February 24, 2011
Natural Treatment for GERD
The natural treatment for GERD will be whatever takes away the root cause of your GERD.
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is basically heartburn gone wild.
Seriously millions of people who mistreat their simple heartburn become cash cows for the acid reflux and GERD industries.
No one would ever get GERD if they used a natural remedy for their heartburn instead of falling for antacid treatments.
For every antacid a heartburn sufferer pops there is a potential GERD patient in the making.
It’s NOT natural to use drugs to block symptoms of heartburn, this kind of MIS- treatment of heartburn encourages people to ignore and eventually forget about their heartburn and GERD symptoms and causes.
The better the antacid product blocks a person’s heartburn or GERD symptoms the more likely the acid indigestion issue will inflame into a progressively worse condition.
Let’s follow the trail to solve the crime.
You start thinking it’s natural to have heartburn after years of eating foods packed with chemicals and virtually empty of any significant nutritional value. Then you think it’s acceptable for you to self treat your condition with chemical products carelessly and conveniently marketed to make a profit off you.
These antacids you use as a treatment to cover up your heartburn symptoms allow you to go further and further down the road to illness, plus they are also contributing heavy metals into your body to weaken your immune system more.
Soon the antacid wears off and your heartburn flares up with a vengeance . . . so you see your doctor for a stronger antacid, not even thinking maybe the treatment is actually causing your heartburn to become more like advanced GERD.
Naturally your doctor signs your prescription for a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) as a treatment to chemically stop the cells that make stomach acid from working at all. These PPIs are notorious for being addictive physiologically and after going through treatment for a while you need your doctor’s help getting off them, because your symptoms are getting louder.
Now IF your doctor tested you to see if you actually had any stomach acid in the first place, then you’re still in trouble because PPIs cause acid rebound.
Acid rebound doesn’t have a treatment, because the drug treatment causes it, so now you notice your heartburn pain is like the lake of fire, your own little personal Hell deep in your throat.
Next treatment you’ll need is for hiatal hernia, probably surgery and a protocol to force you to eat better . . . which is really all you needed to do in the first place before ever having sought drug treatment for heartburn.
The natural treatment for GERD according to most doctors and pharmacists is to block the signals of your body and upgrade medication when the health problem blossoms from heartburn to GERD and beyond to surgery.
Natural treatment is not an option for GERD, you want to be CURED . . . patient bewares!
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under GERD Treatment by admin
February 22, 2011
Natural Relief for Heartburn
Natural relief for heartburn doesn’t necessarily mean your curing your heartburn. If you just want fast temporary relief you can take a teaspoon of aluminum free baking soda and mix it into a 10 ounce glass of water and drink it slowly . . . that works better than an antacid and you won’t get all the heavy metal toxins in your body.
The problem here is I don’t know if your heartburn is from too much stomach acid.
It’s a myth the antacid industry made up decades ago to sell their so-called anti-heartburn products.
Fact is 90% or more of people who suffer from digestive imbalances have a lack of stomach acid.
It may surprise you to learn that the symptoms for lack of stomach acid or for an over abundance of stomach acid are typically the same. You can have heartburn from an inability to properly digest your food. This lack of digestive acids leads to heartburn because all the food you eat just sits in your gut.
Without adequate stomach acid you can’t digest your meals. You need to have enough stomach acid so that your food chemically breaks down into small molecules of fat, carbs and nutrients needed to make stomach acid and other things necessary for life . . . that would be natural relief.
Having heartburn could mean you’re suffering from a slow kind of nutritional starvation. Just because you’re eating food doesn’t mean you’re getting the benefits of that food.
Natural relief for heartburn in my book really means anything that naturally helps restore your normal digestive balance.
Heartburn is simply a signal trying to clue you in that something wrong is causing your discomfort . . . your heartburn pain.
Taking some kind of antacid for heartburn relief may seem to make good sense at first glance, but considering that’s all you’ve ever been told, or programmed, to do really doesn’t even qualify it as your own idea . . . that’s not very natural.
Learn to listen to your inner intelligence. You have more than 60 TRILLION cells which all depend on nutrients and their cofactors to enable them to communicate.
It’s like an Inner-net of cells.
Real natural relief for your heartburn would quench your deepest cellular needs. If you lack stomach acid, you need mineral sources from green leafy vegetables to help your body restore digestive balance. First you may have to literally go through a fasting period to help your gut digest and detox . . . that would be a form of natural relief for your heartburn.
If you really are one of the rare cases where you actually suffer from an over production of stomach acid, then you’ll need to find the cause if it and eliminate it to truly experience any relief.
You’re on the right track, do more of your own due diligence, talk to health practitioners and maybe even have your stomach checked for acid content . . .there is a test your doctor can give you.
