January 27, 2010
Effective Natural Acid Reflux Remedies
If you are looking for natural remedies for acid reflux disease, you have come to the right place. This article will show you a few ways to cure acid reflux naturally.
Before you try to treat acid reflux, you need to understand exactly what is happening to your body. Reflux happens when stomach acid is regurgitated into the esophagus. The acid will damage the delicate lining of your esophagus and will cause a pain that can linger for quite a long time. However, you can cure acid reflux by sticking to a healthy diet and using a few natural remedies.
Five Natural Acid Reflux Remedies
1.) Milk ? Milk is a simple acid reflux remedy. When you feel an attack coming on, just drink a glass of cold milk. It will help neutralize the refluxed acid and ease an upset stomach.
2.) Water ? Water is a safe and effective way to detoxify your body. You need to drink about 12 glasses of water a day. This will dilute the concentration of stomach acid and lessen the strength and frequency of your reflux attacks.
3.) Apple Cider Vinegar ? Apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest and most well-known acid reflux remedies out there. It can be used to treat a long list of ailments, including acid reflux. The most effective way to cure acid reflux with apple cider vinegar is to add one tablespoon to a glass of water and drink it during meals
4.) Ginger ? This is an effective remedy that will absorb excess stomach acid, soothing the pain and targeting causes of acid reflux. Ginger can be taken in either capsule form or ginger itself can be eaten.
5.) Fruits and Vegetables ? A healthy diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables is extremely helpful in curing acid reflux. These foods are high in fiber and nutrients that help your body work properly. A person with a properly working digestive system will not suffer from acid reflux or heartburn.
Cure Acid Reflux Naturally
If you are sick of being sick with acid reflux and don?t want to spend the rest of your life eating antacids, there are many different ways in which you can treat this disease naturally. If you would like to know more, please download our natural Acid Reflux Home Remedy Report. The information contained in our reflux remedy report is fully researched and guaranteed effective.
Filed under Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
January 15, 2010
Different Ways to Treat GERD Naturally
A diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) often means the patient will struggle with many unsuccessful attempts to cure the condition. Many will spend years doing little more than treating the symptoms only, which means the discomfort will invariably return. Once this becomes tiresome, many will visit their doctors, who will prescribe medications that may work, but often come with unwanted side effects.
GERD Treatment Options
Even the prescriptions for GERD were only meant to be taken for short periods of time. By taking them for too long, sufferers will not only notice that the medications lose their effectiveness, but their symptoms may even get worse.
However, if you treat GERD with natural remedies, you get a more permanent solution because they heal the damage caused by refluxed stomach acid and also help restore the esophageal tissues to health. By treating the causes of acid reflux, natural remedies not only relieve the pain, they will also assure that the condition does not return.
Natural Remedies for GERD
1. The first thing you should do is limit how much alcohol you drink. By cutting down on how much you drink, you will lessen the effects of GERD symptoms. In fact, some researchers believe that drinking alcohol will actually create the symptoms, thus creating the disease.
2. You need to make certain changes to your diet. While this does not mean going on a diet in the classic sense, you do need to limit how much food you eat. Eating large meals, especially before bed, will trigger a GERD attack. The reason this is more common before bed is because, when you lie down, stomach acid is more likely to travel up into the esophagus. To prevent this, eat smaller meals more often and eat your last meal at least three hours before bedtime.
3. Apples have been found to be an excellent ingredient of a natural GERD diet. When you feel an attack coming on, eat a few slices of an apple, preferably a red apple.
4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially after eating a meal or snack. Water will help the lower esophageal sphincter form a tight seal over the stomach by washing any food particles away.
5. Swallow a few teaspoons of honey, especially before going to bed. Honey has been used as a healing agent for centuries. It coats the esophageal lining, protecting the damaged tissues from infection and soothing the pain.
Other Natural Remedies to Treat GERD
When looking for ways to treat GERD permanently, the most important thing you can do is learn. You need to learn what is happening to your body and how your digestive tract works. By learning these things, you will have a much better chance of successfully treating this disease.
But you don?t have to search endlessly for the information you need. To learn how to effectively end your GERD, download our Acid Reflux Remedy Report. The information contained within our natural remedy report is based on the latest in medical research and is guaranteed to get the results you need.
Filed under Acid Reflux, GERD Treatment, Heartburn Remedies by admin
January 11, 2010
Three Ways to Naturally Treat Heartburn
The vast majority of people who suffer from chronic heartburn are under the mistaken belief that they must consume massive amounts of chalky antacids if they hope to find relief. However, there are many alternative ways in which sufferers can actually cure heartburn instead of simply masking the symptoms for a short time.
