January 4, 2011
Home Remedy For Acid Reflux
Finding a home remedy for acid reflux is a trial and error process simply because everyone is different.
Beyond our personal differences there is an underlying uniformity, what leading scientists call ‘intelligent design’. Understanding how your body really thrives is the key to healing anything, especially acid reflux.
A home remedy for acid reflux will work better for one person and perhaps not at all for another because of several factors. Some people need remedies for a bundle of health problems including allergies and food sensitivities, not just acid reflux.
Sometimes the remedy is to discover what you are being exposed to in your home environment in regards to food, water and the air you breathe.
As you already know one of the main triggers of acid reflux is from eating the wrong foods. There is a very good reason these “wrong foods” can cause acid reflux . . . because they’re simply bad for you.
Often the best home remedy for acid reflux is to eliminate whatever is triggering your heart burn and gastric indigestion.
It’s not only the type of foods you eat at home, but what’s inside or on the food, including pesticides and herbicides, not to mention bacteria from foods processed with reclaimed sewer water.
Another hidden danger lurking in the homes of Americans that can contribute to your digestive health being compromised is Genetically Manufactured Organisms, or commonly called GMO foods.
Anything in that lowers your cellular energy levels will eventually upset your digestive system, which can become a hidden factor when looking for a home remedy for acid reflux, heart burn and acid indigestion.
At first glance you may think that there couldn’t be a connection between these things and your acid reflux. Yet the truth remains true . . . conventional medicine still doesn’t have a cure for your acid reflux disease, acid rebound or gastric esophageal reflux disease (GERD).
That’s why you’re looking for a home remedy in the first place, isn’t it?
Drinking a glass of milk is a home remedy for some people suffering from acid reflux, but for others the animal fat, indigestible protein, antibiotics, growth hormones, and lactose sugars can trigger acid reflux.
Drinking natural mineral water an hour between meals can help remedy acid reflux, but if you drink water, or any beverage, with your meals your digestive acids become even more diluted and can trigger acid indigestion as well.
So keep hunting for the real cause of your acid reflux . . . eliminating the cause is your best home remedy.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
January 3, 2011
Natural Acid Reflux Remedies
If you are looking for natural acid reflux remedies you need look no further than your local farmer’s market, Internet or health food store.
Have you ever wondered why on one hand we call grocery stores Health Food Stores, but on the other hand we never say “Acid Reflux Stores, Sickness Stores or Bad Food Stores” do we?
Perhaps we should at least think of them that way.
No one would want to see a slow-food drive-thru, fast food is the name of the game, you’re in a hurry and your boss only allows you 30 or 60 minutes for lunch.
Acid reflux is caused from eating things that cause acid reflux; the natural remedy is simple learning to eat the opposite things.
The challenge is the big food industry doesn’t label your acid reflux remedies like they naturally should.
Big food, like big Agri and all big businesses all want you to buy a lot of everything . . . not just the natural remedies.
In fact if they can make money selling you the things that cause your acid reflux, or whatever dis-ease you might have, then it goes unsaid that they can make even more money selling you the natural remedies too.
Sadly, the foods that cause dis-eases like acid reflux are cheap quality, readily available and priced lower less too . . . sometimes because of government subsidies! Whereas the foods that help your body’s natural healing process work better, the natural remedies, are usually more expensive and are becoming harder and harder to find.
I don’t like to sound off as if this is some theory of a big business conspiracy . . . so I’ll tell you straight up . . . this is NOT a theory. In fact the business of food and medicine has simple gotten too BIG.
That’s the fact of the matter. People don’t think like big corporations, so it just sounds like a theory, but it’s not. BIG corporation simply do not think like people do . . . and it’s hard for us because millions of expensive advertising campaigns have trained us “people” to think corporations are people too.
I hate to pop your bubble, but just because some politician gave “people rights” to a business, still doesn’t make them a person.
Your acid reflux and every other health issue in America can be trace directly to the foods people eat and the beliefs they hold to be true. All this is directly affected by BIG business and their targeted advertising campaigns- remember BIG tobacco?
