September 18, 2008
Acid Reflux Cure Discovery By Natural Principles
If everyone treated their health as a farmer tends to his farm Americans could easily eliminate at least 40% of diseases. The problem is we are taught the old school way of putting things off until the last moment – as if we?re cramming for an exam at the last minute.
For instance, if you are suffering from from the causes of acid reflux and acid indigestion your problem didn?t just appear overnight. You?ve been ignoring or abusing natural principles that otherwise would be helping you stay healthy.
It isn?t what you ate last night . . . it?s what you?ve been eating for years. Look at your body like a bank account, you?ve been withdrawing more than you?ve put in.
How long has this really been going on?
Imagine if a farmer decided not to milk his cows every day and only milked them on Fridays . . . imagine if the farmer failed to read the signs and forgot to plant his corn until September . . . or decided not to harvest his cherries and apples until spring?
By not working with natural principles they appear to work against you. But it may be you who are working against the natural laws designed to sustain you.
Acid reflux and acid indigestion is a good example. Most people do not know that acid reflux and acid indigestion are a result of depleted stomach acid. Popping all those little purple pills (Nexium tablets) didn?t cure you acid reflux did it? Perhaps it?s time you listen to the signs and try working with Mother Nature instead of trying to cheat her.
Remember the old margarine commercial that said, ?It?s not nice to fool Mother Nature?? I couldn?t have said it better my self.
The wise farmer knows a secret most folks don?t . . . that is you must learn to give before you can expect to receive, especially when it comes to farming or your body?s health.
Download Barton Publishing’s Reflex Remedy Report.? Its like your very own ‘Healer?s Almanac’…and its 100% guaranteed.
Live well,
Martin Jacobse
Medical Investigator
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies by admin
June 5, 2008
Taking Antacids May Be Causing Massive Nerve Damage!
The truth is many antacids and antiperspirants contain aluminum and other metals that may prevent absorption of other minerals critical to a healthy calcium metabolism. Published in the Journal of Neurochemistry, a study done at the University of Alabama at Birmingham claimed aluminum interfered with the electrical function of calcium in cells upsetting calcium, iron and phosphate balance and possibly harming nerve and brain health.
Previous studies have shown that aluminum reduces the body?s sensitivity to Vitamin D needed for proper calcium absorption into the small intestine. Many biochemical processes have been shown to be adversely affected by aluminum, such as;
- Disrupting membrane function
- Inducing oxidative stress
- Altering G-protein function
- Interfering with gene function
- Disrupting mineral metabolism
- Blocking vitamin D dependent Calcium metabolism
Dietary aluminum and other sources such as antacids and antiperspirants affect individuals with already compromised levels of vitamin D even sooner. Other than from direct sunlight, you can only get vitamin D from your diet by eating more mackerel, sardines and salmon. People with dark colored skin and the elderly have a difficulty making vitamin D. Plus, sunscreen blocks natural production of vitamin D. That?s why I suggest always waiting at least 10 minutes before applying sunscreens.
Now you may ask what this has to do with your recurring acid reflux and painful heartburn issues, but I?m here to tell you it may have everything to do with it. You see your body needs several minerals that work together to not only provide for healthy, nerve, muscle and bone health, but also for healthy levels of stomach acid (HCL).
Acid reflux is only one of the first symptoms of a serious mineral imbalance. You see, your body uses specific mineral salts to produce stomach acid (HCL). Our soil and therefore our food are deficient in minerals because of the industrialization of agriculture.? That?s why one of the most overlooked health problems of today happens to be a Hydrochloric Acid Deficiency.
That?s why if you suffer from acid indigestion, bloating and gas you may also suffer from allergies, headaches and skin issues, along with other symptoms such as joint pain, arthritis and loss of bone density. The good news is your acid reflux suffering may simply be an easy to solve stomach acid deficiency.
