December 21, 2010
Symptoms Of Acid Reflux In Women
The symptoms of acid reflux in women are the same as the acid reflux symptoms for men. One outstanding difference is women tend to be more susceptible to nutritional deficiencies than men. This is most likely due to the fact that they can grow babies and men obviously do not.
The more nutrient deficient you are the more likely you’ll suffer from acid reflux, which is a double edge sword for women because suffering from acid reflux means you’re not absorbing enough nutrients from your food.
What many woman don’t understand about their acid reflux symptoms is that sometimes it’s because of a lack of stomach acid rather than an over production of it.
A woman’s body needs specific nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. Just as important, if not more so are the 72 trace minerals that help make nutrient absorption possible.
If you’re a woman and you suffer from acid reflux triggered from a stomach acid deficiency, you most likely are also suffering from a mineral deficiency as well.
Fortunately, you can get plenty of minerals and nutrients from following a Mediterranean-style diet. Not only do woman who eat a Mediterranean -style diet have less deficiencies and therefore less health problems like acid reflux, they actually live longer too. At least that’s what articles published in the British Medical Journal and the Archives of Internal Medicine show.
At the University of Athens, Greece, their medical school did a study with more than 70,000 women who didn’t have any major diseases like heart disease, stroke and cancer. All of them were over 60 years old and data was taken concerning their lifestyles and diets for 8 years.
Bottom line is a Mediterranean diet was linked to a significant reduction in mortality.
I challenge any woman to increase here quality of life by eating more naturally, like Mediterranean woman do and I’m sure you’ll find your acid reflux problems disappearing once and for all.
What does one have to do with the other? Based on my personal research, eating healthy naturally cures acid reflux in men and woman. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is a “sad” joke played upon the American people. I hope to soon publish the Healthy American Diet, which will be an improved version of the Atkins diet-stay tuned!
A focus on raw fruits, vegetables, legumes, low-fat dairy products, low intake of red meat, low intake of refined grains, and avoidance of fried foods meets the wide variety of nutrient needs for people suffering from acid reflux, whether a man or a woman.
Acid reflux caused from a stomach acid deficiency is a nutritional imbalance just as an acid reflux from an over-production of stomach acid is- both can be cured by eating a healthier more intelligent diet.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Symptoms by admin
December 7, 2010
Remedy For Acid Reflux
They call it Intelligent Design (ID) and it is how leading scientists are learning to understand the natural healing remedies within the remedial body. Everyone likes a good remedy and many people devote their lives to understanding remedies whether they’re for acid reflux, diabetes or even cancer.
What’s even more interesting that most people overlook is “where” the remedy comes from. It’s common to build on a natural remedy once discovered to, let’s say, cure acid reflux dis-ease, but how often have you stopped to consider “where” the natural remedy for acid reflux came from?
I’m not asking “who” came up with the natural remedy for acid reflux, there is no who. As you learn more about natural remedies, the more it becomes an inward journey or personal experience beyond the ordinary.
A healing experience isn’t something you make up, patent and sell; it’s the way you experience the Intelligent Design (ID) that connects all things.
The source of the natural remedy for acid reflux comes from this connection, a once hidden connection that is now being revealed.
Nature holds no secrets; remedies first seem like secrets if you don’t understand where they come from.
A remedy is a healing process that takes two things;
1.?????? Mind (Intelligence)
2.?????? Nature (Design)
When you suffer from acid reflux your mind feels stomach acid burning in places it doesn’t belong. Despite the Intelligent Design (ID), something has gone out of balance and the acid reflux is a sign of this. Once you understand the “language of healing” you can see that the remedy for acid reflux and the symptom of acid reflux are really two aspects of the same thing. At least this is the way naturopathic practitioners see it.
Once you experience your own natural healing remedy you will begin to understand the language of symptoms. The worst thing you can do is ignore the symptoms of your own healing language.
Your Intelligent Design (ID) is a self healing process called life. That’s what life is, it’s a regenerating, restoring and revitalizing process of natural remedies.
When you’re starving to death, you know what the remedy is. When you’re dying of dehydration you know what the remedy is . . . so if you have the symptom of acid reflux, you already have the remedy,
Ask someone who had acid reflux and has experienced natural healing personally to help you. Remember you are the final authority on your health; you simply need to discover your natural ability to listen better to yourself. Until then study and mingle with people who understand the language of remedies . . . acid reflux is a sign you’re not listening to what your own Intelligent Design (ID) has been trying to tell you.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
December 18, 2009
Unleash the Power of Natural Acid Reflux Remedies
For many people, sitting down to a meal is like taking a seat under the Sword of Damocles. Suffers of chronic acid reflux know that it is just a matter of time before the food they enjoy becomes the source of great pain as the stomach rebels, sending stomach acid into the esophagus and turning their own saliva into a powerful irritant.
If you suffer from acid reflux pain, you have no doubt visited several doctors in hopes of finding an acid reflux cure. These doctors have most likely put you on prescription medications, which seem to be working. However, should you stop taking these medications, your acid reflux symptoms will soon return. Even worse, your body may get used to the medications and your reflux could return in spite of them.
Get Started with Your Acid Reflux Treatment
A very effective acid reflux home cure is using apple cider vinegar. It may sound counter-intuitive to use an acid to solve a problem of an overly-acidic stomach, but it works! Mix a couple of teaspoons in with water and drink the concoction while you are eating and it will help control your post-meal reflux flare-up.
Fennel seeds are another effective natural cure for acid reflux. This herb is very helpful in assisting with proper digestion because it contains anethole, which helps control the movements of the stomach. Chew half a teaspoon of these seeds immediately after eating and you will find that your reflux symptoms are either greatly reduced or do not occur at all.
Lavender tea is another effective way of controlling acid reflux naturally because of its calming effect on the stomach and the rest of the body. You can pick up some of this tea at your local grocery store. Pour boiling water over a tea bag and let it steep for five minutes. If you like, you can add a little honey for flavor and added pain relief. Drink this twice a day and you will notice your reflux symptoms subside.
Other Acid Reflux Remedies
These three remedies are by no means the only ways to cure acid reflux naturally. The list of effective natural remedies is too long to include here. However, you can find an all-encompassing list in our Acid Reflux Remedies Report, which is available through our website. The report only contains those reflux remedies that have been fully researched and been found effective for an acid reflux cure.
Don?t let chronic acid reflux pain ruin your love of eating. Learn how to cure heartburn and reflux by downloading your copy of our Reflux Remedy Report today. We are so sure our information will produce the results you desire that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You have nothing to lose!
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Heartburn Remedies by admin
April 2, 2008
Acid Reflux Sucks
Acid reflux is something no one wants to go through. It hurts, it is annoying and for many people it is a constant problem. Typically, it will come in the form of heartburn as acid moves up into the esophagus. This causes a burning discomfort behind the breastbone. Other symptoms of acid reflux include coughing, hoarseness, nausea, and voice changes.
Here are Ten Tips of what to avoid if you want to reduce acid reflux:
- Coffee and alcohol. Taking these before bed can increase evening reflux.
- Antacids based on calcium carbonate can actually increase the acidity in the stomach.
- Foods high in fat reduce lower esophageal sphincter competence and delay the stomach emptying.
- Eating two to three hours before bed can lead to acid reflux.
- Large meals have a risk of acid reflux when compared to smaller meals.
- Soft drinks.
- Chocolate and peppermint.
- Oranges and tomatoes are acidic foods.
- Onions, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach and sprouts.
- Drinking milk within two hours of bedtime can also cause acid reflux.
There are many ways to avoid acid reflux, or try to avoid it, including sleeping on your left side. You can also avoid acid producing foods, but when you are trying to eat healthy, not eating cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, oranges, or spinach can be difficult to do. Milk is also an essential part of our diet, and avoiding it reduces the amount of calcium we get.
So, what else can you do besides avoid those foods to control acid reflux?
You will discover the real secret in our latest Acid Reflux Remedy Report?. This site features a revolutionary acid reflux reduction remedy that shows you a GUARANTEED way to STOP your acid reflux AND to finally cure it without having to use any drugs or medication.
Acid reflux is a serious problem for individuals and it goes far beyond taking a TUMS to help with the heartburn. Recurring acid reflux can actually lead to serious problems, including GERDs Disease (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) and cancer. Ignoring your problem by covering up the symptoms with drugs or Over-The-Counter (OTC) gimmicks will only trigger complications and increase the risk of disease. By giving natural cures for acid reflux a chance, you increase the possibility of actually curing your problem.
Rather than treating the symptoms or temporarily covering them up, you are actually addressing the ROOT CAUSES of acid reflux and going to the heart of the matter. Here?s a sample remedy that works wonders- If you want to naturally and quickly relieve your acid reflux, simply eat an ?unpeeled? apple before bed and you will be amazed. The enzymes in the skin work with key nutrients in the apple which remedies? the acid reflux, but does not cure it. Keep that in mind. The Cure will be found in the Reflux Remedy Report? itself.
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Heartburn Remedies by admin