Lasting natural relief for your heartburn is to eliminate whatever the cause is and stop thinking you need to block your Inner-net signals, learn to listen to them better.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Natural Heartburn Cures by admin
February 21, 2011
Natural Remedies For Heartburn
Natural remedies for heartburn allow you to reverse the degenerative process and activate your innate natural healing process.
Natural remedies are NOT drugs because they do not waste your time and money treating the symptoms of your heartburn. Natural remedies remedy your heartburn by helping you eliminate the root cause of your heartburn symptoms.
Natural remedies for heartburn, acid reflux or acid indigestion are not sold in drug stores and you will never hear of a natural remedy for heartburn on television or any other mainstream media source.
The mainstream media, such as TV, radio and newspapers, are a business, a BIG business owned by only a hand full of very wealthy people hiding behind the cover of corporations. There is no money to be made in natural remedies for heartburn.
In fact if the natural remedies for heartburn got out it would cost these media moguls billions, not including all the possible liability suits people with complications form heartburn would file.
Frankly the natural remedy for your heartburn is to stop using acid reflux, heartburn or acid indigestion products altogether. Odds are if you don’t use a natural remedy for your heartburn now, you’ll end up with a hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal acid reflux or even throat cancer because you ignored the root cause of your heartburn, allowing your heartburn to become a gateway disease.
Always, as a rule, seek out the most natural and harmless way to cure you of heartburn related health problems and for that matter ANY health issue.
Drugs are emergency medicine, they were never intended for long term use, never intended to cure or prevent. Heartburn antacids and drugs are there incase you failed to prevent or cure your heartburn and don’t know of a natural remedy to reverse it.
As long as the mainstream media can block natural remedy information from getting to you, the more likely you’ll end up being a cash cow of the medical industry for life.
The natural remedy for heartburn is to look at the causal level of your acid reflux issues, find the trigger and eliminate it. It may be your diet, diet habits, lifestyle habits, lack of stomach acid, lack of digestive enzymes, and lack of gut flora, bacterial infection, low blood serum pH . . . or all of the above.
The natural remedy for your heartburn is whatever it takes to help your immune and enteric system to become stronger. It could be anything from a mineral deficiency that’s causing a stomach acid deficiency to not having adequate nutrients necessary for an efficient digestive and immune system, to a bacterial imbalance.
Every natural remedy is as unique as the person with the heartburn issues, so gather more research, find proven remedies on the FREE Internet and interview health practitioners . . . you’ll find a simple affordable natural remedy for your heartburn I?m sure.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin
Acid reflux disorder is a condition that can occur when you have a lower esophageal sphincter (LES) that does not operate as it should. The LES is a crucial component of the digestive system. Food that is headed to your stomach when you eat has to pass the LES to enter the stomach for digestion. The LES serves as a muscular ring at the end of the esophagus, right next to the diaphragm and stomach opening. For food morsels to get to the stomach, the LES has to open. Usually, the LES closes after each portion of food goes to the stomach. If your LES is weak, it does not close tightly enough to prevent stomach acids from getting into your esophagus.
Stomach acid is the last thing you want near your esophagus. Stomach acid is used to digest foods. The digestive process may begin in your mouth, but it is in the stomach that most of the work takes place. Gastric acids help to break down foods into smaller particles so that the intestines can absorb and distribute the proteins and minerals that are essential for your body. The acidity of stomach acid is very high and it can only be tolerated in the stomach. The stomach wall and lining is equipped to handle the corrosive nature of stomach acid.
Once stomach acid gains access to your esophagus there can be a problem. The esophagus doesn’t have the same protective lining that the stomach has. When acid that comes from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, this is called acid reflux disorder. Acid reflux disorder can be a challenge for many people. By being more aware of acid reflux you will be able to identify the causes, signs and treatment options.
Causes: The cause of acid reflux may stem from other conditions. Being pregnant, obese, having a hiatal hernia or diabetes can contribute to acid reflux disorder. These conditions change the dynamics of the body, especially the stomach. When pressure is added to the stomach, there is a shift of the stomach. When food is digested irregularly, this can trigger acid reflux. Food is a big factor. Eating foods just before bed, lifting heavy objects or eating fatty foods can put you at risk for acid reflux disorder.
Signs: Symptoms of acid reflux disorder include heartburn, nausea, regurgitating food, chest pain, dysphagia, burping and an awful bitter taste in the mouth. Heartburn is the most common symptom of acid reflux disorder and can cause you to experience a burning feeling in your chest and throat. Signs in children may include respiratory problems that include a chronic cough, wheezing and asthma-like symptoms.
Treatment: Holistic remedies for acid reflux are highly suggested as a method of controlling symptoms. Drinking aloe juice, lots of water, and eating papaya will reduce the production of gastric acid in the stomach. Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, eating less fattening meals and reducing alcohol intake are great techniques. Remember that effective treatment varies for each individual.
For more information on acid reflux disorder, review The Reflux Remedy Report to get all of your questions answered.
Filed under Acid Reflux by admin