December 5, 2010
Diet for Acid Reflux
The Standard American Diet (SAD) leads to acid reflux. It?s time for the SAD to be HAD . . . the Healthy American Diet (HAD) is the opposite of everything most Americans are doing now.
If you suffer from acid reflux and you want to reverse your acid reflux before it becomes a fully fledged dis-ease, you need to reverse your SAD diet.
That?s why I call it the Healthy American Diet (HAD), because it offers everything you need to prevent, treat or cure your acid reflux, heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux dis-ease (GERD).
Acid reflux is from consistently eating the same standard things that most Americans eat.
So if you suffer from acid reflux and feel the dis-ease, you are NOT alone. The symptoms of overeating unhealthy foods is nothing new, it?s been around sense the beginning of time, ever sense people began eating.
The problem is American food corporations (Big Food) have made an art of creating dietary dis-ease.
Acid reflux is a dietary dis-ease.
You?re not the only one who was raised to eat a ?square? meal 3 times a day. The reason the American Medical Association (AMA) is so rich and powerful is because Americans have been stuffed with lies and slowly led to slaughter.
Leaving your two choices:
1) You can get a life-time membership with your local Disease Care Management system
2) Step away from the SAD plate and turn a new leaf eating the way nature intended.
If you are experiencing acid reflux or know someone who is the worst thing you can do is blame yourself.
It?s NOT your fault.
Sure, maybe you eat too much and you eat the wrong things, but you can?t help it.
The Standard American Diet (SAD), Big Food and the federal regulatory agencies that condone these atrocities upon humanity are the ones to blame.
Waiting for the world to change its ways isn?t going to reverse your acid reflux and the dis-ease you suffer from. It?s going to have to be all up to you from now on to take back control of your diet and help cure yourself naturally . . . unless you?re comfortable going down the road you?re going down.
Your so-called ?square? meals are the foundation of your acid reflux and ill health. The Healthy American Diet (HAD) is all about eating an ?unbalanced? diet limited to only foods that are actually good for you and because they are hard to find these days, unless you grow your own garden, you?ll eat less too. If you eat 50% bad food and 50% good food that?s a balanced diet. The sad thing is most people eat 90% bad food and 10% good. So that?s why the Healthy American Diet (HAD) is unbalanced, but tipping the scales toward the good.
Your acid reflux won?t get better without your determination to make positive diet changes.
Try it. Eat less, more often. Try 5 or even 7 meals a day. Keep em small and nutritious and only eat when you?re hungry, but don?t eat until you?re full . . . always leave a little space for hunger. If you do this your acid reflux will disappear and you?ll have more energy and feel better.
Your SAD diet caused your acid reflux dis-ease and distress , so if you HAD it with being sick and tired, try the new Healthy American Diet and kick your acid reflux to the curb once and for all.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Diet by admin
November 29, 2010
Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux
You will rarely ever come in contact with a person who hasn?t experienced the painful burning and discomfort that goes along with heartburn and acid reflux. When it occurs frequently, it can disrupt your life pretty dramatically, causing loss of sleep, pain and discomfort.? Fortunately there are doctors and scientists that have been studying this subject for years and are now able to present you with many natural remedies for acid reflux that are sure to help alleviate this problem.
If you are a sufferer of acid reflux, you know the effects are wide reaching. The symptoms can strike you anywhere at any time. There are many people who will go to the doctor for help and will be prescribed medicine that can cost them hundreds of dollars per refill.? While these medications can help, they ?tend to be rather pricey and inconvenient, resulting in repeated trips to the pharmacy and doctor?s office. It may be a wiser option to look into utilizing some natural remedies for acid reflux that don’t involve dangerous medicines and that won’t break your bank. Some may already be in your pantry and can be tried today!
The Reflux Remedy Report, written by Bob Barton, reviews several of these natural remedies and teaches you how to manage your acid reflux without completely disrupting your life. For example, did you know that using an extra pillow or two while you sleep can help alleviate heartburn by letting gravity pull the acid back down towards your stomach?
A little extra leverage under your head puts your esophagus at a downward angle over your stomach which allows gravity to help prevent some of the irritation from heartburn. It’s also been shown that avoiding certain foods in your diet that are high in acid can dramatically affect the severity and frequency of your acid reflux. Foods such as citrus, carbonated beverages and many types of spicy foods contain more acid than other types of foods. This extra acid on top of the acid your body is already making can often be too much for your body to handle. A slight change in your diet can be a great help.
Even a change in your daily habits may help dramatically.? Eating less food more often prevents pressure from building up in your stomach and keeps acid where it belongs.? Also, avoiding food less than two hours before bed can help prevent acid reflux, as gravity is given the chance to do its job and keep acid down in your stomach before you lie down.? Something as simple as drinking a glass of water can help flush excess acids away and give you relief from the burning sensation.
Managing your acid reflux can seem like a huge battle and no doubt your experience dealing with the effects and symptoms of this condition can cause doubt in a natural cure. But Bob Barton’s book, Reflux Remedy Report gives us a great tool in this battle. He has put together a comprehensive resource of natural remedies for acid reflux and a lot of great tips for managing this irritating condition on our own without help from dangerous medicines and procedures.
For more information on natural remedies for acid reflux visit
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
November 17, 2010
Home Cures for Heartburn
Nearly everyone has experienced heartburn at some time or another and has sought relief through one of the home cures for heartburn. Heartburn is often the result of either over-eating or indulging in too many rich and spicy foods as we tend to do during holiday meals. A mild case can involve some stomach discomfort such as feeling over full, bloating, and belching accompanied by a mild pain. People with more severe cases experience a burning pain in the abdomen or lower chest that travels up to the neck area. While people refer to this as heartburn, it really has nothing to do with the heart.