I know it sounds revolutionary, but that?s only because the general idea of what causes heartburn is completely the opposite of what the root cause really is. That?s exactly why natural remedies for acid reflux are so popular these days . . . they are revolutionary because they work with your body rather than against it.
In my next post I will pick up on this topic and further investigate why drinking milk may be causing your acid reflux to get even worse.
Live well,
Martin Jacobse
Medical Investigator
P.S. If your sick and tired of waiting for relief, simply download the Reflux Remedy Report.? It’s 100% guaranteed and offers a natural solution for acid reflux symptoms. I promise you?ll be glad you did!
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
May 17, 2008
Are You Burning To Get Off Antacids?
I?ve written about the dangers of antacids before, the fact that they are a cheap shot at satisfying an immediate need for relief. The real problem you should be concerned about isn?t just the unfriendly metals and the long term side effects they cause, but that you are not addressing the simple root causes of acid reflux and heartburn.
I know it?s unpleasant and even alarming to have digestive acids rise up into your throat and mouth. But frankly you could be doing more harm than good popping those little flavored after dinner mints. The cost of what you?re doing is far greater than the money you paid for your quick fix. Fact is there are available to you inexpensive ?quick fixes? that do not contradict your body?s underlying needs.
Your body needs to maintain a precise balance of many things digestive acids are one. The best way to allow this healthy balance is to help your body?s natural pH (potentate of Hydrogen) balance. You can determine your pH yourself by testing your saliva and urine with litmus paper. It is vital your body keep a pH near 7.4, that?s slightly alkaline. Lower than pH 7 is considered acidic.
I?m not referring to your stomach acid . . . pH refers to your blood, body fluids and tissues. Please don?t confuse the two. If your body?s pH is acidic it means you are retaining cellular wastes. This imbalance eventually affects every system in your body, including stomach acid reflux and digestion. The trick is everything you eat makes your whole body either more acidic or more alkaline.
For instance, if you eat a diet rich in minerals found in green leafy vegetables, the minerals (electrolytes) act as electrical conductors in the water making up more than 80% of your body. Either this cellular water is full of life giving minerals, or it is full of disease forming wastes and toxins.
It is interesting to note that yeasts, fungi and parasites as well as viruses and cancers thrive in an acid pH environment. Having too much metabolic (cellular) waste in your system also reduces oxygen levels and raises carbon dioxide, which they also need to thrive.
Knowing which foods to eat can have an impressive affect on your acid reflux as well as over all health. That?s why this is so important to understand that ignoring what seems to just be bothersome heartburn may lead to other serious problems as well.
A healthy pH level will improve your digestive health by allowing good microorganisms to grow. You?ll find these same beneficial organisms in yogurt and kefir as well as other naturally fermented foods. But you need to discover how to help your body produce these good bacteria.
The other thing that confuses many people is that ?certain? highly acidic foods will produce healthy alkaline levels. Citrus fruits are a prime example. Another great example is raw apple cider vinegar. You wouldn?t think so but these are powerful alkalizers.
Did you know that if you eat peeled apples that you?ll probably get heart burn? Yet eating the whole apple can cure it. The reason is simple, you see there exists in nature an ?enzyme? for every thing you eat, there?s enzymes for protein, carbohydrates and sugars.
Without these enzymes you can?t digest your food. The enzymes to unlock the nutritional benefits inside an apple are hidden within the skin of the apple . . . quite ingenious isn?t it?
Millions of people that suffer needlessly from recurrent acid reflux do not have too much stomach acid in truth they have an enzyme deficiency. Your pancreas is an organ that helps the digestion of foods by producing key enzymes and like any organ depends on a balanced pH level also.
Another factor is that poor digestion and diet can lead to a B vitamin deficiency which can cause a hydrochloric acid (HCL) deficiency (low stomach acid). Contrary to popular belief ?low stomach acid? can cause acid reflux, because food is not digested and therefore presses on the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), the flap that keeps stomach acid and bile down.
