February 23, 2011

Homeopathic Cures for Acid Reflux

Get Rid of GerdThe condition acid reflux, commonly referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), has a number of symptoms. If these symptoms persist, this can lead to scarring of the esophagus lining, irritation, inflammation, ulcers and even cancer of the esophagus.


Symptoms of acid reflux can vary from person to person.

  • Heartburn: Heartburn is a main symptom of acid reflux. A burning feeling in your chest and throat can signal that you have heartburn. Heartburn that takes place three times a week or more is a sign of GERD.
  • Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing is the hallmark of dysphagia. Those suffering from dysphagia feel as though food is stuck in their throat or neck.
  • Regurgitation: Vomiting or constant burping are characteristics of regurgitation. When acid refluxes and makes its way to the mouth, this can leave a sour taste in your mouth.
  • Nausea: Having an upset stomach can point toward acid reflux. Feeling uneasy or unsettled in your stomach can be a reflection of the stomach acids that have exited to the esophagus.
  • Sore Throat/Hoarseness: Neck and throat irritation is common and can cause you to have a sore throat or become hoarse.


There is more than just one cause for acid reflux. Most of the common causes have the same negative effect on the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. The LES is the entrance point for foods after you chew and swallow. When the food goes down the esophagus, it must cross through the LES to reach the stomach. An LES that is weakened does not effectively safeguard your esophagus from coming into contact with gastric acid and bile.

  • Alcohol Consumption: Drinking alcohol can irritate the esophagus and increase the burning sensation caused by heartburn.
  • Smoking: Smoking diminishes the strength of the LES which is needed to block stomach acid.
  • Hiatal Hernia: A shift in stomach and esophagus placement can make the LES weak and allow acid to reflux.
  • Pregnancy: Extraordinary hormone levels and a compressed stomach can cause acid to reflux

Home Remedies

There are several nontraditional cures for acid reflux that consist of natural ingredients.

  • Ginger tea or root is great for naturally absorbing stomach acid and has a soothing effect.
  • Apple cider vinegar, although it has an acidic pH on its own, is not acid forming once digested. Apple cider vinegar has an alkaline quality after it is broken down in the stomach.
  • Fennel seed is a natural herb that aids the digestive process by regulating stomach spasms that may contribute to GERD.
  • Aloe consumed as a juice is great for acid reflux because it relieves heartburn and settles the stomach.
  • Papaya contains an enzyme that naturally helps to digest your food, preventing the stomach from having to produce a lot of gastric acid.
  • Drinking water frequently can help to neutralize stomach acid as well.

Handling your acid reflux can be a challenge if you don’t have all the tools for treating this disease. For more information on homeopathic cures for acid reflux, review the Reflux Remedy Report or visit www.refluxremedy.com today.

GERD Symptoms




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February 22, 2011

Holistic Remedies for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition that can cause severe discomfort and harm to your body. When the corrosive acid in your stomach gets into your esophagus and goes up towards your mouth, this can have damaging effects. Stomach acid is designed to chemically deconstruct foods to expose useful nutrients for your body. When stomach acid makes contact with your esophagus and throat, it can essentially break down these parts of your anatomy. A problem with your lower esophageal sphincter could be the reason that you are suffering from acid reflux. If you continuously experience acid reflux, it is likely that you could develop gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Modifying Your Lifestyle

There are certain activities that can encourage or suppress acid reflux. You should use holistic remedies for acid reflux as a first resort.

  • Don’t eat right before bed. Eating before sleeping in a flat position makes it easier for food and acid to spill from the stomach. Each time you eat, your body naturally produces gastric acids to digest the foods. Lying down only allows the acid to escape.
  • Eating smaller meals that are low in fat will help to treat your acid reflux. Larger meals promote the production of more stomach acid that can end up in your esophagus.
  • Investigating your food choices is of utmost importance in remedying acid reflux. Everything that enters your body will have a positive or negative effect. Some foods may trigger your acid reflux more than others. Keep a daily food log to discover what foods may promote acid reflux and eliminate those foods from your diet.
  • Leave bad habits behind if you want to reduce your risk of acid reflux. Smoking is unhealthy for your respiratory and digestive systems. When you smoke, the lower esophageal sphincter loses strength and will permit gastric acids to escape from the stomach to the esophagus.

Natural Treatment

You should use holistic remedies for acid reflux as a first resort in combating this disease.

  • Aloe Juice can minimize the symptoms of acid reflux. Heartburn, a major symptom of acid reflux will decrease when aloe juice is incorporated in your diet. Aloe, in juice form only, acts as a neutralizer, and counteracts the effects of acid in the esophagus.
  • Ginger, candied or in your tea, is great for relieving acid reflux and other digestive problems. Ginger can have a calming and settling effect on your stomach. Although ginger has a very strong flavor, it will not leave your mouth with an awful odor.
  • Drinking water is one of the easiest and least expensive holistic remedies for acid reflux. When large amounts of water contact your stomach acid, it has a diluting effect that soothes the esophagus.
  • Papaya in your diet will aid daily digestion and discourage the body from producing as much stomach acid. Papaya consists of an enzyme that is well suited for breaking down foods, preventing the presence of unneeded gastric acid.