Heartburn is the layman’s term for acid reflux pain. When you swallow food, it travels down a tube-like structure called the esophagus and then into your stomach. Your stomach contains strong acids that help digest the food. At the bottom of your esophagus there is a muscle known as a sphincter. This muscle will open and allow food to pass from the esophagus into the stomach. Once this has occurred, the muscle contracts and tightens. This action prevents the food from backing up or the stomach acid from escaping into the esophagus. But if this muscle does not contract and tighten after the food has passed, the food and acid will back up (known as reflux). The end result: heartburn pain.
Since most people experience this from time to time, nearly everyone has a home remedy that they try before calling a doctor or buying an over the counter medication. Contrary to what many people think, home cures for heartburn can be very effective. However, like many other health problems, there is no magic bullet. People are individuals and what works for one, may not work for another.
The effectiveness of the cure can be related to the cause of the problem. With some people the heartburn is triggered by a particular food. If the person can identify the food that is causing the problem, avoiding the food is the simplest way to stop reflux at its source.? Everyone is unique, but some common food triggers are alcohol, citrus, onions and garlic.
Another effective home remedy is one containing an alkali ingredient to neutralize the acid that has escaped from the stomach. What might be one of the most common home cures for heartburn that many people try is adding one teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and then drinking the mixture.
Something else that may help is a simple adjustment in the way you eat.? If you tend to eat a few large meals every day, try breaking it up into several smaller ones.? This prevents tremendous amounts of food from reaching the stomach at once, which causes pressure to build, and reflux to ensue.
On his website Bob Barton mentions eating a red apple as one of the most successful home cures for heartburn. And according to Barton, you don’t even have to eat the entire apple. A couple of slices can do the trick.
Barton?s book, The Reflux Remedy Report also suggests trying techniques like elevating your head during sleep.? This helps keep your head in the appropriate position and alignment with your stomach, keeping acids where they belong.
For more home cures for acid reflux, visit and read The Reflux Remedy Report today!
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin
November 12, 2010
Acid Reflux Hair Loss
I know you?ve heard all there is to say about stress and hair loss and it?s no laughing matter, but there?s more going on than just emotional stress when you?re losing your hair and at the same time are suffering from acid reflux.
First, you?re most likely NOT having heartburn or indigestion over the loss of your hair or vice versa.
Worrying about one is not triggering the other and worrying won?t help them go away either.
There is still the question of whether, ?acid reflux cause hair loss, or can hair loss cause acid reflux??
It?s almost like the old chicken and the egg paradox, which one came first?
There are many variables including toxic exposure, dietary habits and genetic predisposition.
Actually we can rule out genetic predisposition because scientists have discovered that you can affect your genetic switch board by changing how and what you eat. If you have been exposed to toxins (Like pharmaceuticals) that are causing your acid indigestion, your hair loss may be the least of your health concerns.
As you may already know, everything to do with your health is somehow interconnected with your environment, both internally and externally.
By peaking at the ?big picture? we have a better opportunity of grasping a more holistic or dare I say holographic, perspective.
The closer you look the more important it is to try and see things from your cell?s point of view.? The truth is your cells literally have perceptive capabilities. Each cell has organelles that represent tiny functional copies of every organ you have in your body.
You are created from the constant communication efforts of more than 50,000,000 cells and when communication breaks down the signs of imbalance can be detected.
Heartburn and hair loss can definitely be considered signs of an imbalance. Are they connected? Technically yes, as I?ve pointed out, everything ultimately is.
Let?s talk heartburn for a moment.
Most people couldn?t be more misinformed about heartburn and acid reflux. The myth that everyone who suffers from heartburn symptoms has too much stomach acid is simply untrue.
When you look at the root cause of heartburn you?ll see that a stomach acid deficiency creates nearly the same heartburn symptoms as an over production of stomach acid will.
It only ?feels? like an over production of stomach acid because of the body is making sudden spurts of gastric acid, instead of making a steady supply.
Now imagine IF you suffer from lack of stomach acid that this deficiency has been going on for some time now and therefore may have caused some other issues as a result; such as not digesting food or absorbing nutrients and oxygen into your cells.
Now looking closer at hair loss we will also discover that these same minerals, oxygen and nutrients are vital for normal hair follicle health.
In fact a chronic mineral deficiency will prevent any key nutrients from entering your cells eventually stopping your cells from growing, reproducing and healing their selves properly.
So keep in mind that your thyroid, your follicles, your stomach acid and every metabolic system you have is dependent upon electrons that are released from water when special minerals are present.
Simply put, your impressive communication ?Inner-Net? between all your cells is failing because there are not enough electrons flowing around. Electrons created by trace minerals and water.
So that?s why hair follicles are not functioning properly, because without these minerals, there is less oxygen. The same goes for your heartburn issues, without the oxygen and nutritional energy supplied by trace minerals your cells cannot make gastric acid, enzymes or proteins needed to maintain a healthy digestive environment.
Try RAW sea minerals from unprocessed salt or coral mineral sachets- simply add water and drink between meals. They will hydrate and alkalize your cells to bring up oxygen levels. Stable oxygen allows the detoxification process to take place, which you hair follicles and other cells desperately need.
Imagine having an aquarium and never changing the water- that?s what your stomach acid and hair cells are going through without having access to charged minerals and water.
So address the root cause of your heartburn and you?ll stop seeing so much hair loss.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Acid Reflux by admin