger, fries and a soda pop, than it is to get a healthy salad. I think the average fast food combo is around $8, while it?s not uncommon to pay $10 for a simple salad.

That?s just insane!

The natural cure for acid reflux is to stop eating unnatural quantities of foods that take more nutrition to digest than they have to offer.

Your acid reflux is an unnatural state of being. Because your digestive system is packed with saturated animal fats, refined sugars and refined grains your pancreas get?s over used, as well as your kidneys and liver, to mention a few.

Eating right gives you nutrition, eating wrong takes nutrients away.

Linus Pauling, 2 times Nobel Prize Laureate revealed almost all dis-ease could be traced back to a deficiency of minerals. That?s why real vegetables, fruits and greens are such powerful natural cures for acid reflux dis-ease, they?re packed with bioavailable minerals, nutrients and cofactors . . .plus they?re easy to digest.

If you suffer from acid reflux, acid indigestion or heartburn, you may want to consider returning to a natural plant-based diet.

The whole concept of a balanced diet is what caused your body to become unbalanced. Your so-called balanced diet is balanced with the wrong foods, leaving the good foods and super foods on the curb.

The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, tried to get the message across more than 2,000 years ago when he said, ?Let your food be medicine and your medicine be your food.?

How could that life saving message ever get turned around?

You need to take back control over your body and mind and shake off all this ?corporate? propaganda. The natural cure for your acid reflux, heartburn and acid indigestion is in your hands. There is nothing more powerful than your power to choose and if you surrender that to anyone else, you?re bound for trouble.

Acid reflux is just the tip of the iceberg that will eventually even sink your Titanic. Think of your immune system as the Titanic, it should be unsinkable, but placed in a perilous situation time and time again, your chances of coming out unscathed become less and less.

Acid reflux has a natural cure, but you are going to have to turn your dietary ship around if you really want to be cured of acid indigestion, naturally.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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Natural Cure for Hiatal Hernia

A Hiatal Hernia occurs when the upper portion of the stomach becomes dislocated. Whether it?s forced through the opening in the diaphragm, or up next to the esophagus, it can be a painful condition to live with. Finding a natural cure for Hiatal Hernia isn?t really all that difficult. In fact, the best way to heal a Hiatal Hernia is naturally. Very rarely is surgery or medication necessary to help this condition heal.

When trying to allow your Hiatal Hernia to heal, it?s important to remember the concept behind healing. Try to take extra steps to give your stomach the time and space it needs to heal and you?ll be golden.

For example, don?t eat such large meals. Instead, eat smaller amounts of food more often. That way, your stomach isn?t stressed out by trying to digest the onslaught of food that just came down the pipes. Large amounts of food trigger the body to overproduce stomach acids in an attempt to break the food down. This causes pressure to build, and irritates the stomach. So, avoid this situation altogether by eating less, more.

Additionally monitor what you eat. Avoid foods that are known to cause heartburn for you. Things like caffeine, onions, garlic and citrus fruits are common triggers of acid reflux. Do you know what yours are? If not, start keeping a log when you eat and that will help you understand and perhaps point to a cause of your recent bout of heartburn. Keeping heartburn at bay is an important factor for allowing your Hiatal Hernia to heal.

Try adding papaya extract to your diet. It contains a helpful digestive enzyme that will help your body break down food and relieve stress on your stomach.

You can also try drinking a bit of aloe juice before meals. This will help prepare your stomach for food and make it easier to break down the coming meal. A quarter of a cup 10 minutes or so before you eat should be enough to help. It?s important to note though, you shouldn?t ever consume aloe in its gel form. That is meant for topical use only, and if consumed it acts as a laxative.

Primrose oil also helps in the digestive process. It has essential fatty acids that help break foods down naturally, so consider adding this supplement to your diet to help your body break down food more easily.

Stop smoking. Smoking actually increases acids in the stomach, and even slows the body?s ability to heal. Quitting will help restore your stomach?s balance and allow it to heal naturally.

Overall, make sure you?re consuming a balanced diet. That way you can provide your body with all the essential vitamins and nutrients it needs to speed the healing process along.

Lastly, make sure you wear clothes that fit. Tight fitting clothes can place pressure on your abdomen, putting stress on your already sensitive stomach. This is one of the simplest ways to give your stomach the space it needs to heal.

There is no one sure fire natural cure for Hiatal Hernia. But, through trial and error you can find one that works for you.

For more information on naturally healing your Hiatal Hernia, visit today!

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December 7, 2010

Remedy For Acid Reflux

They call it Intelligent Design (ID) and it is how leading scientists are learning to understand the natural healing remedies within the remedial body. Everyone likes a good remedy and many people devote their lives to understanding remedies whether they’re for acid reflux, diabetes or even cancer.

What’s even more interesting that most people overlook is “where” the remedy comes from. It’s common to build on a natural remedy once discovered to, let’s say, cure acid reflux dis-ease, but how often have you stopped to consider “where” the natural remedy for acid reflux came from?

I’m not asking “who” came up with the natural remedy for acid reflux, there is no who. As you learn more about natural remedies, the more it becomes an inward journey or personal experience beyond the ordinary.

A healing experience isn’t something you make up, patent and sell; it’s the way you experience the Intelligent Design (ID) that connects all things.

The source of the natural remedy for acid reflux comes from this connection, a once hidden connection that is now being revealed.

Nature holds no secrets; remedies first seem like secrets if you don’t understand where they come from.

A remedy is a healing process that takes two things;

1.?????? Mind (Intelligence)

2.?????? Nature (Design)

When you suffer from acid reflux your mind feels stomach acid burning in places it doesn’t belong. Despite the Intelligent Design (ID), something has gone out of balance and the acid reflux is a sign of this. Once you understand the “language of healing” you can see that the remedy for acid reflux and the symptom of acid reflux are really two aspects of the same thing. At least this is the way naturopathic practitioners see it.

Once you experience your own natural healing remedy you will begin to understand the language of symptoms. The worst thing you can do is ignore the symptoms of your own healing language.

Your Intelligent Design (ID) is a self healing process called life. That’s what life is, it’s a regenerating, restoring and revitalizing process of natural remedies.

When you’re starving to death, you know what the remedy is. When you’re dying of dehydration you know what the remedy is . . . so if you have the symptom of acid reflux, you already have the remedy,

Ask someone who had acid reflux and has experienced natural healing personally to help you. Remember you are the final authority on your health; you simply need to discover your natural ability to listen better to yourself. Until then study and mingle with people who understand the language of remedies . . . acid reflux is a sign you’re not listening to what your own Intelligent Design (ID) has been trying to tell you.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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