When someone has an HCL Deficiency, their body is deficient in mineral salts (electrolytes) that are needed to produce stomach acid. You see, the good news is minerals like potassium not only support the healthy production of stomach acid but also is also necessary to maintain a balanced pH level of the blood.
I hope now you see that popping antacids is NOT the answer to your acid reflux, heartburn and acid indigestion problem. Addressing the root cause takes some reasoning but it?s worth the effort.
Live well,
Martin Jacobse
Medical Investigator
P.S. To find out more about natural health remedies for heartburn and acid reflux download Barton Publishing’s Reflux Remedy Report.
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Heartburn Remedies by admin
May 4, 2008
Recurring Acid Reflux May Be Telling You You
Americans and Europeans take more calcium and ironically suffer from more joint disease than any
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the fact that they consume at least 1,000 mg per day recommended by the government (RDA,) arthritis and osteoporosis are nearly epidemic in these two cultures . . . how could that be? In my last post,
Antacids May Be Causing Massive Nerve Damage!” I talked a little about the importance of minerals and vitamin D in your diet and how it can help balance normal stomach acid levels. Consider also that calcium cannot be absorbed properly without the miracle of magnesium. Too little magnesium triggers a pH imbalance that actually raises acid levels in your blood and tissues leading to weak
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stomach acid levels and poor digestive
ability. Low stomach acid levels reduce levels of beneficial intestinal bacteria needed for the absorption of magnesium. The reason you are suffering from acid reflux is that your food is NOT being digested properly due to an imbalance of healthy minerals, especially magnesium. Sounds too easy? Read on . . . Unfortunately misleading information about the causes of acid reflux is adding insult to injury unknowingly. For instance, drinking a glass of milk or taking antacids with your meals will reduce stomach acid levels even further (the opposite of what you really want to do). But instead, eat an apple or even a lemon which will alkalize you and provide needed enzymes. You will see there is definitely a connection between your suffering and lack of electrolytes (minerals). You do need some calcium too, so if you don?t get enough your body will take calcium from your bones to neutralize pH acid levels in your blood and tissues. Truth is without magnesium, calcium cannot enter your cell membranes and ends up hardening arteries, creating stones and weakening stomach acid production. That?s why magnesium is more important than calcium. Research shows that 68% of individuals in the US do not consume the RDA of magnesium, and 19% consume less than half of the RDA of magnesium. Plus these statistics are based on a government standard that is set too low. Research shows that compared to our ancient ancestors we are consuming too little magnesium. In our ancient ancestor?s day, our diet ratio of calcium to magnesium used to be 1:1, compared with a 5:1 to 15:1 ratio in modern day diets. Today we average ten times more calcium than magnesium . . . verifying an undeniable magnesium deficiency. The list of associated disease caused from a
magnesium deficiency is almost endless.
Without adequate magnesium your body cannot make or use protein, which leads to even more acid waste lowering a healthy pH to dangerously acidic levels. Now back to calcium . . . I was surprised to learn an over abundance of calcium can block other minerals from absorbing by 60-70%! Another report that I found states that too much calcium removes potassium and magnesium from the body and may actually inhibit the absorption of iron. And as I mentioned before aluminum (used to remove build up in pipes) blocks the absorption of magnesium . . . that?s another reason to stop taking antacids and using antiperspirants which contain ample amounts of toxic aluminum. Just taking mineral supplements will not guarantee that the minerals get into your
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cells. The best sources are food sourced or liquid sourced minerals that already have a natural balance of minerals that work together. You will be amazed how simply adding lemon to your diet and eating an whole apple one hour between meals can help alkalize your body . . . therefore addressing the root cause of your acid reflux simultaneously. Live well, Martin Jacobse Medical Investigator
P.S. If you are interested in the miracle of alternative medicine Joe Barton has the best natural remedy for recurring acid
reflux, “Reflux Remedy System“.
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin