December 23, 2010

Calm Acid Reflux

For the many people who feel the burn, ways to calm acid reflux are often at the fore front of their minds. What can you do to relieve the pain, the burning, the burping and indigestion? Actually, there’s quite a bit you can do, and a lot of it doesn’t require a trip to the doctor’s office.

Why medications might not be the answer

Over the counter antacids can help with the occasional acid reflux, but they are in no way meant to be taken over an extended period. In fact, none of them are meant to be taken for more than two weeks without doctor supervision, even though some of the commercials may make statements like “By day 14 I was acid reflux free!

Prescription medicines can be helpful as they target specific areas. For example, one type of prescription medication will stop the production of stomach acid, while others will block the acid production process altogether. These can be a good solution as they target specifically what is causing your acid reflux, however it’s an expensive solution. You’ll be tied to a prescription that has to be refilled every month for the rest of your life. With the cost of drugs going up all the time, and insurances constantly pulling back how much they’ll cover, it can become a huge financial commitment rather quickly.

So, what are your other options?

What you can do to calm acid reflux

Calming acid reflux can actually be easier than you might think. Here are a few tips you can try at home before or during an acid reflux attack.

  • Drink water, and lots of it. A large glass of water can often be very helpful when it comes to relieving pain from acid reflux. Something this simple may seem like it’s just too easy, but the water helps to dilute acids in your stomach and wash them through your digestive system more quickly, so they can’t cause as much irritation and damage.
    • Additionally, try mixing a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the water to help prevent an attack of acid reflux. If you’re already experiencing it, just swallow the apple cider vinegar undiluted for faster relief.
  • Teas can also be quite helpful in calming the stomach and soothing acid reflux. Ginger, Fennel and Chamomile teas are all known to settle indigestion and help cool a stomach burning associated with acid reflux.
  • Eat an apple. The saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away didn’t come without any basis of truth. Some people have found an apple before or after a meal helps prevent or get rid of acid reflux.
  • Try papaya. Papaya has a digestive enzyme that assists in breaking down food, which prevents acid buildup. Taking a papaya enzyme tablet immediately before or after a meal can help prevent reflux, while taking one during an attack can help soothe it.

Explore these and many other natural ways to calm acid reflux in The Reflux Remedy Report. There you’ll find countless holistic remedies for heartburn and the reasons they work. Visit today to find out more.

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Avoid Acid Reflux With Healing Edge Technology!

If you really want to avoid acid reflux you need to understand that acid reflux is a sign-language your body uses to tell you to stop doing harm.

The father of western medicine, Hippocrates, said “Let your medicine be food and your food be your medicine”.

You body/mind and it’s healing process is more intelligent than all the computers made by man combined. What it does with water, minerals and a hand full of nutrients is create life, functioning life . . . life capable of healing itself and inspiring great achievement.

The smartest thing you can do for yourself and the world around you is to believe you can heal yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s acid reflux or dis-ease by any other name . . .

By simply avoiding all the things that do harm to your body, you can nurture an amazing healing experience in your life.

Understanding the natural healing intelligence working within you and working with it is what I call “healing edge” technology.

Leading scientists have discovered this “healing edge” technology is NOT medicine.

Understanding why the right food heals acid reflux is the same as knowing why the wrong foods cause it.

The science of healing is really common sense . . . it’s just not so common these days. Avoiding acid reflux means avoiding drugs that only hide the real cause of acid reflux. You already know that treating symptoms is what drugs do best . . . but then avoiding the cause of your acid reflux means you’ll just keep taking drugs until your acid reflux become Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid rebound syndrome . . . both are caused from avoiding the root cause of your acid reflux.

“Healing edge” technology is the science of common sense. Learning to eat foods that support your body/mind and its superior intelligence is the key.

Health remedies and healing secrets are never really lost . . . but they seem almost lost from generation to generation, until that natural intelligence is reawakened again.

Don’t avoid your acid reflux, deal with it head on, using your head and following your gut, you can find the secret remedies that wise old healers have been sharing since the dawn of time.

“Healing edge” technology never goes out of style because there’s always someone who almost forgets to use their innate common sense . . . unfortunately it seems an entire generation is in danger of losing their “healing edge”.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate


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December 22, 2010

Foods to Eat With a Stomach Ulcer

If you have a gastric ulcer, you may be searching for helpful foods to eat with a stomach ulcer. Often, a stomach ulcer can cause meal time to be terribly painful, and the thought of eating can be unappealing. However, eating the right foods in the right amounts can sometimes allow your body to heal and prevent pain that often results from eating.