In fact, natural heartburn remedies can actually be more effective than antacids precisely because they treat the underlying cause of heartburn rather than temporarily neutralizing the refluxed acid. By learning to treat this disease naturally, you won?t have to worry about your heartburn returning. Here are a few heartburn home remedies to get you started.
Natural Heartburn Remedies
1. Ground red pepper is an effective heartburn remedy. It may seem odd to treat heartburn with a spice, but it works very well. The prevailing belief is that the spicy pepper works because it reduces the sensitivity of the nerves in the digestive tract.
Red pepper has been known to cause a burning sensation during defecation, so moderation is important. You should not ingest anymore than 500mg of red pepper with each of your meals in the beginning. Once you have a stronger grasp of your tolerance, you can adjust the dosage accordingly. However, you should not take more than 2,500mg a day as this will decrease the effectiveness of this remedy over time.
2. Extract of artichoke leaves is another effective heartburn home remedy. This can be found at almost any health food store. It works to relieve many of the minor symptoms of heartburn as well as acid reflux disease.
3. Chamomile tea has long been used as a remedy for insomnia, but it is also very useful in the treatment of heartburn. As a natural relaxant, chamomile tea works to ease the digestive tract, treating heartburn. It will also coat and soothe an upset stomach.
Deciding how Best to Treat Heartburn
If heartburn is something you experience every now and again, then over-the-counter antacids are a good choice to treat the condition. However, if acid reflux has become a part of your everyday life, you should consider natural heartburn remedies. Everything you need to successfully treat heartburn can be found at your local health food store.
These are just a few of the natural options that are open to those who are looking for natural ways to treat heartburn. To learn everything you need to know about heartburn home remedies, please visit our website. Our Reflux Remedy Report will show you the most effective ways to cure acid reflux in easy to follow, step-by-step instructions. We are so sure that our information will have you feeling better in a matter our hours that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You have nothing to lose!
Filed under Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Acid Reflux Remedy, Heartburn Remedies by admin
December 29, 2009
Control and Cure Acid Reflux
Acid reflux disease can take the joy out of eating your favorite meals. A burning sensation often follows eating and is a result of stomach acid being churned into the esophagus during digestion. When this acid hits the soft esophageal tissues, it causes a painful chemical burn.
However, simply using antacids to control acid reflux is not the best option. Antacids do little more than temporarily neutralize the refluxed acid. They do nothing to treat the underlying cause of acid reflux symptoms. But there are natural remedies for acid reflux that help to control and even cure acid reflux.
Powerful Tips to Cure Acid Reflux Naturally
- Try eating ice cream to soothe the pain. The cold will help soothe the pain and the cream will neutralize the stomach acid.
- Be sure to exercise and use stress management techniques, such as yoga. Stress and poor physical condition are two major contributors to acid reflux symptoms and both of these tips will help facilitate smooth digestion.
- Drink an herbal tea, like chamomile, fennel, or cinnamon tea. These acid reflux home remedies all act as natural antacids and also help relieve stress.
- Sucking on hard candy or chewing gum will help cure acid reflux by stimulating the salivary glands. By producing more saliva, you will protect your esophagus from damage and will be less likely to suffer from reflux.
- Milk is another natural antacid. Drink a small glass whenever you feel an acid reflux attack coming on.
- Avoid heavily processed food items, like fast foods. It is also a good idea to eliminate spicy and highly acidic foods from your diet. Foods like tomatoes, onions, citrus fruits, and chocolate will all increase the acidity of your stomach and lead to more reflux.
- Stick to a well-balanced and healthy reflux diet.
- Avoid activities that involve lowering your head below your stomach. This gives the stomach acid a great opportunity to seep into your esophagus.
- Do not wear tight-fitting clothes. Tight clothes do not allow your body the room it needs to digest a large meal. If your stomach cannot expand, you will probably experience acid reflux symptoms.
- Instead of eating three big meals, eat small meals that are no bigger than your fist five or six times a day. These smaller meals are more easily digested than large ones and will reduce reflux attacks dramatically.
Learn More about Acid Reflux Home Remedies
The key to controlling and curing acid reflux is to learn as much as you can about this disease. To learn everything you need to know to keep yourself reflux-free, please visit our website. Our Acid Reflux Home Remedies Report will show you the best ways to cure acid reflux and how to keep it from ever returning.
Filed under Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Acid Reflux Remedy by admin