October 7, 2010
What Does Heartburn Feel Like?
If you?re asking how heartburn feels you obviously have never experienced it.
Imagine nearly the most corrosive substance know to man, hydrochloric acid (HCL) splashing up into your sensitive mouth area, again and again and again.
Why does this happen?
Besides the fact that we eat too many processed foods, Americans have been lied to by antacid manufacturers. These so-called antacids actually produce what?s called a stomach acid rebound affect.
You see, the layers of your stomach are very complex and don?t have any problem holding down a bubbling cauldron of caustic acid so powerful it will ?etch? a glass window.
All this volcanic, blistering nasty stomach acid is kept down below by muscular valve called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). Now I see two schools of thought which describe exactly how the stomach acid gurgles its way past this esophageal flap.
One idea claims that the stomach acid over powers it, weakens it and allows the forbidden elixir of brimstone and digestive acids to eat their way up into your more sensitive oral cavities.
The other more feasible explanation of how the bubbling curd works its way upward into your mouth, nose and middle ears is because the undigested stomach contents are bulging and piling upward forcing the flap to compromise its integrity.
You see, in actuality most people have difficulty properly digesting food when they get older because they suffer from mineral and nutrient deficiencies. These nutritional deficits are caused from eating a lot of enzyme-barren foods, forcing the pancreas to make enzymes that are usually hidden within raw fruits and vegetables. This also taxes the bile producing gall bladder of important minerals necessary to make stomach acids.
So now here we are, gut full of food eaten days ago, maybe longer, just slowly fermenting like a cow?s belly, simply because there?s no more stomach acid or enzymes left to break it all down faster.
This bulk, presses up ward causing gas, heartburn and acid indigestion, cramps, flatulence and the rest of it. But what?s bad is the body is working hard to produce a much needed ?mega burst? of gastric acid and when it lets it go, it has nowhere to go but up, because your stomach is already stuffed to the brim.
In this case ?the brim? is referring to the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES).
Now use your imagination. What?s going to happen is noxious stomach acid, from your guts HCL surge, is going to shoot straight up where it should never be. The deep burning sensation is your flesh being etched, blistered and chemically peeled away; the rancid disturbing taste is horribly indescribable.
Over time you?ll experience gum disease, loss of tooth enamel and permanent ?non-kissable? breath. In fact your breath may get so bad no one will want to even talk with you without a ten foot pole to keep a safe distance.
I haven?t even touched on the damage the gastric fumes and stomach acid particles have on your lungs.
This acid reflux situation is so serious it can end up mutating your throat?s tender lining into cancerous leather capable of handling large gulps of hydrochloric and sulfur acids.
Once your throat cells have transformed to literally become more like the stomach lining your Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is likely to progress into throat cancer . . . not a good situation and I don?t want to even imagine what that feels like.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
Heartburn can be mistaken for coronary artery disease because it can mimic angina, or chest pain
Heartburn can be described as a discomfort, heaviness, pressure, aching, burning, fullness, squeezing, or painful feeling in your chest accompanied by shortness of breath.
The difference between heartburn and angina is that angina, which is usually felt in the chest area, may also be felt in the shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw, or back.
So there’s no confusion, I’ve listed other symptoms of coronary artery disease:
* Shortness of breath
* Palpitations (irregular heart beats, skipped beats, or a “flip-flop” feeling in your chest)
* A faster heartbeat
* Weakness or dizziness
* Nausea
* Sweating
It is possible that a severe acid rebound event, in the right situation could cause gastric acid particles to go down the wind pipe triggering a severe coughing spell that not only may feel like an attack of angina, but could end up causing heart failure either from suffocation or overstressing an already weakened heart condition.
Acid reflux, heartburn and the acid rebound disease Over-The-Counter (OTC) antacids can induce are very serious health concerns.
I realize the drug companies have disarmed your natural sense of alarm on the subject of heartburn, but it still drastically affects your quality of life. Not only has heartburn become a casual term, it still leads to Gastric-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), which can also end up as terminal throat cancer.
If you’re lucky you’ll just end up with a radical surgery that will permanently ruin your quality of life, as well as shorten life expectancy.
Then there’s what doctors call “chemical pneumonia.”
Also called “chemical pneumonitis,” which is inflammation of the lungs ?due to inhaling chemical fumes, or aspirating (breathing in and choking on) gastric acid from the stomach, mineral oil, gasoline, or other damaging chemicals.
Yes your stomach acid is equal to an industrial strength chemical, hydrochloric acid. When it’s in a gastric form the fumes can permanently damage your lungs. Once the stomach acid particles are splashed, inhaled or coughed into the lungs an immune reaction begins in an effort to fight off the noxious chemical attack.
This can lead to too many white blood cells (cytokines), severe inflammation and enough mucus to choke a horse.
Chronic chemical pneumonitis can happen after exposure to small amounts of acid reflux particles or fumes causing irritation over a long length of time. This triggers inflammation and may cause “fibrosis” (scarring) which makes it difficult for the lungs to get oxygen to the body and release carbon dioxide as waste, leading to a stiffening of the lung.
Unchecked, this long term exposure to gastric acid fumes and acid reflux may ultimately lead to respiratory failure and death.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin
You?ve tried everything they told you to and your heart burn just won?t go away.
