Acid Reflux Natural Remedies

December 17, 2010

Natural Remedies Acid Reflux

Natural remedies for acid reflux are illegal under U.S. drug law.

Does that surprise you?

Truth is all natural remedies are illegal according the government laws that protect the conventional medical industry in this free country. I’m not saying anyone should just go play doctor, on the contrary I’m saying everyone has a right to be their own physician. Naturally if you want to make medicine your profession, you should get a big loan and go to school starting at a young age and get a doctorate in the health field of your choice . . . then start helping people with natural remedies.

Now if you, like me simply want to cure your own acid reflux, improve your overall health and extend your lifespan, that’s completely up to you. When I see doctors taking the medicine they prescribe and living to 120 years of age, dis-ease free, then we could have a totally different conversation today.

You can have your own natural remedies healing experience.

The fact is many doctors are fat, unhealthy and wouldn’t take half the advice they sell to the public. Yes, I am upset that natural remedies from acid reflux to cancer are being attacked in America, and you should be too! Yet the big gig goes on . . . all the while people of all ages are unnecessarily suffering from acid reflux to throat cancer.

Not only are drugs for acid reflux expensive, they don?t do what natural remedies do. Drugs for acid reflux do the “opposite” of what natural remedies do. Drugs are toxic and have nasty effects on people, plus they can actually make your acid reflux worse, and doctors know this!

This isn’t a personal attack on doctors, I know a lot of wonderful doctors and they are all mad at the system. They know acid reflux can be remedied naturally, but they are not allowed to tell you that. The politics of big insurance companies owned by big drug companies is in a race to socialize American medicine so their drug futures are kept secure. That’s not a theory; it’s a daily reality in America.

Yes, it’s a big ugly mess and all you want is a natural remedy for your acid reflux or whatever else ails you, I know. You don?t need all this political drama, illness and high taxes.

If natural remedies became a way of life, like it used to be in America more than 100 years ago, before the American Medical Association launched its monopoly against it all . . . we’d save at least $90 billion a year.

$90 billion, at least, is spent killing more than 106,000 people in hospitals every year with “properly” administered medicine. Look it up, it’s a published fact. Natural remedies are what this country was raised on until the attack against American cultural heritage.

Grandma’s natural remedies for acid reflux are as natural as a big red apple orchard and sense it worked for her great grandmother’s great grandmother that same natural remedy will work for the millions of Americans with acid reflux still today.

Support your country and share natural remedies with your grandchildren- it’s your natural inheritance.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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December 14, 2010

Acid Reflux Natural Remedies

Acid reflux can be prevented, treated and cured with natural remedies. Just because unnatural eating habits made you get acid reflux in the first place, by no means justifies taking unnatural products to help your body cure itself.

Even natural remedies don?t really do the curing, but they are the BEST at helping you help your body to heal itself.

You see the graduates of even the best medical schools in America are being taught to only rely on artificially made substances (drugs) to treat people suffering from acid reflux, or any other health problem for that matter.

In fact students who know better are standing up for natural remedies in the medical universities and institutions everywhere. They are fed up with being taught fake-science designed to serve the drug industry.

The sad truth is many text books are even funded and edited by the long arm of the pharmaceutical industry. You?ll never find any information about natural remedies for acid reflux or any other natural health solutions in these books.

Plus the majority of students are being sponsored by Big Pharma and placed in career positions serving the drug giants. I don?t blame anyone for taking a high paying job to pay back there student loans, it?s a bad place to be when you can?t make a living healing and curing people with natural remedies.

Acid reflux happens because there is an imbalance in the natural processes within your body.

Fact is doctors don?t know how your body heals, reproduces and regenerates in the first place. They spend billions of tax dollars making drugs to block symptoms of imbalance, but they fall short of finding and curing the root cause.

Acid reflux shouldn?t be a big deal, but it is.

How can something so simple to cure as acid reflux need so much attention? I?ll tell you why, because when people are conditioned generation after generation to trust, without question, the Western medical complex, they become victims of malpractice.

In other word simple problems like acid reflux get worse and become cash cows for the medical industry- that?s malpractice.

Seriously, so-called medical experts are literally experimenting on the American people and making excellent livings doing so. Acid reflux leads to gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) only because doctors are practicing the ?theory? of treating acid reflux with chemicals and designer drugs that are making acid reflux symptoms worse.

If you?re taking antacids and you still have acid reflux, try some natural remedies before your acid reflux advances into a more serious condition. The last thing your need is a hiatal hernia or a surgical procedure to save your throat form being chemically dissolved by stomach acid.

Do your own due diligence, read labels and black box warnings, search the Internet; look at the consequences of ignoring the real cause of acid reflux. It?s easy to learn what causes your acid reflux, PLUS natural remedies are so simple, affordable and safe, why not at least try to address the real cause of your health problems, even if it?s just a little acid reflux . . . natural remedies really do work with your body?s natural healing processes, even if you don?t have a doctors degree.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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December 9, 2010

Natural Cures For Acid Reflux Disease

Natural remedies for acid reflux aren?t hidden in some ancient Tibetan Monastery far atop the Himalayan Mountains. It?s right here at your local Farmer?s Market.

For thousands of years these natural remedies for acid reflux, heartburn and acid indigestion have been passed down generation to generation.

That?s what people do, they live, they learn and they pass the good, time-tested information down to their children and grandchildren, it?s only natural.

That?s what a natural remedy is. There is more science, more evidence and credibility in a natural acid reflux remedy passed down from your grandparents than all the pharmaceutical research spending in the world could match.

This whole pharmacopeia, drug based, medical culture of death we live witness to these days is an abomination. It?s something that has good roots, but is a rotten branch that no longer bears any sweet fruit. The branch of medicine called the Western Medical Practice has perverted the wisdom of the ages.

Frankly, there are uses for a lot of these modern medical developments, however, when people are led to believe that there are no alternatives, they miss out on gentler, less expensive and more effective natural remedies.

Western medicine can?t cure your acid reflux, but a natural remedy can. The thing that angers these big corporations like the pharmaceutical cartel is that THEY can?t patent an apple.

From what I?ve seen, if Big Pharma can make apples illegal without a prescription, just to keep you on antacids which will never cure your acid reflux, they will.

Sounds preposterous, but I?m telling you it?s truer than you think.

Codex Alimentarious is one example where the World Government, through the disguise of humanitarian policies, is trying to control your food and medicine. If they have their way all your natural acid reflux remedies will be banned.

More than 106,000 people die from properly administered drugs every year in America . . . no one dies from natural remedies. Yet the agencies that control our scientists and doctors want everything that cures, treats and prevents dis-ease to be tested as a drug and licensed as a drug.

Acid reflux is a symptom of an underlying imbalance, usually triggered from the Standard American Diet (SAD), which they claim is a balanced diet. Fact is, it is balanced only to serve Big Food, Big Agri and Big Chem and crush the small family owned co-ops, farms and industries that made America great in the first place.

Your antacids are a fake product manufactured by corporate opportunists that would ban free information sources like this blog and . . . they will if you let them.

The tobacco companies are held responsible for the harm they caused, while generating billions of dollars of profit. So why no hold Big Pharma or other global opportunists responsible when they make bogus and harmful products? Why not hold antacid companies liable for lying to the public and selling a product for acid reflux that makes acid reflux worse?

The current policies enforced against natural remedies for acid reflux declare that ?Only drugs can cure, prevent and treat.? Why then don?t drugs cure, treat and prevent anything???

Bottom line, no one in this country can sell you a natural remedy for acid reflux, only because someone ?labeled? acid reflux as a dis-ease. Therefore making it illegal for anyone to help cure you, treat you or help you prevent acid reflux with a natural remedy and make any money doing so.

That?s why I?m telling you this, so you can research your own natural cures, treatments and preventative remedies for acid reflux.

You are living in the Chemical Dark Ages. I hope you cross over and help support nutritional literacy by joining the Self-Health Care Revolution and help keep America great!

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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December 7, 2010

Remedy For Acid Reflux

They call it Intelligent Design (ID) and it is how leading scientists are learning to understand the natural healing remedies within the remedial body. Everyone likes a good remedy and many people devote their lives to understanding remedies whether they’re for acid reflux, diabetes or even cancer.

What’s even more interesting that most people overlook is “where” the remedy comes from. It’s common to build on a natural remedy once discovered to, let’s say, cure acid reflux dis-ease, but how often have you stopped to consider “where” the natural remedy for acid reflux came from?

I’m not asking “who” came up with the natural remedy for acid reflux, there is no who. As you learn more about natural remedies, the more it becomes an inward journey or personal experience beyond the ordinary.

A healing experience isn’t something you make up, patent and sell; it’s the way you experience the Intelligent Design (ID) that connects all things.

The source of the natural remedy for acid reflux comes from this connection, a once hidden connection that is now being revealed.

Nature holds no secrets; remedies first seem like secrets if you don’t understand where they come from.

A remedy is a healing process that takes two things;

1.?????? Mind (Intelligence)

2.?????? Nature (Design)

When you suffer from acid reflux your mind feels stomach acid burning in places it doesn’t belong. Despite the Intelligent Design (ID), something has gone out of balance and the acid reflux is a sign of this. Once you understand the “language of healing” you can see that the remedy for acid reflux and the symptom of acid reflux are really two aspects of the same thing. At least this is the way naturopathic practitioners see it.

Once you experience your own natural healing remedy you will begin to understand the language of symptoms. The worst thing you can do is ignore the symptoms of your own healing language.

Your Intelligent Design (ID) is a self healing process called life. That’s what life is, it’s a regenerating, restoring and revitalizing process of natural remedies.

When you’re starving to death, you know what the remedy is. When you’re dying of dehydration you know what the remedy is . . . so if you have the symptom of acid reflux, you already have the remedy,

Ask someone who had acid reflux and has experienced natural healing personally to help you. Remember you are the final authority on your health; you simply need to discover your natural ability to listen better to yourself. Until then study and mingle with people who understand the language of remedies . . . acid reflux is a sign you’re not listening to what your own Intelligent Design (ID) has been trying to tell you.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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