If you think fast-food joints care about your acid reflux or anything to do with your health and wellness, you are deluded.
Health food stores sell high quality food, natural remedies and food support supplements, obviously the people who own and operate those businesses truly care about helping cure your acid reflux.
Because once the light comes on, you’ll be back- health and longevity are contagious. So go forth and start taking all your natural remedies for acid reflux and everything else- join what I call “The Self Health Care Revolution!“
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Natural Remedies by admin
Everyone needs a little help with acid reflux every now and then. Acid reflux should never be allowed to become a disease.
You can help protect your body by following a few natural guidelines.
It’s hard for some people to help themselves eliminate acid reflux, like over the road truckers, people that work in restaurants and actually it’s hard for anyone on the go these days . . . especially for you third shifters.
I’ve always found it hard to find “real” food when I worked on the road . . . I learned the hard way and had a mini-stroke when I was only 35 years old. Acid reflux is an inflammatory issue, like strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and even cancer . . . it’s all connected at one level or another.
If you’re having trouble finding real help for your acid reflux, trust me, you’re far from alone.
People are sick and tired of treating symptoms of inflammatory diseases like acid reflux and the rest of it. You can learn the easy way or the hard way like I did, it’s up to you. I would like to help you find an easy way . . . and avoid the hard way.
When I say “Treating” your acid reflux symptoms, it’s the same as saying “ignoring” the cause of your acid reflux.
There are stages of degenerative disease and inflammation is only one of those steps associated with all of them, especially acid reflux. The best way to help yourself get rid of acid reflux forever is to help get rid of your inflammation . . . now you are closer to finding the real cause of your acid reflux.
What causes inflammation? If you can eliminate that, you have done more than help your acid reflux, you’ll have cured yourself of it.
Inflammation starts whenever your body becomes stressed and there are a few things that can do that, but the number one reason is toxicity.
You can’t help your acid reflux if your body is full of toxins, whether it is toxins from pollutants found in the air, water and food, or toxic build-up from body wastes.
To help detoxify your body and reduce stress and inflammation that trigger acid reflux and other disease states, you’ll want to increase real energy levels in your body.
You can help do this by first avoiding foods that lower cellular energy.
You now have the master keys to help eliminate acid reflux and other inflammatory health problems.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
All great science comes from observing nature . . .
Your natural acid reflux cure is the one solution that eliminates all the complications associated with acid reflux disease.
The only excuse for ‘treating your acid reflux symptoms’ is if you really don’t know what the cause is. When I see acid reflux sufferers taking antacid drugs over and over again to cover up their embarrassing and painful symptoms, I know they’ve been fooled to believe there’s no natural cure.
Not only are these antacid drug products potentially harmful in themselves, ignoring whatever started your acid reflux imbalance is a dangerous game indeed.
Nothing is quite as important as taking care of your digestive health. Your immune system, central nervous system and brain and heart all depend on a smooth running digestive system.
Healing your acid reflux with a natural cure is the right way to fix the problem.
It is natural for you to NOT have acid reflux. That should tell you, even though your doctor doesn’t know the cure, your mind/body already does.
I’ve learned the hard way to not take my health for granted, that’s why I’m a health advocate. By simply having a spirit of thankfulness you will discover the natural cures that will heal your acid reflux.
Discovering how to work with your natural healing process starts by appreciating the miracle of being well in the first place.
You have the symptoms of acid reflux because you took this natural healing function for granted . . . you rode it hard and put it away wet and so by using a natural cure for your acid reflux, you will discover something powerful about yourself.
Great scientists have always learned from observing nature . . . it’s completely natural to cure yourself. You don’t need a doctor to help you get acid reflux and you certainly don’t need one to find a natural cure either.
The natural power to cure your acid reflux is all yours . . .
Health is balance and balance fuels vitality. Simply taking antacids to be symptom free doesn?t make you healthy . . . healthy is beyond being symptoms free . . . being cured of acid reflux is simply the return to your natural pathway.
The science of healing is the expression of natural law . . . it’s a proven way of restoring balance and vitality without interfering with man-made drugs.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Cure by admin