There is a solution, but first you have to agree to stop taking the blame. Sure, ultimately we are all responsible for our own health in the end. You really need to be your own authority of these matters, especially when it comes to heartburn.
But your acid reflux suffering is being prolonged by false advertising, incorrect medical diagnosis and deceptive products that only make acid reflux worse.
Did you know the direct-to-consumer advertising you?re exposed to is illegal in every country but the US and New Zeeland?
Because real health issues are being played down and disease symptoms are being played up, just to get you to ask your doctor to sell you the latest drug or to get you to ignore a serious health condition.
Other countries see through their game and refuse to allow corporations to manipulate the masses with the unethical use of ?the power of negative autosuggestion.?
Just the word ?heartburn? plays down the seriousness of the underlying health problem. Everyone just thinks popping an antacid will get you over it. Well the fact is you?re just treating a symptom by popping that candy elixir, which means you?re ignoring the root cause.
That?s why scientists estimate at least 15,000,000 million Americans suffer from acid reflux diseases, because no one?s acid reflux disease ever gets cured here.
Obviously something is wrong with this picture. If antacids worked why are so many people developing an ?acid reflux disease??
That term sounds a lot worse than having a simple case of ?heartburn?, doesn?t it?
Your heartburn isn?t just a ?food hang over.? There?s something much more serious going on here.
Direct-to-Consumer advertising is a multi-billion dollar investment. No one spends anywhere close to the amount of money drug companies in America do.
Many years ago Swedish researchers proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the antacids where less than effective, in fact it?s clear that antacids cause acid rebound.
Acid rebound is like heartburn on steroids.
That?s right these drugs just delay people from addressing the root cause of acid indigestion. Drug companies are making themselves a fortune by adding more customers, through deceptive means.
Here are some other things you can do to address the cause of acid reflux diseases:
Don?t eat so many processed foods, they only aggravate your acid reflux problem. The most common irritants are caffeine, alcohol, pasteurized milk dairy products, fried and high-fat foods, milk chocolate, blanched, pasteurized or oiled nuts, some tomato products and sugary juices.
Here are some more self-health care tips:
* Don?t eat 3 hours before lying down
* Don’t smoke cigarettes
* Eat smaller, more frequent meals.
* Eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
* Lose 10 pounds
* Sleep with the head of your bed elevated
* Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and other similar analgesic medications; they can make acid reflux worse.
* eat more magnesium rich foods
* Avoid antacids that contain aluminum if you must take any
* Drink water only between your meals
If you take an antacid for longer than 3 weeks, check with your doctor before continuing. Long-term use of antacids can cause diarrhea, a change in the way the body processes calcium and a buildup of magnesium in the body, among other health risks.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin
September 14, 2010
Natural Alternatives to Heal GERD
Acid reflux and GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) are common ailments that cause the esophageal sphincter, which is responsible for stopping excess acid from coming up from your stomach, fails. It can be healed to work normally again with treatment, but until that happens, symptoms such as heartburn, pain in the chest, overactive salivary glands, acid regurgitation, sore throat, excessive burping and a burning sensation in the stomach may occur. Often, patients are advised to go on a course of prescription medication, with little or no further information given, especially in relation to natural alternatives to heal GERD.
Although doctors may be quick to prescribe a long-term solution to these symptoms, there are indeed many tried and true natural combatants against GERD. Giving your esophagus a break from acid will allow it to heal, and ensure its ability to perform its job within the digestive process. With a functioning esophageal sphincter you will no longer suffer from the very uncomfortable and disconcerting symptoms of GERD or acid reflux.
The list of natural alternatives to heal GERD includes several cheap, easy-to-follow changes in your diet and lifestyle; natural aids for helping the healing. Red apples are at the top of the recent list of possible aids. Numerous research studies have been published that indicate that one red apple a day can greatly reduce your stomach acid. Other natural healing avenues include drinking a glass of water after every meal to help keep the seal on your esophagus more firmly closed. This assists your esophageal sphincter in doing its job to keep acid in your stomach, and not in your throat. The gel from an Aloe Vera plant, either diluted or alone, has been shown to act as an effective soothing device to combat stomach acid. Also, honey has been related with esophageal sphincter repair and has been shown to be a natural alternative to heal GERD.
Stay away from caffeine, alcohol and nicotine while trying to heal GERD. Natural alternatives often work better when you abstain from these substances as well. Salt can aggravate the condition, as can many fatty foods. Also, try to limit your food intake to smaller portions at a time, eating several small meals over the course of the day instead two or three big meals. Your stomach does not have to work as hard at producing the acid needed to break down a big meal; therefore, your stomach acid pumps get a break if you throw smaller meals at it over a the course of a day. Consider ingesting stomach enzymes with each meal to help your stomach digest food without additional treatments.
Calcium carbonate is a natural, short-term remedy for heartburn, as is licorice, which can help soothe the mucous membranes in your stomach that protect it from acid. Try a cup of peppermint or chamomile tea after meals instead of coffee, as they are caffeine-free and can help soothe your stomach. Chewing gum can also be effective for soothing heartburn symptoms by stimulating saliva production, which can dilute your stomach acid. Try sleeping with your head slightly elevated at night to reduce the ability of stomach acid to creep up your esophagus and throat. These natural alternatives to heal GERD will reduce your cost of prescription medicines, and restore your body?s ability to digest foods without over-producing acid.
Filed under Natural Remedies for GERD by admin