What to eat

Certain foods are easier to digest than others, and when an ulcer is involved easy digestion is vital to helping it heal. Foods that are low in fat, whole grain breads, lean meats like pork or poultry, and fish are among the ideal things to eat when you’re trying to let an ulcer heal. The important thing to remember is to provide your body with balanced nutrition to give it the proper building blocks to heal. Vitamins and nutrients found naturally in foods are extremely beneficial to helping the body heal. Foods that are high in antioxidants like blueberries and cranberries can help the healing process along.

What not to eat

While a bland diet isn’t generally recommended for treatment of an ulcer, you may want to avoid foods that cause indigestion and heartburn. Things like citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, and anything that is high in acid should be avoided. Spicy foods, onions and garlic are also known heartburn triggers and can be counterproductive to the healing process. Additionally certain drinks like anything containing caffeine and alcohol shouldn’t be consumed, as they stimulate acid production which can be harmful to particularly delicate stomach lining when there’s an ulcer involved.

Additionally, certain medications should be avoided if you have an ulcer, including pain killers. Pain killers have been known to cause ulcers. So when you’re trying to allow one to heal, resist the temptation to take any, as you may get another ulcer or worsen the one you have as a result. While ulcers can be particularly painful, pain killers will not help in this department. And, taking a pain killer for another problem like a headache or back ache while you have an ulcer can complicate things by worsening your ulcer. Regardless of whether they are prescription or over the counter, your intake of pain killers should be severely stemmed when you have an ulcer.

How much to eat

When it comes to healing an ulcer, the amount of food you take in can often be as important as what you take in. Eating large amounts of food at once can cause a pressure build up in your stomach, which results in pain and can seriously slow the healing process for your ulcer. So, eat smaller meals more often. That way you get the same amount of food, just stretched over a longer period of time. This keeps your stomach from being bombarded by a ton of food all at once, making it easier to manage and break down the smaller amounts. That keeps acids down to a minimum and creates a better healing environment for your stomach.

For more information on what foods to eat with a stomach ulcer, what to avoid, and natural ways to help relieve pain from an ulcer, visit today!

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Acid Reflux Pain and Inflammation

The fourth stage of throat cancer is acid reflux pain and inflammation. As with any health problem be it acid reflux or cancer, it all starts with the loss of cellular energy and gets worse from there.

To heal your acid reflux pain the first thing you need to do is go directly to the root cause of it all . . . no matter what stage your at.

The loss of cellular energy happens when the natural mineral balance of your body becomes acidic.

So if you think your acid reflux is isolated to a stomach acid problem, you just don’t see the big picture. The environment or terrain of your tissue is where it all starts and ends. Your tissue includes your blood, bones and flesh.

In order for you to live a long and healthy life your body tissue has to keep a delicate balance between alkaline and acid called pH.

This pH scale starts at zero, near where you stomach acid is. In fact any pH reading below 7 is considered acid . . . your stomach acid reads around pH 2.

In order to avoid acid reflux pain and inflammation your pH needs to stay between 7.25 and 7.4, which isn’t acid at all. Truth is all your organs need this slightly alkaline pH.

Only your stomach acid and urine should have an acid pH.

Did you know your urine is really dirty blood? It’s acid because it’s full of acid waste. Too much build-up of acid waste means your dehydrated, lack “ionic” minerals and therefore you are losing cellular energy.

Once you start down this path acid reflux pain and inflammation can’t be far behind.

After loss of cellular energy, metabolism slows, toxins build-up, stress begins to affect normal organ and tissue function, then the pain and inflammation kicks in.

If the root cause of your acid reflux pain isn’t addressed, eventually the flesh lining of your sensitive throat begins to degenerate, actually becoming stiff and leathery, more like the lining of your stomach.

The pain of your acid reflux increases because your throat isn’t made to resist the strong acid pH level of stomach acid . . . the final stage is where the tissue inside your throat begins to mutate and literally becomes the same as your stomach lining.

The pain of acid reflux isn’t limited to just the burning sensation of stomach acid erupting where it doesn’t belong . . .the pain comes from the degeneration, stiffness and mutating cells it ultimately causes.

The final stage of ignoring the cause of your acid reflux pain is throat cancer and then ?. . . your risk of death increases greatly.

The moral of the story is to never ignore the cause of your acid reflux pain and as you know taking antacids is the same as ignoring the real cause- antacids don’t cure the root cause of acid reflux pain . . . in the end they make it much worse.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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