There are many other options for treating acid reflux. Seeking out holistic remedies for acid reflux is the safest way to bring this disease under control. For more information on acid reflux and other natural remedies, visit reflexremedy.com.

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Natural Relief for Heartburn

Natural relief for heartburn doesn’t necessarily mean your curing your heartburn. If you just want fast temporary relief you can take a teaspoon of aluminum free baking soda and mix it into a 10 ounce glass of water and drink it slowly . . . that works better than an antacid and you won’t get all the heavy metal toxins in your body.

The problem here is I don’t know if your heartburn is from too much stomach acid.

It’s a myth the antacid industry made up decades ago to sell their so-called anti-heartburn products.

Fact is 90% or more of people who suffer from digestive imbalances have a lack of stomach acid.

It may surprise you to learn that the symptoms for lack of stomach acid or for an over abundance of stomach acid are typically the same. You can have heartburn from an inability to properly digest your food. This lack of digestive acids leads to heartburn because all the food you eat just sits in your gut.

Without adequate stomach acid you can’t digest your meals. You need to have enough stomach acid so that your food chemically breaks down into small molecules of fat, carbs and nutrients needed to make stomach acid and other things necessary for life . . . that would be natural relief.

Having heartburn could mean you’re suffering from a slow kind of nutritional starvation. Just because you’re eating food doesn’t mean you’re getting the benefits of that food.

Natural relief for heartburn in my book really means anything that naturally helps restore your normal digestive balance.

Heartburn is simply a signal trying to clue you in that something wrong is causing your discomfort . . . your heartburn pain.

Taking some kind of antacid for heartburn relief may seem to make good sense at first glance, but considering that’s all you’ve ever been told, or programmed, to do really doesn’t even qualify it as your own idea . . . that’s not very natural.

Learn to listen to your inner intelligence. You have more than 60 TRILLION cells which all depend on nutrients and their cofactors to enable them to communicate.

It’s like an Inner-net of cells.

Real natural relief for your heartburn would quench your deepest cellular needs. If you lack stomach acid, you need mineral sources from green leafy vegetables to help your body restore digestive balance. First you may have to literally go through a fasting period to help your gut digest and detox . . . that would be a form of natural relief for your heartburn.

If you really are one of the rare cases where you actually suffer from an over production of stomach acid, then you’ll need to find the cause if it and eliminate it to truly experience any relief.

You’re on the right track, do more of your own due diligence, talk to health practitioners and maybe even have your stomach checked for acid content . . .there is a test your doctor can give you.

Lasting natural relief for your heartburn is to eliminate whatever the cause is and stop thinking you need to block your Inner-net signals, learn to listen to them better.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

Natural Relief for Heartburn




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February 21, 2011

Natural Remedies For Heartburn

Natural remedies for heartburn allow you to reverse the degenerative process and activate your innate natural healing process.

Natural remedies are NOT drugs because they do not waste your time and money treating the symptoms of your heartburn. Natural remedies remedy your heartburn by helping you eliminate the root cause of your heartburn symptoms.

Natural remedies for heartburn, acid reflux or acid indigestion are not sold in drug stores and you will never hear of a natural remedy for heartburn on television or any other mainstream media source.

The mainstream media, such as TV, radio and newspapers, are a business, a BIG business owned by only a hand full of very wealthy people hiding behind the cover of corporations. There is no money to be made in natural remedies for heartburn.

In fact if the natural remedies for heartburn got out it would cost these media moguls billions, not including all the possible liability suits people with complications form heartburn would file.

Frankly the natural remedy for your heartburn is to stop using acid reflux, heartburn or acid indigestion products altogether. Odds are if you don’t use a natural remedy for your heartburn now, you’ll end up with a hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal acid reflux or even throat cancer because you ignored the root cause of your heartburn, allowing your heartburn to become a gateway disease.

Always, as a rule, seek out the most natural and harmless way to cure you of heartburn related health problems and for that matter ANY health issue.

Drugs are emergency medicine, they were never intended for long term use, never intended to cure or prevent. Heartburn antacids and drugs are there incase you failed to prevent or cure your heartburn and don’t know of a natural remedy to reverse it.

As long as the mainstream media can block natural remedy information from getting to you, the more likely you’ll end up being a cash cow of the medical industry for life.

The natural remedy for heartburn is to look at the causal level of your acid reflux issues, find the trigger and eliminate it. It may be your diet, diet habits, lifestyle habits, lack of stomach acid, lack of digestive enzymes, and lack of gut flora, bacterial infection, low blood serum pH . . . or all of the above.

The natural remedy for your heartburn is whatever it takes to help your immune and enteric system to become stronger. It could be anything from a mineral deficiency that’s causing a stomach acid deficiency to not having adequate nutrients necessary for an efficient digestive and immune system, to a bacterial imbalance.

Every natural remedy is as unique as the person with the heartburn issues, so gather more research, find proven remedies on the FREE Internet and interview health practitioners . . . you’ll find a simple affordable natural remedy for your heartburn I?m sure.

You were born to heal,


Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

Natural Heartburn Relief




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